Personality Theories
Transcript Personality Theories
PSY 3320 Theories of Personality
What is personality?
Not a readily defined concept
Little common agreement among personality theorists
on the appropriate use of the term
However, provides a definition of
personality that says, “personality is made up of the
characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and
behaviors that make a person unique.”
Personality Theories
Social-Cognitive and Behaviorist
Psychoanalytic Personality Theorists
Sigmund Freud
Neo Freudians
Carl Jung
Alfred Adler
Karen Horney
Eric Fromm
Erik Erikson
Social-cognitive and Behaviorist
Personality Theorists
Jean Piaget
Albert Bandura
Ivan Pavlov
B. F. Skinner
Humanistic Personality Theorists
Abraham Maslow
Carl Rogers
Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
Born in 1856
Started in medical school studying neurology
First practiced neuropsychiatry
Sigmund Freud
Personality is made up of 3 interacting components
Sigmund Freud
Compared the mind to an iceberg made up of 3 levels
Freud’s 3 levels of the mind
Conscious—our current thoughts, feelings, desires,
memories, etc…everything we are aware of at any given
Freud’s 3 levels of the mind
Preconscious—closely associated with the conscious
Anything that one is not currently aware of but can
easily be recalled into the conscious mind
Freud’s 3 levels of the mind
Unconscious—biggest part of the mind
Includes everything that one may not be aware of like
drives and instincts and also things that one may have
unknowingly repressed for some reason
Freud: Mind is an iceberg
3 components of personality
Id—basic instinctual drives
Pleasure principle
Subjective reality
Immediate gratification
3 components of personality
Ego—develops to realistically deal with the Id
Reality principle
Objective reality
Delayed gratification
3 components of personality
Superego—represents internalized values, ideals, and
moral standards
Sets the limits
Provides feeling of guilt
Ego conflict
The Ego must create a balance between the pleasure
seeking Id and the Superego
Sometimes keeping this balance can become very
difficult for the ego and can create anxiety
Freud identified 3 different forms of anxiety
Reality anxiety
Fear of something real
Example: fear of failing a test if one has not studied
Moral anxiety
Feelings of anxiety that originate in the superego
Examples include feelings of shame, guilt, etc
Neurotic anxiety
Fear of being overwhelmed by internal drives, impulses,
Example: fear of “losing one’s mind”
Defense Mechanisms
To deal with this anxiety, the ego develops defense
mechanisms to keep anxiety from taking over
Defense Mechanisms
Repression—unconscious repressing of a traumatic
event, desire, etc
Denial—not accepting the reality of something
Regression—acting in a child-like way like an adult
having a temper tantrum
Defense Mechanisms continued
Displacement—taking one’s anxiety and redirecting it
on to someone or something else
Sublimation—taking something unpleasant and
turning it into something productive and useful
Retrogression—trying to get back to a specific age
Example of Displacement
Defense Mechanisms continued
Reaction formation—one’s behavior is opposite of the
way they really feel
Projection—take any unacceptable impulses and
attribute them to something else
Rationalization—coming up with reasons to justify
something…making up lies that we want to believe
Freud’s Stage Theory
Freud’s Psychosexual stages of Development
Put emphasis on sexuality
Claimed that depending on our age and what stage we
are in, we have different erogenous zones
If we become frustrated or overindulged at any
particular stage we may become fixated on that stage
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
Oral stage (birth to 18 months)*
Erogenous zone: mouth
Associated with weaning
* Ages are approximate
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
Anal Stage (18 months to 4)
Erogenous zone: anus
Associated with potty training
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
Phallic stage (3—5-6)
Oedipus complex (boys)
Castration anxiety—fear of losing one’s penis
Electra complex (girls)
Penis envy—according to Freud, girls apparently want a penis
Oedipus Complex
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
