Transcript Document

Are you a penguin or a polar bear?
Unit 12
Social Psychology
Social “Thinking”
- Person Perception
- Attribution
 Stereotype: generalization about a
group’s characteristics, does not
account for individuality
 First impressions…what do you
judge first?
 Appearance or personality?
 Attribution Theory: people want to
find the reason for behavior to
better explain/justify it
 Internal: traits
 External: society, peer-pressure
 Emotional state: “bad day”
 Controllable/uncontrollable: for
example weather
Errors in Perception
- Fundamental attribution error:
- When we assume that people CHOSE to act they way they did when in
fact they may have had limited choice.
- False consensus error:
- When we assume that everyone else interprets things the way we do.
- Positive illusions:
- When we see only the “rosy” or positive things and ignore the
negative things.
- Self-serving bias:
- When we take credit for the things that go “right” or we do well, but
fail to take responsibility for the things that don’t go right or that we
do wrong.
Cognitive Dissonance:
When our thoughts and actions don’t align
- Daryl Bem
- Behaviors cause
behaviors give you
insight to your feelings
The Art of Persuasion
Elaboration Likelihood Model
 Central Route: Direct logical argument
 Peripheral Route: Appeals to emotions, desires,
 Does your “introvertedness/entrovertedness” play a
role in which route is most effective with you?
 What is your evidence?
Altruism…Does it exist in society ANYWHERE?
 Charity?
 Random acts of kindness
 Anonymous acts
Egoism…Does it exist in society
 Is there an action that we do without the intend to
some degree raise our self-esteem?
 Is this concept the driving force behind our
successful people in this world?
The feeling of
oneness with
another emotionally.