Transcript 10-18-2015x

Fiction or Fact?
Mark Durham, 18 Oct 2015
MULTIVERSE, Helpful Resources
Brian Greene
MULTIVERSE, Helpful Resources
• RTB Educational
• Reasons To Believe
offers innovative
programs designed to
prepare students to
stand strong, building
their personal growth
and development so Two Astronomy and Design Courses:
 8-week
they may be
 5-week (advanced)
strengthened in their
faith and empowered to
engage scientists,
skeptics and atheists.
Multiverse Popularity
Our Universe Without Multiverse.
The Standard Model
Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic Background Microwave
• Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team WMAP # 121238 Image Caption
9 year WMAP image of background cosmic radiation (2012)
Microwave: A
Tale of Three
• COBE, 1992
• WMAP, 2009
• Planck, now
Our Observable Universe--Bigger than you Think!
Observable Universe: This is the total of our
“normal” universe. Spherical region of space around an
observer limited to where light can (in principle) be
seen from the beginning of the cosmological expansion.
Diameter ~93 billion light years. Note that this is
much greater than light would travel in a straight line
during the age of universe, 13.7 billion years…
Hubble Volume: Spherical region of space around
an observer limited to where the expanding universe
exceeds the speed of light. Approximately 1031 cubic
light years and 93 billion light years diameter.
Thus Hubble Volume is thus almost the same as
Observable Universe & these two terms are often
used interchangeably
Any Space that
includes our
universe, to
beyond it, to
to our own.
Evidence For Multiverse
• Search for Evidence
• Around 2010, scientists such as Stephen M. Feeney analyzed
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data and claimed to
find preliminary evidence suggesting that our universe collided with
other (parallel) universes in the distant past. However, a more
thorough analysis of data from the WMAP and Planck satellites failed
to find any statistically significant evidence of such a bubble universe
collision. In addition, there is no evidence of any gravitational pull of
other universes on ours.
• Bottom Line: There is no direct evidence for Multiverse, only some
inferred evidence
What is the Multiverse?
• Multiverse: Region(s) in space beyond the traditional (observable) universe.
• Concept includes anything from an infinitely large universe, to multiple or infinite
unrelated universes and dimensions.
• Max Tagmark proposes four levels of multiverse, with each succeeding level being
inclusive of previous levels. Note, there are other models.
• Level I: “Infinite Universe”. Our universe continually inflates and extends forever
beyond the Observable Universe.
• Level II: “Infinite Bubble Universes”. Inflating universe stretches out forever, but
some regions stop to form Level I “bubble” universes.
• Level III: “Quantum Mechanics Parallel Universes“. QM possible outcomes are
not based on absolutes but probabilities, each corresponding to a different
• Level IV: “Mathematical Universes”. Any mathematically possible universe has
equal possibility of actually existing.
• For all levels of Multiverse, for infinite conditions, precise duplicates can exist
Multiverse Level I
A universe that is VERY
large, or is continues ad
Think of it as having
many or endless
The VERY large version is
possible as we don’t
know what’s beyond
Supported by CBM data
No Causal Contact
beyond our OU/HV
Laws of Physics same
Multiverse Level II: A Collection of Bubble Universes
• Inflation stops in
different times and
places to produce this
• Bubble universes
produced, each with
observable universes,
some like ours
• Different laws of physics
prevail for each
observable universe
• Those finely-tuned for
life exhibit uniformity as
seen in our universe
“Who’ Afraid Of The Multiverse”, Zweerink p. 18
Problems for Multiverse?
Multiverse Level III: Quantum Mechanics Worlds
Schrödinger's Cat Paradox
Level III Mutiverse
Multiverse Level IV: Everything is Possible
Another Multiverse Model
Brian Greene’s Nine Types
With an infinite amount of space, every possible event will occur an infinite number of times.
However, the speed of light prevents us from being aware of these other identical areas.
Composed of various pockets where inflation fields collapse and form new universes.
Follows from M-theory and states that our universe is a 3-dimensional brane that exists with many
others on a higher-dimensional brane or "bulk". Particles are bound to their respective branes except for gravity.
AKA ekpyrotic, has multiple branes (each a universe) that collided, causing Big Bangs. The
branes bounce back and in time are pulled back together and re-collide, destroying the old contents and re-creating
Another Multiverse Model—Brian Green’s Nine Types
Relies on string theory's Calabi–Yau shapes. Quantum fluctuations
drop the shapes to a lower energy level, creating a pocket with a different set of laws from
the surrounding space.
Creates a new universe when a diversion in events occurs, as in the
many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Derived from the theory that the surface area of a space can simulate
the volume of the region.
Exists on complex computer systems that simulate entire universes.
of physics.
Contains every mathematically possible universe under different laws
Responding To Those Believing In Multiverse
(Arguments For God)
• COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT: Composed of major & minor premises and
a conclusion.
• Major Premise: Something that has a beginning of existence has a cause
• Minor Premise: Our universe had a beginning of existence
• Conclusion:
Consequently the universe must have a cause
• A resurgence of this argument is due to the great scientific discoveries such
as big bang cosmology, general relativity, expanding universe, space-time
theorems, cosmic microwave background…
• This argument requires a Cause or Causal Agent
• When addressing Multiverse with a skeptic, it is good to start with the
Cosmological Argument before discussing big bang, inflation, design
(Teleological Argument), fine-tuning and God of the Bible.
Responding To Those Believing In Multiverse
(Arguments For God)
• TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT: Based on the concept of Design
• “…any true design requires a designer. Therefore, if the universe exhibits true
design, then a Designer exists.”
• Design features in the universe include: life, fine-tuning of laws of physics for
life, advanced civilization, “just-right” planet, moon, sun’s orbiting planets,
sun, galaxy, narrow time windows, etc.
