The Spread of Protestantism and the Catholic Response

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The Spread of Protestantism
and the Catholic Response
John Calvin and Calvinism
• In 1536, John Calvin published the
Institutes of the Christian Religion.
– A summary of Protestants doctrines
John Calvin and Calvinism
• Calvin’s beliefs were similar to Martin
• But he believed another doctrine called
– Belief that God had determined in advance
who would be saved and who wouldn’t
John Calvin and Calvinism
• By mid-16th century, Calvinism had
replaced Lutheranism as the most
important form of Protestantism.
The Reformation in England
• The Reformation in England had its roots
in politics, not religion
The Reformation in England
• King Henry VIII of
England wanted to
divorce his wife
because she couldn’t
have children
– Asked the pope to
annul (declare invalid)
the marriage
• The pope refused
The Reformation in England
• He got the annulment through the Church
of England
• Then he asked Parliament to separate the
Church in England from the pope in Rome
– They agreed; making the king head of the
Church of England
The Reformation in England
• When Henry died, his
son Edward VI took
the throne
– He was only 9, and
very sick
The Reformation in England
• During his reign, church officials took the
Church of England in a Protestant
– Gave clergy the right to marry
– Created a new Protestant church service
The Catholic Reformation
• By mid-16th century, Protestantism was
well established across Europe.
• The Catholic Church began a reformation
of its own
The Catholic Reformation
• 3 factors brought about the Catholic
• The Jesuits
• Reform of the papacy
• The Council of Trent
The Jesuits
• They were servants of
the pope
• Used education to
spread their message
– Very successful in
restoring Catholicism
in Germany eastern
Reform of the Papacy
• Pope Paul III recognized the need for
changed in the Catholic Church
Reform of the Papacy
• Paul III appointed a Reform Commission
in 1537
– Responsible for restoring integrity to church
• They recognized that prior popes were to blame for
a lot of the corruption
Reform of the Papacy
• In 1545, Pope Paul III began the Council
of Trent
– Made of church leaders
– Reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings