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Jewish Symbols
From Living Judaism
by Rabbi Wayne Dosick
Magen David
O Star of David
O Was on the shields of David’s warriors
O Symbol on the Flag of the state of Israel
O Used throughout the world as a clear and
unique identifying symbol of Jews and
O Seven (or nine) branched candleholder
O One of the oldest Jewish symbols—one of the
ritual objects described in the Torah
O Today the nine branched menorah is used in
celebration of Chanukah
O The seven branched menorah is the authentic
ancient symbol (one for each of the 6 days of
creation and 1 for sabbath)
O The Jewish symbol of life
O Expresses the hope and prayer for life,
health and prosperity
O Popular Jewish toast—L’chayim—To Life
Mazal Tov
O Means good luck or congratulations
O Particularly used for significant life events
(ie. Bar Mitzvahs, weddings, birthdays, etc.)
O Literally “So be it”
O Means I agree/affirm
O After a blessing it is customary for those
who have heard the blessing to say Amen
O Means hello/goodbye/peace
O Comes from root word shalem which means
O Peace comes when there is wholeness,
completeness, unity.
O Peace is the eternal Jewish prayer—world
peace, peace between people, inner peace,