Transcript EDUC564Day3

Faculty of Education
ED 564: Administration
of Inclusive Schools
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Inclusive Leadership
Class Outline
The Great Inclusion Debate
The Allegory of the Cave
Types of Leadership
Inclusive Leadership
Final Thoughts
Presentation - Miranda
The Great Inclusion Debate
The newly appointed Minister of Education
has convened an expert panel of teachers
and administrators to review the policy of
inclusion in Nova Scotia schools. In your
group, prepare a brief to present to the
Minister indicating arguments in favour of
and opposed to the practice of inclusion.
The Great Inclusion Debate
Less likely to stigmatize; more
natural and reflective of real
Develops more positive
More opportunity for interaction
Research says inclusion works
Teachers and parents prefer
Students prefer full inclusion
Environment too manipulated
to reflect real world
Student relationships are
unilateral, and occur in-school
Opportunities for intense
instruction are reduced
Research says a range of
settings works better
Teachers and parents prefer
range of settings
Students prefer range of
The Allegory of the Cave
Based on your viewing of this allegory, can
you make any links between Plato's
allegory and its relevance to the notion of
Types of Leadership
1)Managerial/Technical Leadership
Original view was leadership is a science
that prescribes certain courses of action
Under the new form of managerialism,
administration is a technical operation
designed to execute policies formulated
2)Humanistic Leadership
Centrality of human beings
Who you are impacts how you do your job
Also advocated that leaders were different
and could influence others
3)Transformational leadership
Borrows from managerial and humanistic
Emphasizes talents of leader
Leaders influence others to embrace a
Assumes leader can single-handedly raise
performance of others
Emphasizes only the talented
Inclusive Leadership
Is a collective process in which everyone
is included or fairly represented
Inclusive leadership aims to achieve
inclusion in all aspects of schooling and
beyond the school to the local and global
community, and it does so through a
process that is itself inclusive
 What are the barriers to inclusive leadership?
 1)entrenched hierarchy
 2)manner in which people perceive leadership in
terms of positions or individuals who act in
certain exclusive ways
 3)difficulty of linking participation in decisionmaking processes to the ends for which these
processes are organized
Final Thoughts
Inclusion is characterized by pros and
The style of leadership one embraces will
inevitably impact the approach one takes
in addressing exclusion
Each leadership style has strengths and
Perhaps what is needed is for leaders to
embrace a pluralistic perspective which
capitalizes on the positive aspects of the
competing perspectives