Latency stage (6-puberty)
Once children go to school they can focus their energy
on learning
Freud’s Psychosexual Stages
Genital stage (puberty-adulthood)
Pleasure is derived from sexual intercourse
Freud’s Psychosexual stages of
Neo Freudians
Carl Jung
Alfred Adler
Karen Horney
Eric Fromm
Neo Freudians
Neo Freudians generally disagreed with Freud on at
least one of several different issues
1. Freud’s emphasis on sexual drives
2. Freud’s belief that human nature is naturally evil
3. Freud’s failure to acknowledge adult experiences as a
potential influence on an individual’s personality
Neo Freudians
Carl Jung
Carl Jung
Follower of Freud
Disagreed with Freud over sexual drives
Founded analytic psychology
Carl Jung
Psyche—all psychological processes, thoughts,
feelings, etc
Viewed the unconscious as a source of consciousness
Libido—an undifferentiated energy that moves a
person forward
This is a different definition than Freud who viewed
libido as a sexual impulse or drive
Personal Unconscious vs. Collective
Personal unconscious
An individual’s history that has been repressed or
Jung’s personal unconscious was the same as Freud’s
Personal Unconscious vs. Collective
Personal unconscious
Example: an idea an individual has of their OWN
mother—nurturing, strict, etc
Personal Unconscious vs. Collective
Collective unconscious
Universal forms of thought an individual may have
about any given idea (archetypes)
Example: a general idea an individual may have about a
mother figure—kind, nurturing, caring
Carl Jung
Universal symbols
Stereotypical ways of looking at something
Jung identified 4 different archetypes although he
believed there could be an infinite number of
1. The Self
2. The Shadow
3. The Persona
4. The Anima or Animus
The Self
Central archetype that is the combination of the
unconscious and conscious
True midpoint of personality
A Mandela is a symbol of the self
The Shadow
Made up of repressed and unsocial thoughts, feelings,
and behaviors
Dark side of the psyche
Unknown to most individuals although it can appear in
The Persona
Social role
Our way of presenting ourselves to society
One’s persona or way of presenting themselves can
change depending on what social setting and/or
situation they are in
The Anima or Animus—one’s true self
Can be different than the self one presents to the world
Feminine side of male psyche
Masculine side of female psyche
Other possible archetypes
Father—strong, provider, head of family
Grandparents—doting, loving, generous
Youngest child—spoiled, baby, etc
Alfred Adler
Neo Freudian who disagreed with Freud in that Freud
did not focus on the importance of an individual’s
culture and society on the development of their
Alfred Adler
Defined social interest as:
A desire innate in individuals to adjust themselves to
whatever conditions exist at the present in their social
Defined fictional finalism as:
Belief that individuals have where they think of future
events or ideas as being definite even though there is no
way to definitely predict our personal future
Alfred Adler’s Psychotherapy
Adler’s therapy mainly consisted of getting people to
realize they may have unrealistic life goals
He tried to get people to return to a sense of reality
Karen Horney (1885-1952)
Karen Horney
Radical feminist who disagreed with the Freudian
Theory of neuroses and defense attitudes
Countered Freud’s “penis envy” with “womb envy”
Karen Horney
Womb envy
Women have a higher, more important role in that they
can give birth to children
This explains the high achievements of men because they have
to make up in other areas for the fact that they cannot give
Karen Horney
Defense attitudes
Attitudes we develop to allow us to deal with all the
anxiety in the real world
Should reduce anxiety
Karen Horney
Identified 3 coping strategies
1. primary modes of relating
2. moving away
3. moving against
Karen Horney
Made a distinction between one’s “real self” and
“idealized self”
Real self—acknowledging one’s own true unique talents
Idealized self—what one thinks they should be
Real Self
Realized by those who live in harmony with their own
Horney believed that all children are born with a drive
toward self-realization
Believed that children’s relationships with their
