The Earth in Perspective
Transcript The Earth in Perspective
The Earth in Perspective
Organized by Joe Naumann, UMSL
We occupy a place
somewhere on the Earth
Now, THIS is really fascinating
It's rather dazzling to see it presented this way.
Planetary Comparison
This certainly is enlightening.
Jupiter is about 1 pixel
in size.
Earth is invisible at this
Beyond our sun ........................................ It's a big universe.
Beyond our sun ........................................ It's a big universe.
Antares is the 15th brightest star in the sky.
It is more than 1000 light years away.
Now TRY to wrap your mind around this ...
This is a Hubble Telescope Ultra Deep Field Infrared View of
countless 'ENTIRE' Galaxies Billions of Light-Years Away.
This is a close up of one of the darkest regions of the previous photo.
Humbling, isn't it?
Now How Big Are You?
And how big are the things that upset you today?
Keep life in perspective
Choose to be happy,
and don't sweat the small stuff!!!!!