Power Point Presentation on Cell Organelles

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Cellular Organelles
…a “division of labour”
Animal Cell
Guess the organelle!
Tiny & oval shaped…
Provide body with needed energy in a
process called “respiration” whereby
sugar molecules are combined with
oxygen to form carbon dioxide &
water…as the products are formed,
energy is released.
“power plant” of cell
Guess the organelle!
Cell growth & reproduction require the
constant synthesis of proteins…
Proteins are the molecules that make
up cell structure…
Measure just 20 nm in length…
Which organelles are responsible for the
synthesis of proteins?
Guess the organelle!
Series of canals that carry materials
throughout the cytoplasm…
The membranes can appear either
rough or smooth…
rER is highly developed in cells of the
pancreas that secrete digestive
sER is free of ribosomes & is the area in
which fats or lipids are synthesized
Guess the organelle!
The “pancake-like” structures are actually
membranous sacs piled up on top of each
Protein molecules from the rER are stored
within this apparatus…
The packaged protein membranes move
towards the cell membrane & fuse with the
membrane to be released as vesicles
Division of Labor example...
Proteins reach the end of the ER
A sac forms around the proteins
Now called a vesicle
Vesicle breaks away from the ER and
moves towards the nearest sac of the
Golgi body
Vesicle fuses & empties protein
molecules into the Golgi body
Division of Labor example...
Proteins pass from one sac to another in
vesicles formed from the Golgi complex
(“mail must be sorted when it comes into
the post office”)
Many membranes present in cells are
interchangeable…they can be recycled
from one part of the cell to another
(same basic structure)
Guess the organelle!
Formed by the Golgi bodies
Sac-like structures that contain digestive
enzymes which break down large molecules &
cell parts within the cytoplasm…
The swelling & pain associated with arthritis
have been linked to the seepage of this
organelle…cortisone is thought to strengthen
this organelles membrane.
Guess the organelle!
Tiny threadlike fibers that transport
materials throughout the cytoplasm…
Made of protein
2 types
One is smaller than the other…
Special Structure of Plants!
The organelles discussed to this point are
found in BOTH plant & animal cells
Plant cells differ in that they can produce
their own food using specialized organelles
The vacuole is a fluid-filled space that
occupies much of the cytoplasm. It is a
storage space for sugars, minerals, &
Special Structure of Plants!
Most plant cells are
surrounded by a
nonliving cell wall
made of cellulose.
Protects & supports
the plant cell.
A loss of turgor pressure
results in wilting plants
specialize in
green pigment
Chromoplasts store the orange & yellow
pigments found in numerous plants.
Amyloplasts are
storehouses for
starch (potato
tubers & seeds)
Colorless plastids