caretakers strongly influence whether they develop a
real self
Real Self
Will emerge naturally if children are allowed to grow
and mature without hindrance
Most important thing a parent can give their child is a
sense of belonging
Real Self
Sense of belonging can be realized if parents
empathize with their children and are accepting and
recognize that their children are unique individuals
This will bring out a basic confidence in children
Encourages the development of positive qualities
This basic confidence allows for the development of
positive qualities that Horney believes is a trademark
of self-realization
Examples of qualities of self-realizing children
Openness to experience
Ability to recognize their limitations
Ability to be themselves
Knowledge of who they are
Poor parenting can harm the development of self-
realization in children
Examples of poor parenting according to Horney:
Apathy toward the child
Favoring of another sibling
Any one of the examples of poor parenting may not
necessarily result in poor self-development
Rather, the spirit in which parents care for their
children and the atmosphere they create is extremely
Idealized Self
Used as a model that we create to help us continue
striving toward our goals and fully realize our potential
Eric Fromm
Worked closely with Karen Horney
Talked about basic human conditions and needs
Escape mechanisms
Eric Fromm
Freedom—basic human condition part of a
psychological problem
Fromm believed that as people get more freedom, they
also have increased feelings of separation and isolation
He proposed 3 escape mechanisms that people use to
escape from the burden of freedom
Escape Mechanisms
Escape from freedom by becoming part of a larger society
either by becoming an authority or by allowing others to be an
Escape from freedom by destroying something in the world or
harming oneself
Automation conformity
Escape from freedom by blending in with the world
Erik Erikson
Erik Erikson
Psychosocial Theory of Development
Stage theory
Each stage represents a new conflict that must be resolved in
order to successfully move on to the next stage
Stages extend from birth until death
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 1
Basic trust vs. basic mistrust (0-1)*
Infants are helpless as in they rely on their caregiver for everything
Basic trust develops when the caregiver provides predictable,
reliable, and consistent care
Basic mistrust develops when the caregiver does not consistently
provide predictable, reliable, and consistent care
For example, the infant cries and no one comes to feed it, etc
*ages are approximate
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 2
Autonomy vs. shame and self doubt (2-3)
Related to potty training
Autonomy develops if the child understands that they are
being potty trained in order to gain more self-control
Shame and self doubt develops if their caregiver has a “do it or
else” attitude
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 3
Initiative vs. guilt (3-5)
During this stage children have a lot of energy and enthusiasm
but yet they still require the supervision of adults
If caregivers are able to harness the child’s energy and
enthusiasm and give them guidance than they will develop
However, if caregivers only punish children without providing
proper guidance they will develop guilt
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 4
Industry vs. inferiority (5-11)
Children have a desire to feel like they are good at something
If caregivers provide encouragement and help children to
realize they are a valuable part of the community, they will
develop industry
However, if caregivers make fun of children’s skills or abilities,
they will develop inferiority
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 5
Identity vs. role confusion (11-18)
The conflict during adolescence is finding out what one is
going to do with their life
Identity will develop if one successfully tries out new things
and uses the feedback to figure out what they want to do
and/or be
Role confusion will prevail if one is unable to figure out what
they want with their life
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
After Erikson’s first 5 stages, the conflicts are less
intense and have no specific age associated with them.
