MindMaps and literature searching for undergraduates
Transcript MindMaps and literature searching for undergraduates
MindMaps and literature
searching for undergraduates
Angela Newton
[email protected]
Leeds University Library
Leeds University Library
The lingo
“…the Swiss army knife for the brain” (Buzan,
Concept maps
Radial thinking
Knowledge map
Leeds University Library
The students
Second year Environment students writing a mini dissertation
on a pre-defined topic
Prior IL sessions at Level 1:
Introduction to using the Library
Introduction to using Web of Science
Short attention span!
Keen on web resources!
Not good at exploring unknown databases!
“Many students skip over the planning stage of a search, and
are poor at selecting the right sources and search terms.”
(Webber 2002)
Leeds University Library
Is the Montreal Protocol Working?
Realities of land degradation in Africa
Environmental influences on benthic macroinvertebrates
Economic growth and environmental quality
Linking Global Thinking with Local Action in the Food
Corporate social responsibility
Attitudes to sustainability
Environmental management and sustainability in the
public sector
Leeds University Library
Aims of the session
Engage students in planning & executing a
literature search
Thinking about keywords
Talking to one another about their subject
Trying some new search techniques (e.g.
Exploring new databases
Give them inspiration and practical help for
their assessment, a mini dissertation
Leeds University Library
MindMaps help to construct keywords prior
to database searching
Group work to combat boredom and create
Small room (22 workstations) to make the
session more manageable
x3 practical tasks in 15 minute chunks
Leeds University Library
Materials for the workshop
PowerPoint slides
Example of a complete MindMap on a
generic topic (A3)
MindMap for each dissertation topic with
some basic starting points (A3)
Worksheet with instructions for each task
Referencing leaflet
Leeds University Library
Advantages of using MindMaps in
literature searching
Easy to explain and easy to do
No right or wrong answers
No special equipment required
Creates discussion
Fosters creative thinking
Must be done with paper and pen
Easy to see what they know and where the gaps in their
knowledge are
Non-linear thinkers
Leeds University Library
Problems with the workshop
Non-visual thinkers may struggle with
Requires energy and enthusiasm (even at
9am on a Friday morning!)
Students need to turn up in groups
Only one copy of the map per group
Can require a lot of preparation
Leeds University Library
I’m more
confident about…
I’m still not very
confident about…
Leeds University Library
Student feedback
(I feel) Much more confident however, didn't
realise how unconfident I actually was.
I feel fairly confident with all of the tasks in
today's session and feel comfortable with
using these research methods for my future
Still not very confident in choosing a
Leeds University Library
Old dog, new tricks
Literature searching
Problem solving
Making a visual representation of an
organisational structure
Report writing
Minute taking
Creating presentations