FRP for Real - Computer Science
Transcript FRP for Real - Computer Science
FRP for Real
Paul Hudak
Yale University
Department of Computer Science
April 2001
Joint work with:
Zhanyong Wan
Walid Taha
Fran is a DSL for graphics and animation.
Frob is a DSL for robotics.
FranTk is a DSL for graphical user interfaces.
FRP (functional reactive programming) is the
essence of Fran, Frob, and FranTk:
Fran = FRP + graphics engine + library
Frob = FRP + robot controller + library
FranTk = FRP + Tk substrate + library
FRP has two key abstractions:
Continuous time-varying behaviors.
Discrete streams of events.
Domain-Specific Languages
Graphics, Robotics, GUIs, Vision
Functional Programming
Specialized languages
Continuous behaviors
and discrete reactivity
Functions, types, etc.
Continuous behaviors capture any time-varying
quantity, whether:
input (sonar, temperature, video, etc.),
output (actuator voltage, velocity vector, etc.), or
intermediate values internal to a program.
Operations on behaviors include:
Generic operations such as arithmetic, integration,
differentiation, and time-transformation.
Domain-specific operations such as edge-detection and
filtering for vision, scaling and rotation for animation and
graphics, etc.
Discrete event streams include user input as well as
domain-specific sensors, asynchronous messages,
interrupts, etc.
They also include tests for dynamic constraints on
behaviors (temperature too high, level too low, etc.)
Operations on event streams include:
Mapping, filtering, reduction, etc.
Reactive behavior modification (next slide).
Reactive Control of Continuous Values
One animation example that demonstrates
key aspects of FRP:
growFlower = stretch size flower
where size = 1 + integral bSign
bSign =
0 `until`
(lbp ==> -1 `until` lbr ==> bSign) .|.
(rbp ==> 1 `until` rbr ==> bSign)
Recall that:
Frob = FRP + robot controller + robot/vision library
Programming robots is a lot like programming an
… except that:
The robot doesn’t always do what you want it to do.
Error / anomalous conditions are more common.
Real-time issues are more dominant.
Sensor input is critically important, but unreliable.
Robots have different response characteristics:
Often must react more quickly.
Often are slower than graphics hardware.
Robots with Vision
Nomadic Technologies SuperScout
(our old robots)
16 Sonars
PC running Linux
Radio Modem
Autonomous Coordinated Motion
Natural behavior amongst living animals:
flocking, herding, schooling, swarming
Specific tasks of interest to us:
congregation, navigation, “escortation”,
formation motion, obstacle avoidance,
dispersion, etc.
Key technologies of interest:
computational vision and control
Example of Coordinated Motion
Specify local control strategy for two differential-drive
robots in interleaving trajectories, where each robot only
knows the relative position of the other.
Can be achieved by two-step simplification:
Non-holonomic constraint on differential-drive robot is
eliminated by considering a moving frame of reference.
Relative to that frame, each robot exhibits identical
behavior: simply circle the other robot.
Frob permits abstract formulation of solution.
Two independent critically-damped PI controllers.
Local motion assumes holonomic vehicle; i.e. differential
drive robot can be treated as omni-directional robot.
Local Behavior
desired rotation
frame of
Code Snippet
interleaveC dist omega0 vFrame =
let …
distError = distOther - dist
vLat = vector2Polar
(kpDist * distError +
kiDist * integralB distError)
vRot = vector2Polar
(angOther - pi/2)
in velocityV (vFrame + vLat + vRot)
History of FRP Research
TBag, Active VRML: Conal Elliott, ’95-97.
Fran: Elliott & Hudak, ICFP ’97.
Various implementations: Eliiott, DSL ’97, PLILP ’99.
Semantics: Anthony Daniels, PhD Thesis ‘99.
Frob: Peterson, Hager, Hudak, Elliott, ICRA ‘99, PADL ’99.
Used in robotics course at Yale in ‘99, ‘01.
Fvision: Peterson, Hager, Hudak, Reid, ICSE ’99, PADL ’01.