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 6
Intimacy vs. isolation (early adulthood)
This stage focuses on an individual’s ability to become part of
a meaningful relationship
Intimacy results if the individual is successful
Isolation results if an individual fails to establish a
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 7
Generativity vs. stagnation (middle adulthood)
Generativity results if an individual feels they are being
productive with their life
Stagnation results if an individual feels like their life is
progressing the way they want it to
Erikson’s Psychosocial stages
Stage 8
Ego integrity vs. despair (late adulthood)
Ego integrity results if an individual can look back on their life
and feel like it was worth it
Despair results if an individual looks back on their life and
feels like they haven’t done anything productive
Erikson vs. Freud
Jean Piaget
Jean Piaget
Began as a biologist
Claimed people are always striving to adapt and
survive…believed this was an innate tendency
Claimed that the reason we are always striving to adapt
and survive is because of our reasoning skills
Jean Piaget
Humans reasoning skills are what makes them
different from other animals and organisms
Epistemology—the study of knowledge or reason
What individuals are or are not capable of knowing
Jean Piaget
Dealt with cognitive development
Growth of the mind
Believed that mental development goes along with
neurological development
Jean Piaget
Believed development of the mind of a child happens
in an orderly stage-like process
Believed children are capable of grasping certain
things at certain ages and not before
Jean Piaget
Believed children are actively trying to understand and
become scientists
Claimed that children are NOT a blank slate that
everything needs to be pressed on
This was contrary to the teachings of John Locke who
maintained that children’s minds are a blank slate that
can be molded into anything
Jean Piaget
Defined “schemes” as basic structures or
understandings of the mind
Schemes are mental outlines about how some part of the
world operates
Children’s understanding of the world is dependent on
the stage they are in
For example, infant’s schemes include how to suck, throw, etc
while an adult scheme may be how to operate a vehicle
Jean Piaget
The mind is constantly forming and reforming
Cognitive disequilibrium—when an individual is
confronted with a new situation there is a tendency to
get frustrated
Since individuals’ don’t like frustration, we either
assimilate or accommodate to remove the frustration
Jean Piaget
Once schemes are formed—like how to act in a
classroom—we can form new schemes using the old
ones (assimilation) or we may be forced to form
completely new schemes (accommodation) when we
are confronted with a new situation
Jean Piaget
Individual’s build on current schemes to adapt to a new
With assimilation there is no need to relearn anything…just
use an existing scheme
Jean Piaget
Either modify a scheme or create a brand-new scheme
Accommodation occurs when an individual comes up against
the limitations of their knowledge making it necessary to
grow and mature through accommodation
Jean Piaget
Children are able to assimilate and accommodate
certain things at certain stages
Piaget’s developed 4 stages of cognitive development
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
I. Sensorimotor Period (0-2)
Infants knowledge is mostly concerned with how they
can move something
How things in the world look and feel
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
6 sub phases of the Sensorimotor Period
1. Reflex Activity (0-1 month)
Most of the child’s activities involves reflexes of some kind
2. Self-investigation (1-4 mo.)
More intentional activity and primarily circular reactions
May repeat the original movement that got whatever it is they
want in the first place
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
3. Coordination and Reading Out (4-8mo.)
Increase in myelin in the brain facilitates their ability to
explore things in their environment
4. Purposeful co ordinations/goal directed behavior (8-
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
5. Experimentation (12-18mo.)
Children play with objects just to see what happens
Involves tertiary circular reactions
6. problem solving and mental combinations (18-24
Children are using symbolic representation (language)
They can represent the world in words and images
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
During the Sensorimotor period children develop
object permanence
Object permanence is essential for acquiring language
Object permanence is the realization that something
exists even if they can’t see it
No longer dependent on sensing and feeling
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
II Preoperational Period (2-7)
Children have a more abstract knowledge (thinking)
However, their thinking is not logical and it is egocentric
Egocentrism is where one’s outlook is entirely concerned with
oneself…only see things from one’s own perspective
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
2 sub phases of the Preoperational Period
Pre-concepts (2-4)
Concepts are incomplete and biased
Intuitive thought (4-7)
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
Children during the Preoperational Period are biased
toward their own first-person viewpoint
They believe everything has feelings (talking trains and frogs
make sense to them)
They may think the moon is following them
May cover their eyes with their hands because they believe that
if they can’t see a person than the person can’t see them
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
At the end of the Preoperational Period, children should
finally realize that reality goes beyond egocentrism and
that there are other ways of viewing the world beyond
their own thoughts, feelings, etc
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
III Concrete Operational Period (7-11)
This stage represents when a child first becomes a
logical thinker
Use of concrete logic
Good way to teach kids fractions is by using pizza
Use words like “take away” instead of subtract
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
Children have completely overcome their egocentric
bias when they learn to conserve
Conservation—based off of mental processes
Example of a conservation task…fill up two short, fat cups with
juice…then take one of the cups and pour the juice into a tall
skinny cup…if the child realizes that both the short fat cup and
the tall skinny cup has the same amount of fluid they can
Piaget’s conservation task
Example: lack of conservation
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
Once children have learned to conserve, they have made
it to the final stage of Piaget’s cognitive development
Piaget’s stages of cognitive dev.
