Transcript AZTEC

By: Mandy, Jen W.
and Tracy
Human Sacrifice
• The ritual of human sacrifice
remains the Aztecs' most
extreme divergence from
western ideas of civilization.
• To collect live prisoners for
sacrifice = capture from warfare
• Huitzilopochtli represented the
sun, the warrior and ensured the
Aztecs' survival –preferred
food was human blood
Human Sacrifice
• Aztecs believed that the
continual offering of blood
through human sacrifice will
prolong the existence of the
universe- to insure the sun's
arrival each day, a steady
amount of human hearts had to
be offered in holy sacrifice .
• They were unusual for the
extent for which they carried
out human sacrifice as mass
sacrifice was institutionalized
as a political policy.
“…the men or women who were to
sacrificed to their gods were
thrown on their backs…A priest
then came out with a stone
knife…and with this knife, he
opened the part where the heart is
and took out the heart, without the
person who was being sacrificed
uttering a word…”
• Lake-bottom sediments were scooped up along
shorelines to form narrow plots or strips of cultivable
land called chinampas.
• Roots of the plants always have access to moisture
provided by lake water = early form of hydroponic
• Extremely productiveseveral crops a year
• Chinampas became
known as the
“floating gardens” by
Spanish settlers.
 Chinampas allowed Spanish explorers to bring back these
exotic vegetables to Europe.
• They are still built and cultivated today in lake and swamp
areas south of Mexico City.
• Chinampas are among one of the greatest achievements of the
AZTEc calendar
• The Aztec calendar is a
Mesoamerican calendar designed
and used primarily by the Aztec
• It follows the basic structure of
calendars from throughout ancient
• This calendar is recorded as a
carving on the Aztec sun stone
(currently on exhibit in a Museum in
Mexico City.
• The calendar consisted of a 365
day calendar cycle and a 260 day
ritual cycle.
• These two cycles together formed
a 52 year "century", sometimes
called the "Calendar Round".
Aztec calendar
• Every month had a name and days
of the month were numbered from
one to twenty except for the last
month which was numbered only
from one to five
• The solar calendar of 365 days
was inseparable from the Sacred
Round. The priests used this
ritual calendar of 260 days for
divine purposes.
• The method of naming the
individual days consisted in the
combination of twenty pictorial
signs with the numbers one to
thirteen. Each of the day signs
also bears an association with one
of the four cardinal directions.