Research Template - UMKC School of Medicine
Transcript Research Template - UMKC School of Medicine
The pulmonary vessel adventitia: role in pathology of fat embolism
Susamita Kesh, Agostino Molteni, Todd M. Stevens, Betty Herndon
UMKC School of Medicine
The pulmonary arterial wall consists of 3 layers,
intima, media, adventitia
Smooth muscle cells & endothelial cells make up the
first 2 layers, the adventitia is the most complex
Adventitia contains fibroblasts, blood and lymphatics,
adrenergic nerves, progenitor and immune cells
It is the major injury-sensing tissue of the vessel wall
Adventitia is activated by hormones, inflammation,
hypoxia, foreign substances in blood and responds by
upregulating cytokines and chemokines that regulate
the vessel wall
Adventitia becomes, when blood pressure↑, the most
important part of the blood vessel due to its stiffening,
secretion, and the presence of inflammatory cells.
Hypothesis: The pulmonary adventitia is crucial to
the lung pathology induced by fat embolism.
Lung Adventitia
The adventitia consists of an extracellular scaffold containing
fibroblasts, blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves, progenitor and
immune cells
This makes the adventitia the most complex compartment of
the blood vessel wall
Recent published data shows that the adventitia is a center for
storage, integration and release of the key components of blood
vessel function:
Adventitial cells are often the first vascular wall cells to be
They are early in cell proliferation
They express many important proteins (adhesion,
extracellular matrix)
Adventitia secretes chemokines, cytokines, angiogenic proteins
that effect other cell walls
In summary, the adventitia regulates vascular structure and
Sub-endothelial zone
Adventitia stem &
progenitor cells
Fat embolism model and adventitia
In humans fat embolism (FE: from marrow lipids
reaching the lung secondary to long bone fracture) is
seen early post injury as respiratory insufficiency
which clears without intervention
It is commonly believed that there are no long term
pulmonary sequelae after FE—although human
studies have shown decreased PFTs in groups with
healed long bone fractures compared to controls
To further evaluate responses of pulmonary vessel
components to FE, this study attempts to evaluate
changes in pulmonary vessel adventitia following a
model of long bone fracture: fat embolism complicated
by a “second hit”
36 rats were administered fat embolism model
(triolein i.v.) or saline, followed at 6 weeks by LPS i.p.
or saline, with lung study at 24 hr
Bronchoalveolar lavages
Groups: 18 saline i.v. or 18 triolein i.v. (fat
embolism and controls)
Each of these groups were further divided into
saline or LPS i.p. treated animals at 6 weeks.
Necropsy was performed 48 hours later.
4-5 digital photos at 400 x were taken of each
lung section
Lumen, media and adventitia diameters were
measured for each lung
Lumen-media ratio and media-adventitia
ratios were calculated
The vessel ratios were compared by group
using Statistica parametric comparison
Adventitia diameters were statistically
analyzed separately
Saline + 6 wk + saline @ 24 hr
Triolein + 6 wk + saline @ 24 hr
Saline + 6 wk + LPS
@ 24 hr
Triolein + 6 wk + LPS @ 24 hr
• ~ 15% elevation in BAL PMN by triolein 6
weeks earlier and ~ threefold elevation by LPS
, 24 hr before BAL counts
• Macrophages and lymphocytes were not
significantly different by treatment group
LPS at 6 wk
(right) increases
inflammation but
does not change
the vessel.
control artery
with adventitia
H&E 400x
Triolein (fat
embolism model)
stimulates vessel
adventitia; added
LPS shows similar
effect H&E 400x
Triolein (fat embolism
model) stimulates
vessel adventitia;
added LPS shows
similar effect
trichrome 400x
Summary /Conclusion
adventitial change in a model of fat embolism
was measured
both initial insult (fat embolism) and a second
hit (LPS at 6 weeks) produce effects on
pulmonary vasculature and the adventitia in
This and previous work suggest an effect of the
renin-angiotensin system on lung vessels in this
model of fat embolism
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