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Transcript Neobehaviorists

Life after Watson
Influence by Watson?....Clearly.
Clark Hull
Hull (1884-1952)
Ph.D from University of Wisconsin in 1918
Invited to Yale in 1929
President of APA in 1935
Hull –Early Interests
University of Wisconsin
Aptitude Testing (1928)
 Hypnosis and Suggestibility (1933)
32 papers
Hull’s System - Yale
Stimuli and responses are assumed to be
bridged by intervening variables such as:
Habit strength
Hull’s System
= SHR x D x V x K
E refers to action potential in a given situation
H refers to habit strength (or number of previous trials in the
D is drive strength (e.g., the number of hours of deprivation)
V refers to stimulus intensity
K refers to incentive motivation
Hull’s Theory
Played a key role
Law of reinforcement:
Stimuli that reduce drive stimuli are reinforcing.
Secondary reinforcement
Any stimulus consistently associated with primary
reinforcers takes on reinforcing properties.
Hull - Legacy
Central figure in the development of
quantitative approaches to behavior.
Principles of Behavior (1943)
A Behavior System (1952)
Edward C. Tolman
Tolman (1886-1959)
Graduates with B.S. from MIT (1911)
Harvard (1915) – Ph.D in Psychology
President APA (1937)
Tolman’s System
Great range of topics that we encounter in our
daily lives
Focus on the role of cognition and purpose
Wanted a psychology with true breadth of
perspective that retained the desirable objective
features of classical behaviorism.
Tolman’s System
Believed that psychological processes intervene
between stimuli and responses.
Intervening variables:
Develops when a reward follows each
successful response.
Then becomes involved in directing and
controlling behavior
Tolman - Reinforcement
A reinforcer (e.g., food) has nothing to do
with learning, as such, but do regulate the
performance of learned responses.
Learning vs. Reinforcement vs. Performance
Cognitive maps
Tolman - Reinforcement
Latent learning
Reinforcement influences motivation and
hence performance, but learning itself is
an independent process.
Tolman’s - Legacy
Behaviorism could be more…
Set up the cognitive movement…
Springboard for work in:
Clinical Psychology
B.F. Skinner
Skinner Box
Skinner Box
Skinner’s Basic Law of Operant
A response that is followed by a reinforcer
is strengthened and is therefore more
likely to occur again.
A reinforcer is a stimulus or event that
increases the frequency of a response it
Operant Conditioniing
1) The reinforcer must follow the
2) The reinforcer must follow immediately.
3) The reinforcer must be contingent on
the response.
What Behaviors Can Be
Criminal Activity
Basic Concepts in OC
Shaping (Successive approximations)
Shaping is a means of teaching a behavior
when the free operant level for that behavior
is very low (or when the desired terminal
behavior is different in form from any
responses that the organism exhibits).
The Nature of Reinforcers
Primary Reinforcer:
One that satisfies a built-in (perhaps
biological) need or desire.
 Water
 Oxygen
 Warmth
The Nature of Reinforcers
Secondary (Conditioned) Reinforcers:
A previously neutral stimulus that has become
reinforcing to an organism through repeated
association with another reinforcer.
 Good grades
 $$$
 Feelings of success
What Kinds of Consequences Do
We Find Reinforcing?
Activity reinforcers
An opportunity to engage in a favorite
Premack Principle:
A normally high-frequency response, when it
follows a normally low-frequency response, will
increase the frequency of the low-frequency
What Kinds of Consequences Do
We Find Reinforcing?
Material reinforcers
Actual objects like food or toys
Social reinforcers
Gesture or sign from one person to another
that communicates positive regard like praise
or a smile.
What Kinds of Consequences Do
We Find Reinforcing?
Positive feedback:
Provides information as to which responses
are desirable (and which are not).
Examples: material and social reinforcers
What Kinds of Consequences Do
We Find Reinforcing?
Intrinsic reinforcers
When an individual engages in a response not
because of any external reinforcers but
because of the internal good feelings (the
intrinsic reinforcers) that such a response
Examples: feelings of success, feeling
relieved, feeling proud
Schedules of Reinforcement
Ratio Schedules:
A schedule in which reinforcement occurs
after a certain number of responses have
been emitted (fixed or variable)
Interval Schedules:
A schedule in which reinforcement is
contingent on the first response emitted after
a certain time interval has elapsed (fixed or
Ratio Schedules
Fixed Ratio (FR):
Reinforcer is presented after a certain
constant number of responses have occurred.
Example - 1:3 or 1:10
Produces a high and consistent response rate
Ratio Schedules
Variable Ratio (VR):
Reinforcement is presented after a particular,
yet changing, number of responses have been
Example – In a 1:5 VR you may first be reinforced
after four responses, then after seven more, then
after three, etc.
Interval Schedules
Fixed Interval (FI):
Reinforcement is contingent on the first
response emitted after a certain fixed time
interval has elapsed.
Example: The organism may be reinforced for the
first response emitted after five minutes have
Interval Schedules
Variable Interval (VI):
Reinforcement is contingent on the first
response emitted after a certain time interval
has elapsed, but the length of that interval
keeps changing from one occasion to the
Example – The organism may be reinforced for the
first response after five minutes, then the first
response after eight minutes, then the first
response after two minutes, etc.
Operant vs. Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Better explains
voluntary activity.
Better explains
involuntary activity.
Consequences are
contingent on behavior.
CS not contingent on
Stimuli follow behavior:
Rat runs maze, receives
Stimuli precede behavior:
Bell (CS) precedes salivation
Observational Learning
Modeling (Albert Bandura)
People learn by observing the behavior
of others
Learning occurs without reinforcement
Bandura study on Aggressive Behavior
Children watch film of adults hitting
& kicking a doll
These children were more aggressive
with the doll than children who didn’t
see the film
TV violence & Aggressive Behavior
Correlational studies: Children who watch a lot
of violent TV behave more aggressively
Best studies: TV watching controlled, realworld behavior observed.
Finding: TV violence seems to cause increase
in aggressive behavior (mainly in children who
were already aggressive)
Modeling Prosocial Behavior
Bandura study: Preschool children
overcoming fear of dogs
Bandura study: Shy children learn to
interact with others