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Transcript Totalitarianism

Summary: After Lenin dies, Stalin seizes power and
transforms the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state.
“Stalin, Lenin’s successor, dramatically transformed the
government of the Soviet Union. Stalin was determined
that the Soviet Union should find its place both politically
and economically among the most powerful of nations in
the world. Using tactics designed to rid himself of
opposition, Stalin worked to establish total control of all
aspects of life in the Soviet Union. He controlled not only
the government, but also the economy and many aspects
of citizens’ private lives.” (p. 874)
A Government of Total Control
Total, Centralized State Control
Totalitarianism—government that dominates
every aspect of life
Totalitarian leader is often dynamic* and
*pertaining to or characterized by energy or effective action;
vigorously active or forceful; energetic: the dynamic president of
the firm.
Police Terror
Government uses police to spy on and
intimidate people
“Normally, the police are expected to respond to
criminal activity and protect the citizens. In a
totalitarian state, the police serve enforce the
central government’s policies.” (p. 874)
Government shapes people’s minds through
slanted education
“Control of education is absolutely essential to
glorify the leader and his policies and to convince
all citizens that their unconditional loyalty and
support are required.” (p. 874, 876)
Propaganda and Censorship
Totalitarian states spread *propaganda.
Government controls all mass media, and
**crushes opposing views.
*biased or incomplete information used to sway people
Religious or Ethnic Persecution
Leaders brand religious, ethnic minorities
“enemies of the state.”
State Control
of Individuals
• demands loyalty
• denies basic liberties
• expects personal
sacrifice for the
good of the state
• sets goals of
the state
• glorified aims of
the state
• glorified govern
Dynamic Leader
• unites people
• symbolizes
• encourages popular
support through
force of will
Methods of
• police terror
• indoctrination
• censorship
• persecution
Dictatorship &
One-Party Rule
State Control
of Society
• exercises absolute
• dominates the
• business
• labor
• housing
• education
Modern Technology
• mass communication
to spread propaganda
• advance military
Fear of Totalitarianism
George Orwell illustrated the
horrors of a totalitarian government
in his novel, 1984. The novel
depicts a world in which personal
freedom and privacy have
vanished. It is a world made
possible through modern
technology. Even citizen’s homes
have television cameras that
constantly survey their behavior.
Totalitarian leaders in the 20th century
Adolf Hitler (Germany) 1933-1945
Benito Mussolini (Italy) 1925-1943
Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union) 1929-1953
Kim Il Sung (North Korea) 1948-1994
Saddam Hussein (Iraq) 1979-2003
Case Study: Stalinist Russia
Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State
Stalin aims to create Communist state in
He began by destroying his enemies—real and
Police State
Stalin’s police attack opponents with public force and secret actions
“They monitored telephone lines, read mail, and planted informers
everywhere. Even children told authorities about disloyal remarks they heard
at home.”
The Great Purge (sometimes called the “Great Terror”)—terror
campaign against Stalin’s perceived enemies.
The purge involved
The “old Bolsheviks” who helped in the 1917 Revolution.
The Red Army leadership
Repression of the “Kulaks” or better off, independent landowning peasants
By the end of 1938 Stalin is in complete control; 8-13 million people are
dead as a result.
Russian Propaganda and Censorship
Government controls
newspapers, radio, and
Stalin developed a “cult of
personality” often
glorifying himself in
official propaganda posters
(see right).
Artists are censored,
controlled; their work is
harnessed to glorify the
More Propaganda
A poster from the
German Democratic
Republic (East
Germany) celebrating
Stalin’s 70th birthday.
The text translates:
“The leader and teacher
of humanity in the fight
for peace, democracy
and socialism.”
Yet MORE propaganda!
This East German
poster celebrates
Stalin’s 73rd birthday in
1952. The text here
translates “Long live
the standard bearer of
peace. the best friend
of the German people.”
Education and Indoctrination
Government controls all education, from early
grades to college.
Children learn the virtues of the Communist
Teachers and students who challenge the
Party are punished.
Religious Persecution
Government attacks the Russian Orthodox
Magnificent churches and synagogues are
destroyed. Religious leaders are killed.
People lose all personal rights and freedoms.
Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy
New Economic System
Command economy—the government makes
all the economic decisions.
An Industrial Revolution
Five-Year Plans—Stalin’s plan to
industrialize the Soviet Union
Agriculture to Industry
An Agricultural Revolution
In 1928, government creates collective farms—large, state-owned farms.
Peasants resist this change, and 5-10 million peasants die in the
“The government expected that the modern machinery on the collective farms
would boost food production and reduce the number of workers. Resistance
was especially strong among kulaks, a class of wealthy peasants. The Soviet
government decided to eliminate them.
Peasants actively fought the government’s attempt to take their land. Many
killed livestock and destroyed crops in protest. Soviet secret police herded
peasants onto collective farms at the point of a bayonet. Between 5 million
and 10 million peasants died as a direct result of Stalin’s agricultural
revolution. By 1938, more than 90 percent of all peasants lived on collective
farms.” (p. 878)
By 1938, agricultural production is rising.
Daily Life Under Stalin
Gains at Great Cost
People better educated, gain new skills.
Limited personal freedoms; very few
consumer goods.
Woman Gain Rights
Communists say women are equal to men.
Women forced to join labor force; state
provides child care
Many women receive advanced educations
and become professionals.
Women suffer from the demands of work and
Total Control Achieved
Powerful Ruler
By mid-1930s, Stalin has transformed Soviet
Totalitarian regime; industrial, political power
Stalin controls all aspects of Soviet life:
Unopposed as dictator, Communist Party leader
Rules by terror instead of constitutional
Demands conformity and obedience.