SOE’s “FAL”: Hudak, stream-based implementation of Fran-like
language, ’00.
FranTk: Fran-based GUI, Meurig Sage, ICFP ’00.
Frappé: Java-based FRP, Antony Courtney, PADL ’01.
Yale FRP: core language + growing library of graphics, robotics,
simulator, etc. code, ’00-01 (public release planned soon).
Semantics: Wan, Hudak, PLDI ’00, showed correspondence of
denotational and operational semantics.
Real-Time FRP
How do we make FRP run fast?
How do we make guarantees about both time and
space behavior?
How does FRP relate to other models of hybrid
Can FRP be used for embedded systems?
And at a more abstract level:
What is an operational semantics for FRP?
Our goal:
Real-Time FRP, an abstract, restricted subset
of FRP, with guaranteed bounds on execution
time and space, and deadlock free.
Syntax of RT-FRP
Syntax of lambda terms:
(“lifted” terms are just “Maybe” type)
Syntax of values:
Syntax of signals:
Note: “Event a” in FRP is isomorphic to “Behavior (Maybe a)”.
In RT-FRP we just combine them and call them “signals”.
Syntax of types:
“e is a functional term of type g”
“s is a signal carrying values of type g”
Or in Haskell: e :: g, and s :: Behavior g
Some Typing Rules
More typing rules
Non-recursive binding:
Recursive binding:
let signal x = s in ext x == s
There are two “prototypical” kinds of recursion in FRP:
Using recursive signals these can be expressed as:
But what about integral?
Define using a delay in a recursive signal.
By way of example, here is the running maximum of
a signal:
Definition of Integral
… using the forward Euler method:
From FRP to RT-FRP
and more…
Operational Semantics
A program is executed in discrete steps, driven by
time-stamped input values.
Given a time t and input i, a term s evaluates to a
value v and transitions to a new term s’.
We write this as:
or, more compactly as:
Program Execution
A proper RT-FRP program never terminates.
Its meaning is the infinite sequence of values, or
“observations” that it yields.
The sequence:
s0 s1,v1 ; s1 s2,v2 ; s2 s3,v3 ; …
is abbreviated:
s0 v1, s1 v2, s2 v3, s3 …
Meta-comment: Program meaning depends on the
time-stamped input pairs (tj,ij).
Some Eval Rules
More Eval Rules
Some Transition Rules
More Transition Rules
and more…
Tail Signals
Recursive signals are nice, but we’d like something
With let-continuation, we can define tail-recursive
signals that can also pass values.
Similar to standard model of hybrid automata.
Note: the syntax prevents unbounded term growth
as in: letcont k x = s0 until x=ev then k x + 1
not possible
For Example
A simple model of a thermostat:
let signal temp =
let cont k1 () = <heating-model>
until when (temp>t) => k2
k2 () = <cooling-model>
until when (temp<t-hys) => k1
in t0 until startev => k1
in ext temp
Key Results
Type safety / preservation
Each step takes constant time
thus no time leaks!
Term size cannot grow
thus no core dumps!
thus no space leaks!
In addition, with a notion of well-formed
recursion, progress is guaranteed.
thus no deadlock!
Preventing Deadlock
FRP programs are naturally “infinite” – signals are streams of
values with unbounded extent. This is a good thing!
With recursion, however, terms can become “stuck”:
let signal x = ext x in ext x
Solution: define notion of well-formed recursion that disallows
“direct” recursions, and thus prevents deadlock.
Key idea: in “let signal x = s1 in s2”, we require that s1 is in
W{x}, where:
Wx = input | time | ext e where e contains no X |
delay v s | let signal y = Wx in Wx |
Wx switch on x = ev in Wx | …
In other words, a delay must appear somewhere.
Future Work on RT-FRP
Enrich language for practical use.
Compile into lower-level code (C, etc.).
Examine sensor / behavior fusion.
Consider embedded systems.
Better formulation of well-formed recursion.
Test case: compile to PIC microcontroller on
our “soccer-bots”.
How to Hide a Flock of Turkeys