Transcript Presentation
ARD- A smart phone application
for sales agents
Project Team –
Arsen Shatikyan
Udi Vaksman
Avihay Danino
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Academic Advisor -
Prof. Ehud Gudes
[email protected]
Technical Advisor –
Bernard Fadlon
[email protected]
Project Homepage –
Salesmen come to clients to propose products .
Salesman offers a list of products, and a client
chooses a product from the list.
If some product is missing in the client’s stock, the
salesman orders it.
Problem domain
Spending time for phone calls to obtain the order
Involving other people in the main office.
Bringing a barcode reader and hardcopy of catalog
Non-optimal offers to client.
The modern smartphones may be used as computer
clients, and operate with database for smart search
and ordering of the products.
Current situation
Special equipment to scan the products’ barcodes.
The search in hardcopy of a product catalog may take
a lot of time.
Salesman decides, which product the client needs.
Salesman orders products by making a phone call
Sometimes the ordered item does not match to the
client, because of the lack of some property or
The phone line may be busy.
Proposed Solution
Finding the products that satisfy a certain criteria.
Sorting the products in order of importance of the
criteria for a certain customer.
Displaying the technical specification of a chosen
Barcode recognition module.
Ordering products via network.
System architecture + Technologies
Client with J2ME
based application
Application server
running on JAVA
JDBC for connection
to database
MySQL based
database server
Reply list, sorted
by user priority
Application server functions:
· Manages users accounts
· Communicates with database
· Sorts the query result list according to
the user priority
· Sends the product datasheet to the
Main Functional Requirements
Search a product by properties.
Displaying the product data sheet
Ordering products
Getting the report about customers orders
Register a new customer
Main Non-Functional Requirements
Short time for search and ordering the products.
Navigation menus should be simple with maximal
depth of 2 levels.
Queries screens and reports should be very
accessible and simple.
The forms of queries will contain the most
expectable default values.
Major Use-Cases
Login by the user
User (salesman agent) through his mobile phone
Login into the system
1. Connection to the internet is exist
2. The application server and the database are online
Flow of
User logged in into the system.
1. User enters to the application.
2. User inserts his id and password.
3. If the details are correct, the user logged in successfully.
3.1 The GUI Present the main page of the application.
4. If the details are incorrect the user will be asked to try again.
4.1 The GUI Present the login page.
Major Use-Cases
Make a product order
Flow of
User (salesman agent) through his mobile phone
Make a product order
1. User Logged in
2. The product exists at the database
3. The application server and the database are online
The order was sent to the server and was approved
1. User enters to the order page
2. User enters the product bar-code
3. User inserts the amount of the product to order
4. User inserts the details of the customer
5. The user sends the order to the application server
6. If the amount exists in the stock
a. The application server sends the order to the database
b. The application server sends an approval to the user
c. The GUI presents the order approval
7. If the amount does not exist in the stock
a. The application server sends an error message to the user
b. The GUI presents the error message
Major Use-Cases
Searching a product by properties
Flow of
User (salesman agent) through his mobile phone
Searching a product by properties (advanced search)
1. User Logged in
2. Connection to the internet is exist
3. The application server and the database are online
A list of products is presented to the user
0. User enters to the search page
1. User chooses the properties for a product
2. User gives priorities to the properties
3. User sends the query to the application server
4. The application server generates a query and sends the query to the
5. the DB sends a result to the application server
6. The application server calculates the products ratings and makes the sort
7.The application server sends the sorted list of products to the user
8. The GUI presents the list to the user
Major Use-Cases
Register a customer
User (salesman agent) through his mobile phone
Registering a customer to the system
1. User Logged in
2. Connection to the internet is exist
3. The application server and the database are online
Flow of
A new customer is registered to the system
1. User enters to the registration page
2. User enters the details of the new customer
3. User sends the request to the application server
4. The application server updates the DB with the new customer
5. The application server sends an approval to the user
6. The GUI presents an approval page to the user
The people that will use the system are not
technology-oriented people. If the system will not be
friendly and the users will feel that the “old days”
were better, they will abandon the system and will
not use it.
The system depends on a stable connection to
application server, if this connection will be slow and
unreliable the entire system will suffer from slow