IV Formal Operational Period (11+)
Thinking is abstract—not necessarily tied to the
concrete material world
Ability to contemplate the future—hypothetical
Discovers possibility
Criticism of Piaget’s stage theory
Some have contended that children are capable of
learning certain things before Piaget claims they can
Example—a teacher-student relationship—students
usually try to give a teacher the right answer, also, kids
may not always know what they’re being asked
Alternatives to Piaget
Vygotsky contended that there are not perfectly
segmented stages of cognitive development
Rather, it is better to talk about general zones
Came up with scaffolding as a way to get through to
children…talk to them on a level they can understand
Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory
Observational learning or modeling
Bobo doll example
Albert Bandura
Bobo doll
Bandura showed children a video of a woman beating up
a bobo doll
The children were then allowed to play in a playroom
complete with a bobo doll
Albert Bandura
Not surprisingly, many of the children then proceeded
to beat up the bobo doll in a similar fashion to what
they just observed in the video
Bandura called this observational learning since the
children basically copied the behavior of the woman in
the video
Albert Bandura
Observational Learning or Modeling
The children in the bobo doll experiment were not
given any reward to change their behavior
Instead, all that was needed to change their behavior
was to observe someone else doing the behavior
Albert Bandura
These results conflicted with Behaviorist Learning Theory
Behaviorists believe that individual’s learning behavior through a
system of rewards and punishments
However, Bandura demonstrated that individual’s could also
learn through modeling
Alfred Bandura
Theory of Observational Learning
Vicarious reinforcement—an individuals sees someone
else being rewarded for a behavior which makes the
individual more likely to perform the behavior
Alfred Bandura
If role models provide vicarious reinforcement and an
individual models them:
Modeling effect—the individual wants the same reward
the role model received
Additionally, if a role model is punished for a negative
behavior, an individual may not engage in that
behavior because they don’t want the same
Ivan Pavlov
Russian physiologist
Researched involuntary reflex actions
Discovered what would become known as classical
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning—type of learning where a
behavior or response is automatically evoked by a
stimulus that was originally induced by another
Discovered some form of classical conditioning when
working with dogs
Classical Conditioning
Neutral stimulus
Produces no particular response
Unconditioned stimulus
Automatically produces a particular response
Conditioned stimulus
Produced by a former neutral stimulus that has become
conditioned by becoming associated with the
unconditioned stimulus
Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned response
An automatic response resulting from the
unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
A response that has been learned and it results from the
stimulus that used to be neutral
Classical Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov and his dog experiment
Pavlov was able to make dogs salivate when they heard a
He did this through classical conditioning
He paired a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned
stimulus to evoke a conditioned response
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov would put some food in front of his dogs and
they would begin to salivate
The food is the unconditioned stimulus and salivating is
the unconditioned response
He then would present food AND ring a bell at the
same time and of course the dogs still salivated
In the beginning the bell was the neutral stimulus
Classical Conditioning
After presenting the food and ringing the bell together
multiple times he eventually just rang the bell
Not surprisingly, the dogs still salivated even though
there was no food present
Classical Conditioning
The bell that started out as the neutral stimulus
became the conditioned stimulus after being paired
with the unconditioned stimulus
Therefore, the bell alone could now produce salivation
which became the conditioned response to the bell
This showed how stimulus-response bonds are created
Ivan Pavlov
B. F. Skinner
Operant conditioning
Schedules of reinforcement
Operant conditioning
When organisms operate on the environment, there
are effects
These effects are known as consequences or reinforcers
Consequences determines the predictability or the
likelihood of a behavior
Operant vs. Classical Condition.
Classical conditioning is an automatic stimulus-
response type of learning
Operant conditioning is where rewards or
punishments increase or decrease the likelihood of
someone repeating the behavior
Classical vs. Operant Condition.
