Diapositiva 1 - CLILing me softly

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Transcript Diapositiva 1 - CLILing me softly

• Comparing sport in Incas'
times and nowadays we
can easily say that the
Incas did not practice just
for fun and entertainment
but also they did it as an
obligation from higher
classes, a social
requirement and rituals. For
example, fetching and
carrying news from Town to
town, walking several miles
a day.
• The Mesoamerican ballgame (hispanized as
Ulama) in Nahuatl was a sport with ritual
associations played since 1,400 B.C. by the preColumbian peoples of Ancient
Mexico and Central America. This sport had
different versions in different places during the
millennia, and a modern version of the
game, ulama
Games and sports were an important
component of the Aztec culture.
Beyond providing the Aztecs with a
means of entertainment and activity,
ancient Aztec games had a religious
meaning and were often played as a
part of their ritualistic ceremonies or
during sacrifice.
One of the most popular Aztec games
was Tachtli. In this game, two teams
played on a field shaped like an H
between two walls. The field was
divided in half and each team had its
own part. The goal of the game was
to get an 8-10 pound rubber ball to
the other team’s side.
Another of the popular Aztec games
was Patolli. This game was played on
a rock table in the shape of a cross.
Each of the four extremes of the This is the photo of the
cross had cells or spaces. The firststadium of Tachtli.
player to make it around the board
was the winner.
Comparationg of the sports
before and now.
• In comparisson with today,
sports were similar. What it could
be different is that they used
them for working
and religions purposses too;
and now we use them just for fun,
entrertainment and health
(although some jobs require
good physical condition and
sports too!)
• -What religious component do you think
the ulama could have?
• -If you could live in one of this civilizations,
which one would you chose? Why?