Was Propaganda Techniques Employed: You Be the Judge

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Regarding: The Buffalo News: “Curing the health care confusion”
By Jerry Zremski and Henry L. Davis
28-March-2010 headline 3 page “Educational” article
Was Persuasion (Propaganda) Methods
Employed – You be the Judge
by: Michael Madigan
UB Graduate Major in Communication
Presentation Outline
Introduction to methods and techniques of persuasion
and propaganda
Analysis of excerpts from the article
Items Omitted from article that would support reader
making fully informed decision
4. Conclusion
Techniques in The Principles of Persuasion: A brief overview
Reference material: “”Age of Propaganda: the everyday use and abuse of persuasion” by Elliot
1). Implied consensus: Example: Most people, most Americans, believe children are becoming
obese….no data supporting claim supplied. People have a natural tendency to feel most
comfortable when they conform to commonly held views and positions.
2). Use of Expert Testimonials with Qualifier in absence of supporting data: Scientists (experts,
economists..etc.) believe that XYZ……Example: Most Scientists believe that the Polar
Bear Population is in danger of extinction.
• The Polar Bear population is in fact at a 60 year peak as per 2008 estimates by
the Canadian Government (International Wildlife IUCN Polar Bear Study Group).
It is 5 fold higher than 1950 and 2.5 fold higher than 1970.
3). Use of a Strawman: Example: President Obama suggesting that a surgeon will profit as
much as $50K for an amputation of a diabetic’s leg and a Childs tonsils
– The strawman creates a source to focus animosity and raises anger and incites action
in the intended target audience – highly effective
4). The one sided debate. Writer acknowledges that there is a dispute or debate and they
then present only the one side of the debate effectively suggesting that the other side’s
concern is invalid based on how the one side (their side) is presented.
Methods and Techniques of Persuasion (Continued)
5). Use of Qualifier to suggest a point of view with no supporting reference data
(qualifier exempts requirement to cite data to support). Example: It is
suggested that x will occur….
6). Use of Spin to support/bolster position: Examples: The title of the health
care bill: Patient Protection and Affordability Act. Who can vote against
patient protection and affordability?
7). In the case of newspapers the positioning of information in the article impact
the level of influence. Front page above the fold has greater influence than
below the fold on page 23.
8). Omission of key facts that a journalist, who deems themselves
knowledgeable on the topic, would be aware of that would assist the reader
in forming a complete understanding of the topic being covered.
Analysis of Excerpts
from the Article
Was Propaganda Techniques
Employed: You Be the Judge
Was Propaganda Techniques Employed: You Be the Judge
1). Article title: “Curing the confusion” : The writers assume the American people are
confused and uninformed and that this is their basis for not supporting Obamacare –
this title is Spin - above the fold front page.
– The writers failed to note the valid concerns of a majority of citizens and instead
chose to suggest the people are confused (54% oppose plan as per Rasmussen
polls at the time this article was written)
– Following >1 year of debate, thousands of news articles, network and cable
news stories and plan reviews these writers assume our lack of support is due
to confusion……the current 58%, who want the plan repealed, are confused –
while the 42% are the informed minority of which the writers are a part of. In fact
opposition has grown since this article was written.
2). Article Introduction (Above the fold - Implied consensus ): “Most Americans”,
understandably, don’t know how it will change their lives….–Use of word
“understandably” is face saving for what the writers view as unintelligent,
uninformed and confused readers. Writers seek to re-educate and hope to convince
(re-educate) readers of why they should support plan.
3). Paragraph 3 of main article (above the fold - spin): Writers characterize the plan as
being a “reinvention” and a “reconstruction” of the American Health system. Most
view the plan as destructive not constructive to the American Health Care System.
These 2 writers are in the minority (<43% view the plan as constructive)
Was Propaganda Techniques Employed: You Be the Judge
4). Paragraph 9 above the fold “And if things go right” double digit health care increases
will disappear and Americans will see bigger paychecks.
To quote Hillary – these writers “educated” opinion requires a “Willing Suspension of
Disbelief:”. According to the most recent Rasmussen Polls 81% of voters believe the
cost is significantly underestimated. Only 10% believe the current government estimates
are accurate. These two reporters are part of that 10% minority apparently.
If these writers do not belong to this extreme minority then why would they spin this
information in this manner – what is their objective?
5). Paragraph 12 Above the fold – use of qualifier: “Will you pay more taxes?” Answer: “Not
if you make less than $250K/year…..That’s the way things will look if everything goes
as planned”. Only 10% of Americans believe this will go as planned. Is it really possible
that these writers believe this – what is their objective for reporting this?
6). The next reference is revealing: Paragraph 17 above the fold: “In hopes of helping
our readers understand the law better, The Buffalo News” is devoting two full pages
today to explaining it” . The News is willing to sacrifice time and space towards this reeducation in hopes of seeing this as they do and supporting the bill apparently. If we
support their minority position, in their view, eliminates our confusion
Was Propaganda Techniques Employed: You Be the Judge
7). Q: “I have had arguments with health insurance companies over coverage (use of a
STRAWMAN persuasion/propaganda technique), including being denied a policy
because of a pre-existing medical condition. Will any changes reform how insurers
do business”?
A: The writers respond essentially suggesting that these arguments will end and service
access will improve - once again the writers find themselves in the extreme minority with
<10% in Rasmussen Poll believing service and access will improve
8). These writers saved the most disturbing revelation of their article for the dead end (3rd page)
following a number of questions and answers that became repetitive:
Q: And what will happen if the law ends up costing far more than projected?
A: “That's an open question. Congress could curtail benefits or increase taxes to pay for
the cost overruns — or simply let the federal deficit grow to even higher record levels.
