Propaganda Posters File

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WWI Propaganda
Purposes of Propaganda
• To justify involvement in the war
• To persuade men to enlist, or sign up to fight
• To persuade people to spend money on the war effort
• To persuade people to conserve food and resources to help the
• Source
• Date
• Audience- who is it appealing to?
• Message/purpose- what does the poster want the audience to
• How does it appeal to them- scare tactics, honor, shame
Poster by James Montgomery Flag, 1917
Poster by: Clarence F. Underwood, 1918
Set A: Poster 1
Harry Hoppes, 1917
Set A: Poster 2
Cornelius Hicks, 1917
Set B: Poster 1
F. Strothmann (1917)
Set B: Poster 2
James Montgomery Flagg 1917
Set C: Poster 1
Howard Chandler Christy, 1917
Set C: Poster 2
Poster by: Charles Buckles Falls, 1919
Set D: Poster 1
James Montgomery Flagg, 1917
Set D: Poster 2
Laura Brey, 1917
Set E: Poster 1
American Red Cross, 1918
Set E: Poster 2
Walter H. Everett, 1917
Set F: Poster 1
W. A. Rogers, 1917
Set F: Poster 2
John E. Sheridan, 1917
Set G: Poster 1
United States Dept of the Treasury, 1917
Set G: Poster 2
William McKee, 1918
Set H: Poster 1
James Montgomery Flagg, 1917
Set H: Poster 2
Cushman Parker, 1917