Performance Enhancing Nutrition

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Transcript Performance Enhancing Nutrition

Enhancing Nutrition
SARAH KASMAN, Registered Dietitian
 1) Nutrition 101 – Basic Daily Eating
 2) Performance Nutrition for Practices
 Before
 During
 After
 WHAT to eat & WHEN to eat it
 4) Performance Nutrition for Competition Day
 Practical Tournament Guide
 Snacking Tips
Nutrition 101
– Individualized Nutrition
 Each athlete has different energy needs
 Determined by:
 Age, Height, Weight
 Gender
 Activity Level - Time moving vs. resting
 Body Composition - %fat, muscle, bone
 Speed of Digestion
Nutrition 101
- Individualized Nutrition
GOAL: Meet one’s daily needs from a
VARIETY of foods
 Total Energy (calories)
 Macronutrients
 Carbohydrate
 Protein
 Fat
 Micronutrients
 Vitamins
 Minerals
 Fluids
Nutrition 101
Athlete’s Daily Portion
1 Portion is…
½ servings should come from
½ servings should come from
1 Portion is…
Choose Complex Energizers
Examples: Sweet potato, Brown rice, Quinoa, Oatmeal, Whole
grains, High fiber cereals
1 Portion is…
Calcium is involved in every muscle contraction we make. These
foods provide the best sources of calcium!
Choose: 0-2% Milk Fat (MF) Dairy, to aid with digestion for
1 Serving is…
Protein is needed to repair muscle fibers torn during physical
activity. This section helps build and retain muscle mass
Choose: Lean cuts of meat.
1 Serving is…
1/6th of an avocado
Watch for hidden fats in sweets, chips, granola bars, cheese,
high fat meats & processed foods!
 Males = 3-4L / day
 Females = 2.7-3 L/day
 Get a 1 or 2 Liter water bottle (available at Walmart)
 Put markings on the side for times. Make sure you are
drinking enough throughout the day - NOT just all at
Hydration Continued
 Adequate Hydration
 Check your urine colour
 Yes, there’s an APP for that!
 I Pee Daily on iPhone
Putting it ALL Together
Part 1 – Timing
 Eat every 2-5 hours
 No longer than 6 hours without a meal or snack
 Why?
 Maintain energy throughout the day
 Ensure adequate nutrient intake
Putting it ALL Together
Part 2 – Meals
 Have 3 mixed meals in the day = CORE MEALS
 Combine 3 of 4 Food Groups + 1 Healthy Fat
 For Example:
 Super Food = Vegetables
 Energizer = Pasta
 Builder & Repairer = Chicken
 Healthy Fats = 1 Tbsp Almonds
Athlete’s Plate
Easy Day
Athlete’s Plate
Moderate Day
Athlete’s Plate
Hard Day
Putting it ALL Together
Part 2 - Snacks
 Can have 2-3 snacks / day (individual)
 Combine 2 of 5 food groups
 Apple + Peanut Butter
 Carrots + Hummus
 Wheat Crackers + Cheese
 Yogurt + Berries
Quality of Food
Avoid Crash & Burn Foods
 Simple sugars =
 Raise energy briefly, followed by CRASH
 Increase hunger
Summary of Optimal Daily
 1) Choose Quality:
 Eat whole (non-processed foods) 90% of the time
 Consume real foods that give your body nutrients!
 2) Eat Variety & Balance
 Choose 3 food groups + healthy fats for meals
 Choose 2 food groups for snacks
 Have 3 balanced meals & 1-3 snacks
 2) Timing:
 Eat every 2-5 hours
 Do not skip meals or snacks
 3) Hydration:
 Drink water throughout the day.
 If your urine is dark yellow, it is time to drink water!
Performance Nutrition
 You need to be the judge!
 See what foods make you feel great before,
during and after a workout
 Listen to your body!
 During competition
 Consume familiar foods!
 Create a ritual!
Performance Nutrition
What is a good result?
 IF:
 1) You like the way the food tastes
 2) You like the way the food feels in your stomach
 3) You like the way you feel after you digest the food
 4) You like how you performed (more energy)
 5) Measurable performance outcomes – Improved Time
Performance Nutrition
Before Practice
 Who has ever felt sluggish or tired during any
type of physical activity?
 Parents included!
Why did this happen?
