Слайд 1 - Department of Applied Physics

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Transcript Слайд 1 - Department of Applied Physics

Violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
by Quantum Maxwell Demon
• Gordey B. Lesovik (Landau institute, Russia;
Aalto University, Finland; ETH Zurich)
On the Law of Increasing Entropy and the Cause of the Dynamics Irreversibility of
Quantum Systems G. B. Lesovik, JETP LETTERS Vol. 98 p.207 (2013)
H-theorem in quantum systems interacting with reservoir. arXiv:1407.4437
G.B. Lesovik, I.A. Sadovskyy, A.V. Lebedev, M.V. Suslov, V.M. Vinokur
Trading coherence and entropy by a quantum Maxwell demon
A. V. Lebedev, D. Oehri, G. B. Lesovik, G. Blatter , arXiv:1604.07557
Building on the concept of a quantum channel, we formulate quantum H-theorem in
terms of observable quantities for a system interacting with the reservoir.
We apply our criterion to generic physical quantum systems and uncover the
conditions under which these systems follow quantum H-theorem. We discuss
manifestation of the second law of thermodynamics in quantum physics and
uncover special situations where it can be violated.
We describe the operation of a quantum Maxwell demon in the considered special
situations and apply it to restore coherence in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer and
to separate the energy and entropy cycles in a quantum thermodynamic engine.
How Second Law can be violated in
• First Law violation – Hesenberg’s uncertainty relation
finite time
• Maxwell’s Demon(1867)
• Loschmidt’s Paradox (1874?), special initial
• Fluctuations, Fluctuation Theorem fluctuations of
occupation numbers
• Quantum Maxwell Demon, quantum reservoir, twoqubit swap operation
Time reversing in quasi-isolated system
Forward and backward evolution of 1d
system interacting with a spin-bath
Entropy diminishing in the case when the
system (electron) is correlated with the
reservoir (spin-bath)
Unital channel, H-theorem
Quasi-elastic scattering on phonons
Nonunital channel, violation of the
second law
Entropy descrease in the energy-isolated
system iiiiiiiiii
Towards observation of the entropy decrease. Flying qubit in
the ideal beam splitter + spin.
Flying qubit in edge states of IQHE+charge
Anti-decoherence. Restoration of AB
p-SWAP gate
Quantum Maxwell demon
Quantum p-SWAP-men