Transcript 7.G.1

Math Grade 7 Common
Core Test Prep
Amy Ard
Questions from….
Common Core Standards
• 7.G.B.4
• 7.SP.6
• 7.SP.1
• 7.G.1
• 7.EE.4
• 7.RP.3
• 7.EE.2
• Students practice answering Common
Core Math questions.
• Using iPod Touches, iPhones, or iPads
students can self check using a QR code
• Teachers: Print slide 4-7 and cut cards
apart for students to use.
Examine the figure below.
Examine the figures below.
Which scale factor was used to scale the
If the triangle is dilated by a scale factor of 2, what
is the perimeter of the new triangle?
a. 19
c. 44
b. 32
d. 76
Which of the following sets of angles CANNOT be
used to construct a triangle?
a. Three acute angles
b. Two acute angles and one right angle
c. Two acute angles and one obtuse angle
d. Two right angles and one acute angle
a. ¼
c. 3
b. 1/3
d. 4
If the right rectangular prism shown below was
horizontally sliced, which of the following
shapes would BEST describe the resulting twodimensional shape?
a. Parallelogram
b. Rectangle
c. Rhombus
d. Square
Kevin is planting vegetables in his garden. If the
garden is in the shape of a circle with a diameter
of 10 feet, what is the area of the garden?
a. 15.7 ft2
b. 31.4 ft2
c. 78.5 ft2
d. 314 ft2
Examine the figure below.
What is the value of x?
a. 4
b. 6
c. 15
d. 21
Tory went to see a Monster Truck show at the local
arena. Before the show, Tory got to see the trucks
up close. He noticed that each monster truck tire
had a radius of about 3 ft. Based on that radius,
what would be the distance around each tire?
a. 9.42 ft
b. 18.8 ft
c. 28.3 ft
d. 113 ft
What is the measure of ∠DBC?
a. 10°
b. 20°
c. 40°
d. 50°
Jason is building a desk for his bedroom. He wants
the desk to fit in the corner of his room and decides
to go with a trapezoid design. If Jason uses the
dimensions shown in the picture below, how many
square feet of plywood will he need to build the desk
a. 5 ft2
b. 6 ft2
c. 9 ft2
d. 12 ft2
Which of the following formulas can be used to
find the area of a circle?
C = Pi•d
C = 2(pi)r
A = (pi)r2
D = C/(pi)
Natalie recently bought a jewelry box, but she wants
to re-cover the box with a more colorful fabric. If the
jewelry box is a cube with sides 8 cm long, how much
fabric will Natalie need in order to cover all sides of
the box?
a. 64 cm2
b. 192 cm2
c. 384 cm2
d. 512 cm2
Danny rolls two number cubes (dice), one red and
one blue. What is the probability that he will roll a
2 on the red cube and a 6 on the blue cube?
A student at a large middle school is planning to
survey students about their favorite cafeteria
meal. Which of the following would ensure the
survey is valid?
a. choose a sample that
represents the student population
b. only ask friends about their
food choices
c. only ask students about your
favorite foods
d. only ask sixth graders to
participate in the survey
An architect is planning a triangular pool with a
perimeter of 99 ft. If two of the sides measure 20 and
42, respectively, what is the length of the missing
The figure is drawn such that 3cm = 1 mile. What
is the distance one would travel between these
two locations?
a. 1 mile
b. 3 miles
c. 1/3 of a mile
d. This cannot be
You've been given a scholarship of $10,000. If you
invest it at a 3.4% annual interest rate, how much
interest will you have earned in a year's time?
35 feet
37 feet
39 feet
41 feet
a. $34,000
b. $340
c. $10,340
d. $10,000