 NOT the right amounts/types of food before,
during or after physical activity
 NOT at the right times
 Movement uses up energy stores and drains our
 You need to use food/beverages to recharge
Performance Nutrition
Before Practice
 Goal:
 Optimize Energy / Fuel Body
 Maintain Hydration Status
Nutrition Zones
Performance Nutrition
Before Practice
 Zone 3: 3-4 Hours
 Core Meal + 2 cups fluids
 Balanced meal 3 of 4 food groups + healthy fat
 Avoid: High Fat
 Zone 2: 1-2 hours
 Large Snack + 2 cups fluids
 2 food groups
 Avoid: High Fat + High Fiber
 Zone 1: 15 minutes
 Quick Energy + 1 cup fluid
 Simple Carbohydrates (15g)
 Avoid: High Fat + High Fiber
Before Practice - Caution
 Sensitive Stomachs:
 Lack of Time: Morning Practice – 5-6am wake up
 Solution:
 Liquids:
 Meal Replacement Beverages – Ensure/Boost
 Smoothies
CAUTION: Spicy, gas producing, fatty and/or fibre-rich
foods may cause discomfort. Products containing
caffeine may also be problematic. Unless you eat
legumes regularly, they may have too much fibre for
Performance Nutrition
During Practice
 Goals:
 1) Maintain energy
 2) Maintain fluid + electrolyte stores
Performance Nutrition
During Practice
 For activities <1 hour
 Water is sufficient
 Heavy sweater or hot climate = water + electrolyte replacement
 1L/hour = Aim for 3-4 large gulps every 15-20 minutes
 For activities >1hour – Zone 1
 Water + Carbohydrate Replacement
 30-60g carbohydrate / hour = ½ bottle Gatorade; 2 scoops Honey
Maxx; 1-2 sport gels
Performance Nutrition
After Practice
 Recovery:
 1) Repair muscle fibers
 2) Replace energy stores in muscles
 3) Replace fluids & electrolytes lost
 Result:
 Improved performance for next session
 Maintain energy
 Support immune system
Performance Nutrition
After Practice
 Hard Training = >2 workouts/day = MORE aggressive
 Critical Window = 15-30 minutes
 Moderate Training = 1 lighter workout / day followed by rest day
 30-60 minutes to recover
 Have a snack with 2 of 4 food groups or Zones 2-3
 Ensure 15-25g of Protein consumed
 Examples:
 2 cups of chocolate milk
 Greek yogurt + 1 banana
 Tuna or egg wrap
 2 hours after initial recovery snack or meal
 Have a balanced meal
 Promotes optimal recovery
Putting it ALL Together
3-4 hours
1-2 hours
15 minutes
During 2
Recovery 2
hours after
Core Meal:
1 cup Sweet
3oz Chicken
1 cup
2 Tsp of Olive
Oil +
Large Snack:
150g of
Greek Yogurt
+ 1 Banana
Small Snack:
½ cup Apple
Juice + ½
cup water
1L Bottle /
½ filled with
Gatorade +
½ with Water
Large Snack:
2 cups of 1%
Core Meal:
1 cup
3oz Salmon
1 cup Green
1 Tbsp
2 cups water
2 cups water
1 cup fluid
2L total
1 cup water
2 cups water
Performance Nutrition
Competition Days
 Challenges
 Change in venue
 Lack of food availability
 Long or short durations between events
 Multiple events during the day
Performance Nutrition
Competition Days
 Change in venue/lack of food availability
 Don’t rely on vending machines or fast food
 Have foods that you are use to and that you know
makes you feel GREAT before an event.
 Come prepared!
 Bring your own nutrition kit (non-perishable foods)
Failing to Plan
= Planning to Fail
Individual cereal boxes (or cereal in Ziplock bag)
Cereal bars/granola bars
Meal replacement bars - Ex/ Clif, Powerbar
Meal Replacement Beverages (Ensure/Boost)
Canned Fruit (snack packs)
Popcorn (made at home and bagged)
Dried or Fresh Fruit
Apple Sauce (individual containers)
Baby Food (jars)
100% Fruit and Vegetable Juice
Trail Mix (nuts/seeds/dried fruit/cereal)
Veggie Sticks
Melba toast/bread sticks/stoned wheat thins
Oatmeal Energy Bites – See recipe
Fig Newton Bars
Pita/Bread/Tortilla + Hummus
Jam, Honey, Peanut Butter (Individual Packets)
Pudding (Individual Packets)
Sports Drinks & Gels - Powerade/Gatorade/HoneyMaxx
Protein Recovery Shakes / Whey Protein Isolate *After
 Keep nonperishable foods in:
 Sports bag
 Locker
 Car
Time Between Events
Time Between
Food Choices:
Portable, Familiar, Nutrient Dense
Over 2 Hours
Core Meal
Example: 1.5 cups pasta + 1 cup tomato sauce
+ 1 cup chocolate milk
1-2 Hours
Large Snack or Core Meal
Example: Chicken Sandwich or 1 cup
cereal/oatmeal with low fat milk and 1 cup fruit
30-60 Minutes
Less Than 30 Minutes
Small - Medium Snack (Liquids)
Ensure, Boost, Sports Bar, Smoothie
Small Snack (Quick Energy)
Sport Gels, Juices, Sport Drink
Thank You
 Special thanks to:
 Kevin Anderson
 Mississauga Aquatic Club