Operant Conditioning
Two types of consequences
Punishment (not necessarily something negative)
Reinforcement (reward)
Operant Conditioning
Punishment—decrease in the probability that the
behavior will happen again
Positive punishment
Decrease likelihood of a behavior by giving or inflicting
something bad
Negative punishment
Decrease likelihood of a behavior by removing something
Operant Conditioning
Reinforcement—increase in the likelihood of a
behavior happening again
Positive reinforcement
Increase likelihood of a behavior by giving something good
Negative reinforcement
Increase likelihood of a behavior by removing something bad
Operant Conditioning
Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed interval
Reward will occur on a regular basis after a certain (and
always the same) amount of time—this amount of time
could be every half hour, every week, every month, etc.
Variable interval
Reward will occur on a regular basis after a specific
amount of time. However, the amount of time may
change—it could be every half hour, every week, OR
every month, etc.
Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed Ratio
Reward is given based on the behavior happening a certain
amount of times—it could be after the behavior happens 5
times, etc.
Variable Ratio
Reward is given based on the behavior happening a certain
amount of times but it is not known when during those times
the reward will be given—it could be once every 5 times but
on the 4th time one time and on the 3rd time the next time
Use of “successive approximations”
Idea is to train bit by bit—first get the individual or
animal to do a behavior that’s only somewhat similar to
the end target, then keep changing the behavior to be
more and more similar to the end target
1. train a dog to come into a room and give them a treat
2. train a dog to come into a room and go to a specific
spot and give them a treat
3. train a dog to come into a room, go to a specific spot,
and sit down and give them a treat
This could keep going on until whatever behavior someone
wants is achieved
Abraham Maslow
Developed hierarchy of needs
On the bottom are basic needs we need to survive
(breathing, drinking, eating, etc.)
Once those needs are fulfilled we have other needs
(safety, etc.)
Once we have made it to the top we have a need of selfactualization
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Abraham Maslow
Self actualization
In order to reach this level all other needs must be met
Self actualization involves always striving to be the best
one can possibly be—fulfilling one’s potential
Carl Rogers
Believed that a developing person has an inherent
need and desire to fulfill one’s own potential
Actualizing tendency—always striving to become one’s
ideal self
Ideal self
What each individual strives to become
Carl Rogers
Everyone is born with a self-actualizing tendency
This does not mean everyone successfully becomes
his/her ideal self
Parents who provide their children with unconditional
love create an environment conducive to healthy
Carl Rogers
Children who think their parents are not providing
them with unconditional love, may change their
behavior to what they think will make their parents
love them
This may create confusion for the child since they are
not acting like themselves but rather are acting as what
their parents want them to be
Carl Rogers
This confusion can also become anxiety for the child
because they may feel if they stop acting in the way
they believe their parents want them to, their parents
may stop loving them
Self-actualizing then becomes fake because it is
opposite of the child’s real wants and feelings
Carl Rogers
This will create an incongruence between the real self
and the ideal self which in turn causes confusion and
This is, of course, harmful to the healthy development
of the self
Congruent vs. Incongruent
Works Cited
Boeree, C. G. (n.d.). Sigmund Freud. My Webspace files. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from
Boeree, C. G. (n.d.). Alfred Adler. My Webspace files. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from
Boeree, C. G. (n.d.). Albert Bandura. Personality Theories. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from
Cherry, K. (n.d.). Neo-Freudians - Who Were the Neo-Freudians. Psychology - Complete Guide to
Psychology for Students, Educators & Enthusiasts. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from
Cherry, K. (n.d.). Classical Conditioning - Introduction to Classical Conditioning. Psychology Complete Guide to Psychology for Students, Educators & Enthusiasts. Retrieved November 26, 2010,
Classical Conditioning. (n.d.). Learning-Theories. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from
Horney, Karen. (n.d.). New World Encyclopedia. Retrieved November 26, 2010, from
Jung, C.G. (1964). Man and His Symbols. New York; Doubleday and Company, Inc.
MBRITT. (n.d.). Defense Mechanism 2 by mbritt . ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons!.
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