• In terms of probability, chance of our existence is nil, yet we exist
• Is there purpose and design to the universe?
• Is the Anthropic Principal true?
Counter-Argument to Design
• Is there Design or is there a Selection Effect?
• A measurement bias by scientists
• Devices we choose to measure with are limited, thus results are skewed
• “The reason the universe has properties it does is because we are here to observe
• Our very existence requires that there be a fine-tuned appearance since we humans are actually a
Selection Effect
• This line of reasoning aka the Weak Anthropic Principal
• Fits well with infinite Multiverse since improbabilities are overcome with an infinite amount of
• Problems with Selection Effect counter-argument:
• Assumes no need for Design/God but appeals to unknown—Multiverse is underlying reason
• Scientifically not convincing--Its a feeble philosophical attempt to avoid Design
Difficulties For Multiverse
Ridiculous Infinities…Philosophical protest
All Becomes One
Ratios Become Meaningless
Accommodations For Everything
All Royal Flushes
∞ Number of Me’s
Justice and Morality
Boltzmann Brains
Simulated Universe
Problems For Multiverse
• Not Testable (falsifiable): Multiverse by definition lies beyond our Observable
Universe and so can’t be observed or tested
• Theorems of General Relativity predict a Beginning:
• Hawking-Penrose theorem requires a cosmic beginning (thinking back to Cosmological
• Borde-Vilenkin-Guth theorems require that all multiverse experiencing expansion, must
have a beginning, pointing to a Causal Agent! Also, Design also points to a transcendent
• Life Must Be Completely Physical: Life must evolve by chance yet Origin of Life
scientists have appealed to panspermia or the unknown (multiverse), because
they’ve been frustrated in determining how life could originate on earth.
• “Thus by allowing for every possible situation, the [infinite] multiverse
ultimately explains nothing and undermines the whole scientific enterprise.”
(Who’s Afraid of the Multiverse, Zweerink, p. 50).
Multiverse & The Christian
Existence of Multiverse is NOT what we should argue against
Bible speaks of several spiritual realms:
 Recounts numerous references to Heaven, God’s primary domain, likely the “third heaven” Paul experienced (2
Cor. 12:3)
 Abraham’s Bosom (rich man and Lazarus, Luke 16:19-31)
 Hell
 Great White Throne Judgement, Revelation 20:13:
 Dead in the Sea
 Death
 Hades
 Lake of Fire
 New Creation
 (Science also speaks of other realms: String Theory predicts 10 or 11 special dimensions, not just 3)
Thus other universes do not represent a conflict with Scriptures
Our argument lies with weather the multiverse’s pure physicality of life is true, or if our expressed
reflection of the Image of God is true.
 Perhaps He created a multitude of universes so that only this one could support humanity
 Multiverse is problematic only when its viewed as being purely naturalistic
 Consequently it is critical that believers differentiate between strict naturalistic vs. Creator types of multiverse
What Can You Do With Multiverse?
What Can You Do With Multiverse?—Engage!
Don’t be threatened by it
Take advantage of the moment to engage science-minded people with the Gospel
Ask questions; determine what type of multiverse is under discussion
Understand the Cosmological Argument and be familiar with the Theorems of
General Relativity in order to address a beginning of all multiverses
Understand the Teleological Argument of Design
Discuss how a strictly naturalistic viewpoint undermines ideals of identity, justice,
free will and science
Don’t be burdened with an antagonistic argument. Our goal is not to win the
argument, but to show how Scripture supports scientific observation
Keep Studying
Praise God for the widespread fascination of His vast and awesome creation!
Accelerated Expansion
Ever-increasing expansion rate of our universe due to mysterious dark energy
Anthropic Principle
Principle that the universe appears to have been made for humanity
Anthropic Principle, Weak
Belief that the Anthropic Principle is a bias or Selection Effect of human researchers
Boltzmann Brain
An intelligent entity that assembled by chance in the multiverse
A 3-D quantum plane of quantum particles
Cosmic Inflation
period of time when the universe expanded faster than the speed of light
Cosmic Microwave Background
(CMB) Electromagnetic radiation left over in universe from early Big Bang
Cosmological Argument
Philosophical position that the universe has a beginning and a cause
Cosmological Constant
The amount of vacuum energy required of dark energy to maintain universe expansion acceleration
Dark Energy
Mysterious energy causing universe to accelerate its expansion rate; ~69% of universe's mass-energy
Dark Matter
Mysterious matter giving extra gravity to hold galaxies together; ~24% of universe's mass-energy
Creation of a plan or concept for the construction of an object or a system
Fine Tuning
Life's requirements of narrowly defined physical constants
Hubble Volume
Spherical region of space around an observer limited to where the expanding universe exceeds c
Any Space that includes our observable universe, to regions beyond it, to other independent universes
Multiverse Level I
Infinitely big and expanding universe
Multiverse Level II
Infinitely big and expanding bubble universes
Multiverse Level III
Quantum mechanics parallel universes
Multiverse Level IV
Mathematical universes
Observable Universe
Total of our "normal" universe
Parallel Universes
Multiverse universes similar or identical to ours
Electromagnetic radiation such as light, manifesting itself as particle or wave
Quantum Fluctuations
changes in the quantum field resulting in singularities (Big Bangs)
Quantum World
Subatomic fundamental particles where wave or particle, position or velocity, are difficult to determine
Selection Effect
Measurement bias by scientists due to our nature
Standard Model
Model of universe ~13.8 billion years old, started from a Big Bang, and expands at an accelerated rate
Teleological Argument
Philosophical position that the universe displays design and therefore must have a designer
Vacuum Energy
An underlying quantum background energy that exists in space throughout the entire universe