None of those solutions is particularly politically palatable
– “Curtail Benefits”: The use of minimization of a very serious claim. The Buffalo News
Suggests an option of rationing healthcare exists. This bombshell was saved for the
3rd page dead end of their analysis. The News Knows it will cost far more than
projected . Minimally $700 Billion based on 40% under-funding and projected >$500
Billion Medicaid/Medicare costs cuts that are highly improbable of being realized
– To place this in context the IRS Collects just $900 billion/year in income taxes. This
plan is likely underfunded by greater than this amount – this is not sustainable and as
per The Buffalo News this would either result in curtailed benefits (rationing) or
what could be very significant tax increases
– Why was this left at the dead end of a 3 page report, this was news worthy. Was
the reason because it is contrary to the objectives they had for writing the
What Was Omitted or
Downplayed in Article?
Omission/withholding information that is essential to
making an informed choice is part of many effective
propaganda campaigns
The following items were either omitted or down played in article:
What big government entitlement program has ever:
Reduced the deficit?
Only cost what it says it will and lowered the costs of goods and services?
Improved quality?
Enhanced efficiency?
Decreased delays?
Fostered more choice and competition?
Featured competent bureaucracy?
Operated with honest accounting?
Avoided fraud, abuse, waste, maddening red tape, and higher taxes?
Question: Did the authors intentionally ignore the wealth of historical data that would
be directly relevant to the concerns (as opposed to confusion) of the general
Question: Did the authors address what has been the primary basis of the
oppositions concerns or did they choose to ignore these concerns in order to
support their own position on the topic?
Question: What was the writers objectives based on they way in which they
presented this material?
Items either omitted or down played in article (Continued):
ObamaCare slashes Medicare by $528 Billion:
– Seniors will be forced off Medicare Advantage Plan ($136 billion savings)
– An additional $23 billion in cuts to Medicare will come from a panel charged with
slashing Medicare spending (rationing).
– Doctor payments will be slashed by 21% - many doctors will no longer accept new
medicare/medicaid patients due to insufficient payment (the primary source of
Sustained higher unemployment – in 2010 an estimated $14 Billion in write-offs are
expected due to impact of plan since plan passed. Such increased burden will impact
recovery and employment
Addition of 32 million new patients concurrent with projected retirement of >20% of existing
doctors over the next 5 years (baby boom retirements) will create severe doctor shortage.
Specialists will be inaccessible accept for the very rich.
Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts that ObamaCare will increase the average
family’s premiums by as much as 13 percent by 2016 (this does not factor in doctor
shortage driven price increases) – this is contrary to what writers presented
Due to severe doctor shortage, costs will be driven significantly higher (supply-demand
driven price increase)
Value Added Tax or some other funding source will be required due to severe under funding
of plan beyond 2020.
Reduction in 2011 of tax free health spending accounts (HSAs) from $5000 to $2500
maximum. Consumer driven/out of pocket tax free healthcare spending is an effective way
of reducing costs. This “reform” bill cuts rather than expands on this effective method of
cost control (??). Patient empowerment reduced while dependance of government
dramatically increased.
Items were either omitted or down played in article (Continued):
Starting in 2011 OTC drug purchases through HSAs eliminated (ouch!)
Loss of privacy: Your healthcare file must be uploaded into Federal healthcare data
base to permit ready access to doctors, hospitals, Federal agents (regulatory panel) and
IRS auditors
Significant increase in data documentation requirements by healthcare providers
(doctors and hospitals) this will increase costs. These costs will be passed on to
Added tax complexity: You and your employer will be required to report your health
insurance information to IRS as part of tax filing (added tax complexity)
Increased IRS audits: IRS is adding 17,000 agents to cover new enforcement
requirement in plan – this will result in a significant increase in audits and intrusion by
government into our personal and private information and lives
Marriage Penalty: Penalty of up to $10,000 for couples making >$250K – “divorces of
convenience” will increase when factoring in current marriage tax penalty
The constitutionality of the requirement to purchase a good or service by the Federal
Government – this is unprecedented and breaches a number of sections in constitution.
Not to mention the unprecedented corruption that led to the passing of the bill – this
same corrupt system will now be entrusted with millions of elderly, sick and unborn
American lives.
– Think about the fact that these same corrupt people who accepted bribes to vote
yes will be entrusted with life and death decisions for millions……consider the
lobbyist influence and the implications this has. This fact alone is a singular basis
for immediate and complete repeal of the entire bil – we can’t allow such corrption.
This analysis was just one example and is not a
unique case of the type of journalism that is
being passed as news to the general population.
The conversion of once reputable news
organizations into extensions of the government
(state run media) is a issue that should concern
all Americans. We must take action and call
attention to this propaganda and we must begin
to send a message to these news organizations
that this is unacceptable.
Entitlement Concern – Prior to Underfunded Health Care Plan
•In 2010: 14 percent of payroll taxes and premiums go towards these entitlements (Health
Care Plan not factored)
•By 2020, in addition to payroll taxes and premiums, Social Security and Medicare will
require more than one in four federal income tax dollars.
•By 2030, about the midpoint of the baby boomer retirement years, the programs will require
nearly half of all income tax dollars.
•By 2060, they will require nearly three out of four income tax dollars
Welcome To Grand Island Patriots
• 6:30 PM
(mtg Chair)
Convenes meeting and reviews agenda – Kathy Knight
6:40 PM
Importance of voting - Kevin Hardwick (Erie County Leg.)
7:15 PM
Health Care Plan – How it impacts you – Mike Madigan
7:45 PM
Citizen Action – Effective Methods - Greg Thrun
(Americans for Prosperity)
8:10 PM
Primary Challenge – Committeeman sign-up - John