Transcript Powerpoint

• Using the handout you picked up
• Label the parts of the eye using the
descriptions underneath as clues
• We will label the back as we go through the
powerpoint today.
Our auditory sense
We hear sound WAVES
• The height of the wave gives us the amplitude of the sound.
• The frequency of the wave gives us the pitch if the sound.
The Intensity of Some
Common Sounds
Decibels are the measuring unit for
sound energy
Transduction in the ear
• Sound waves hit the eardrum then
anvil then hammer then stirrup then
oval window.
• Everything is just vibrating.
• Then the cochlea vibrates.
• The cochlea is lined with mucus
called basilar membrane.
• In basilar membrane there are hair
• When hair cells vibrate they send
impulses up the auditory nerve to
the thalamus.
It is all about the vibrations!!!
Pitch Theories
Place Theory and Frequency Theory
Place Theory
• The pitch we hear
depends on the place
where the cochlea’s
membrane is stimulated
• So some hairs vibrate
when they hear high and
other vibrate when they
hear low pitches.
Frequency Theory
• The pitch we hear
depends on the rate of
nerve impulses traveling
up the auditory nerve
• All the hairs vibrate but
at different speeds.
How We Locate Sounds
• Receptors located in our skin.
• Essential to Development – babies
develop faster if stimulated by skin
• Four skin senses – pressure,
warmth, pain, cold
– Simultaneously stimulating warm and
cold produces a burning sensation!
• Pain is a good thing! It tells us
something is wrong with our body
Did You Know? Reducing or eliminating one sense
can improve others! This is why when kissing, lovers
minimize distraction and increase their touch
sensitivity by closing their eyes!
Gate Control Theory of Pain
• The spinal cord contains a neurological “gate”
that blocks pain signals or allows them to pass
A Naughty Question to Think About: If a person had the top of their spinal cord
severed and their genitals were touched, would they still experience sexual
1. Transduction in the ear is all about the
2. What are the four skin senses?
3. Why is feeling pain a good thing?
•Pain can be controlled by a number of therapies
including: drugs, surgery, massage, electric
stimulation, acupuncture, exercise, hypnosis, and even
thought distraction
•Lamaze classes: relaxation (deep breathing, muscle
relaxation), counterstimulation (gentle massage), and
distraction (focusing on something else)
•Surgery patients whose rooms face trees require less
pain medication and recover more quickly than those
whose rooms face brick walls
Taste (Gustation)
• We have bumps on our tongue
called papillae.
• Taste buds are located on the
papillae (they are actually all over
the mouth).
• The more taste buds you have,
the more sensitive your taste!
• Sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami
• Taste enabled our ancestors to
• Olfaction: sense of smell.
• Fragrance molecules reach
receptors at top of nose 
brain’s olfactory bulb  limbic
system (memory and emotion)
• Smell is strongly linked to taste
and emotion!
• Humans can detect about
10,000 odors
• Women and young adults have
best sense of smell
Kinesthetic Sense
• The system for sensing
the position and
movement of individual
body parts
• Vision plays a role!
Without the kinesthetic sense
you couldn’t touch the button to
make copies of your buttocks.
Vestibular Sense
• Tells us where our body
is oriented in space.
• Our sense of balance.
• Located in our
semicircular canals in
our ears.
• Guided by cerebellum
• Cirque du Soleil