ACE Presentation
Transcript ACE Presentation
Learn How to
Complete the ACE
& Get a College
Credit Too
Review ACE components
Where do I start?
Credit opportunities
Award for Counseling Excellence
Updated Summer 2013
More closely aligned with ASCA RAMP
12 components
Aligns with ASCA National Model
12 Components
1. Vision
2. Mission Statement
7. Calendars
8. Core Curriculum Action
3. School Counseling
Program Goals
9. Core Curriculum:
Results Report
4. Student Standards
10. Small Group
5. Annual Agreement
11. Closing-the-Gap
6. Advisory Council
12. Program Evaluation
#1 Vision
The school counseling vision statement:
Describes a future world where the school counseling goals
and strategies are being successfully achieved
Outlines a rich and textual picture of what success looks
and feels like
Is bold and inspiring
States the best possible student outcomes that are five to
fifteen years away
Is believable and achievable
A list of the school counseling program’s
A copy of the school and district vision
statements (if available). Note: If your
school/district does not have a vision
statement, please indicate in the
School counseling vision statement.
#2 Mission Statement
Aligns with the school’s mission statement
and may show linkages to district and
state department of education mission
Is written with students as the primary
Advocates for equity, access and success
of every student
Indicates the long-range results desired
for all students
#3 Program Goals
Develop three program goals based on the ASCA
National Model, program audit, crosswalking
tool, and needs assessment.
Specific, measurable, and promote improved
student achievement, attendance or behavior.
May address academics, attendance or behavior
through one or more of the three domains
(academic, career and/or personal/social
development) as appropriate based on the
school’s data.
#4 ASCA Student Standards –
Competencies and Indicators
Identify and prioritize the specific
knowledge, attitudes and skills students
should be able to demonstrate as a result of
the school counseling program.
Align with school counseling program goals
This form is a tool that can be used to assist you in planning your overall guidance curriculum.
Standard A: Students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that contribute to
effective learning in school and across the life span.
Competency A1 Improve Academic Self-concept
A:A1.1 articulate feelings of competence and confidence as learners
A:A1.2 display a positive interest in learning
A:A1.3 take pride in work and achievement
A:A1.4 accept mistakes as essential to the learning process
A:A1.5 identify attitudes and behaviors which lead to successful learning
Competency A2 Acquire Skills for Improving Learning
A:A2.1 apply time management and task management skills
A:A2.2 demonstrate how effort and persistence positively affect learning
A:A2.3 use communications skills to know when and how to ask for help when needed
A:A2.4 apply knowledge and learning styles to positively influence school performance
Competency A3 Achieve School Success
A:A3.1 take responsibility for their actions
A:A3.2 demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work
cooperatively with other students
A:A3.3 develop a broad range of interest and abilities
A:A3.4 demonstrate dependability, productivity, and initiative
A:A3.5 share knowledge
#5 Annual Agreement
Created and signed by the school counselor and
supervising administrator within the first two
months of school
Reflects the school counseling program’s vision,
mission and program goals
Lists the school counselor’s specific
responsibilities within the school counseling
program, such as student caseload and program
components or activities
Identifies areas for professional development for
the school counselor
#6: Advisory
The advisory council
is a representative
group of stakeholders
(e.g. parent, staff,
administration, etc.)
selected to review
and advise on the
implementation of the
school counseling
A list of the advisory
council members and
their stakeholder
The agendas from at
least one meeting.
The minutes from the
meeting for which
agenda is provided.
Narrative on how
council was developed
and guides the
#7: Calendar
Develop and publish calendars of school
counseling events to inform students,
parents, teachers and administrators of
what, when and where school counseling
activities will be held.
Include in application:
The school counseling annual calendar for the most
recently completed or current academic year, including the
most important school counseling activities and events for
the year for the entire school counseling program.
#8 Core Curriculum Action Plan &
Lesson Plans
The school
counseling core
curriculum action
plan for the school
program. (must use
the template found
on page 69 of the
ASCA National
Three lesson plans for
activities (one per
domain to include
personal/social, career
and academic) from
the school counseling
core curriculum action
plan. (must use the
ASCA lesson plan
template found on
page 72 of the ASCA
National Model)
#9 : Core Curriculum
Results Report
Demonstrates the effectiveness of the
program and classroom activities and
informs program improvement.
Analyzes lessons and addresses how
the results will inform future school
counseling activities.
#10: Small Groups
-The main purpose of the group
-Grade level(s) of the group
-Length of each counseling session (ex. 30 min)
-Number of sessions conducted
-An outline for each counseling session’s
structure and activities
-Assessment tool / description of how you
assessed the effectiveness of the groups
(Ex. Compare 3rd quarter to 4th quarter grades after
a study skills group was conducted)
#11: Closing the Gap
Results Report
Closing-the-gap activities
address academic or
behavioral discrepancies that
exist between student groups.
Include a closing-the-gap
results report that is tied to
the school counseling program
#12: Program
Evaluation Assessment
Complete program assessment and
analyze how you will use these results
to improve your comprehensive
counseling program in a brief
How do I get started?
*Class offered by Dr. Carol Buchholz
Holland this summer.
-Education on ASCA National Model
and implementation
-ACE application preparation
Past ACE Recipients:
Carl Ben Eielson School, Fargo
Jamestown Middle School, Jamestown
Jeanotte Myhre Elementary School, Bismarck
Jefferson Elementary School, Valley City
Lincoln Elementary School, Jamestown
North High School, Fargo
Wachter Middle School, Bismarck
Washington Elementary, Valley City
Dr. Carol Buchholz Holland
[email protected]
(701) 231-7103
Amy Geinert
[email protected]
(701) 746-2381