Transcript bryophytes

Výukový materiál OR 03 - 82
Tvůrce: Mgr. Alena Výborná
Tvůrce anglické verze: ThMgr. Ing. Jiří Foller
Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů
Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/03.0005
Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
the oldest land plants
 they have been preserved to the present day
 the oldest resembled today's liverworts
 they do not have a conductive tissue
 they do not grow up to great heights
 absence of conducting and supporting tissues
they are divided on mosses and liverworts
BRYOPHYTES – structure of a moss plant
small stalk
attaching threads (attached to a substrate, it leads
partially nutrients and water)
after fertilization, bristle with a capsule is
the capsule is closed with a lid - spores
structure of a moss
BRYOPHYTES - liverworts
• flat
• bowed
• grown firmly to the substrate
• two rows of sessile leaves disposed
on the stem in one plane
BRYOPHYTES - liverworts
BRYOPHYTES – life cycle
– life cycle
BRYOPHYTES – life cycle
spore germinates in moist environment
 from the spore is created richly branched protonema
 from the protonema of moss plant
there are on it:
gametangia (egg cells)
female antheridia
 humidity is important for fertilization
 from the fertilized egg cell grows bristle and capsule
BRYOPHYTES – occurrence
all over the Earth
 part of communities of higher plants
 they predominate in the northern areas
they colonize places inhospitable for higher plants
BRYOPHYTES – importance
they quickly colonize the newly exposed soil
it prevents soil erosion
they are involved in the formation of humus
they keep water
they contribute to the maintenance of the
landscape and higher humidity in the
meadows and the woods
indicator of air pollution
1) What is the importance of
2) Describe the picture.
3) Where the mosses occur?
4) Describe the metagenesis of
5) Liverwort include……..
Source of texts and pictures :
 DOBRORUKA, Luděk J. Přírodopis pro 7. ročník
základní školy. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia, 1998, 152 s.
ISBN 80-718-3134-4