Transcript Chapter 10

Chapter Ten
Inequalities of
Gender and Age
Divide into two groups: Each group has to answer one of
the following questions
Group 1 – How are men and women the same?
Group 2 – How are men and women different?
Which group was able to come up with more examples? Why?
Sex – Classification of people as male or female based on
biological characteristics
Biological determination – Principle that behavioral
differences are the result of inherited physical characteristics
Do you agree or disagree?
Gender identity – A sense of being male or female based on
learned cultural values
Do male and female values differ?
If so what are they?
What causes the biggest
differences biological or cultural?
How does Pat make you feel?
Roles of Gender
Functionalism v. Conflict Theory v. Symbolic Interactionism
Gender socialization –
The social process of
learning how to act as a
boy or a girl
What’s the difference?
Is gender specific
classrooms a good or
bad idea?
Are “traditional” roles
good or bad?
Gender Inequality
Sexism – A set of beliefs,
attitudes, norms, and values
used to justify sexual
Does it exist today?
Will it ever go away?
Where do these beliefs
come from?
Is good manners on a
date being sexist?
Occupational sex
segregation – The
concentration of women in
lower-status positions
Women in the Workplace (Fig. 10.2)
How has this trend changed the economy?
Women’s Earnings (Fig. 10.3)
Why do you think there is a difference? Ladies, how do you
feel about this difference?
What do you think causes the ups and downs?
Women’s Earnings Around the World (Fig. 10.5)
What do you think causes the differences in the countries?
How do you feel about the U.S.’s spot in comparison?
Women in Elected Office (Fig. 10.6)
Does this surprise you?
Is this good or bad? Why?
Will this ever be 50/50?
Age Stratification – The unequal distribution of scarce resources
based on age
Ageism – A set of beliefs, attitudes, norms, and values used to
justify age-based prejudice and discrimination
Functionalism v. Conflict Theory v. Symbolic Interactionism
Pg. 331 Figure 10.8 – Why do male suicides rates go up after
the age of 65? Why not females?
What are some stereotypes of the elderly?
Do pg. 332 #2
Answers: A-C, B-S, C-F, D-F/C, E-S, F-C
Why are elderly poverty rates misleading?
Are things getting better for the elderly?
Why do the elderly hold significant political power?
Interest group – Group organized to influence political decision