Chapter 20 Notes - Spokane Public Schools

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Chapter 20 Notes
Fort Sumter
Had a very limited supply
Would only last a few weeks
Lincoln wanted to send provisions
The South saw it as aggression
On April 12, 1861 the Confederates attacked
34 hour bombardment – took no lives
The Garrison surrendered
This electrified the North
Before talked of departing in peace
The Border States
Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee and North
Carolina joined the seceded states.
Richmond Virginia became the Confederate
Leaves Indian Territory (Oklahoma) Missouri,
Kentucky, W. Virginia, Maryland and Delaware
as border states
Lincoln: “Hoped to have God on his side but had
to have Kentucky”
Ohio River
Tributaries: Cumberland and Tennessee
United States map of 1861, show affiliation
of states and territories regarding the Civil
 Dark Maroon: States that
seceded before April 15,
 Red: States that seceded
after April 15, 1861
 Yellow: Union states that
permitted slavery
 Blue: Union states that
forbade slavery
 Grey: Territories
The South
Talented officers
Fighting on own soil
Bred to fight
Shortages of shoes,
uniforms, and blankets
Population 9 million
Including 3.5 million slaves
Many often went hungry
due to supply problems
Breakdown of
transportation system
Rail Roads
The North
Huge farm AND sprawling
¾ of the nation’s wealth
The sea
Established a blockade
Choked off supplies
Shattered Southern
22 million
Less prepared army
No effective military
Trial and error
The Ifs
If the Border States had seceded
If uncertain states of the upper Mississippi
Valley had turned against the Union
If a wave of Northern defeatism had
demanded an armistice
If Britain and/or France had broken the
The South Might Have Won
King Cotton
British relied on American South for 75% of its
cotton supplies
Needed Food more
Such good crops years before left Britain with a
India and Egypt filled in the gap later
And getting that from the North
A good reason not to cross the blockade and risk a
war with the Union
The Blockade is a key reason why the
South was claiming only 12% of the
nations wealth in 1870
The Trent Affair
Making ships
Laird rams
Best interest to help
south but own people
would not have it
Eventually have to bow to
the Northern requests
Ignores Southern pleas
Uses war as a chance to
take Mexico
Inserts Maximilian as
Emperor of Mexico
Was hoping they would
forget Monroe Doctrine
Napoleon III gives up
Maximillian before firing
The North Economic Boom
Leaps in technology creates America’s first
Millionaire boys
Sewing machines
Putting profits before patriotism
“shoddy millionaires”
Fabricating uniforms and footwear
Goodbye tailored clothing hello sizes
Petroleum a.k.a. coal oil
Vast surpluses in grain