Transcript File

One of the most distinguishing features of Egypt is its river.
 The River Nile
 All the major towns of Egypt are dotted along down the river
as you can see below.
To answer this question we need to go back 4000 years to the time of
Ancient Egyptians.
Here is a picture of some of the main guys here:
We call them ‘Ancient’ Egyptians because they
lived so long ago. It has nothing to do with their
Many of their buildings and temples still survive
today, despite being built over 4000 years ago.
Why do you think the Ancient Egyptians lived by the Nile?
 What do you think the ground would be like away from the
The Sahara Desert
The Egyptians had lived down the River Nile since the beginning
of Man.
Before the time of the Ancient Egyptians however, Egypt used to
be two separate countries.
However, there was…
So, in the year 2920 BC, a strong King came in and united the two
This strong King became the first ruler of Egypt. He became known as
After him there were hundreds of pharaohs. They ruled Egypt for 3000
: Once crowned Pharaoh, they would be given a special crown
with a cobra on it. The cobra was a goddess who protected the
Pharaoh. The Egyptians believed that the snake could spit
poisonous fire at the Pharaoh’s enemies
Egyptians mostly lived in families
Their families often had five or more children, because so many
children died before they grew up.
In the Egyptian family the father was responsible for providing
for his family. The mother stayed home and raised the children.
Small children and other female relatives lived in a special part
of the house. Much of the children's time was spent in training
for their adulthood. By age four the children would help their
parents in the field or train as craftsmen.
Egypt is a hot country and so people wore lightweight clothes which kept
them cool
The Egyptians wore very simple clothing. The clothes were made of linen.
Linen was made from the flax that grew in the fields. It was woven into cloth.
The rich wore finely woven linen while the workers wore a more durable
material. Men in the upper class wore skirts or kilts. The women wore
simple, tight-fitting dresses.
Egyptians wore sandals made from leather or reed. Rich ladies wore shawls,
flower headdresses, and beaded collars.
They decorated this clothing by wearing elaborate costume jewelry.
Both men and women wore eye makeup.
Creams and oil were used as well as eye
paint. Eye paint was usually green, made
from copper, or black, made from lead or
soot. It was believed the makeup had
magical and even healing powers. The black
lead ore was mixed with fat or cream. This
was a good medication. It was so expensive
only the wealthy could wear it. Some even
believed that wearing it would restore poor
The boys shaved their heads except for one
braided lock until the age of 12. This was a
protection from fleas and lice. Girls wore their
hair long. It was often worn in pig tails. The
women wore their hair loose or in braids. The
wealthy wore wigs. For parties Egyptians wore
wigs or braided their hair.
 Egyptians ate two large meals each day: one
at dawn and another at dusk. Egyptians went
to the market to purchase food. They ate
plenty of cereal, vegetables, and fruits.
Some of the most common foods were
barley, wheat, lentils, cucumbers, beans,
leeks, onions, dates, figs, and grapes. Other
fruits included apples, melons,
pomegranates and the occasional coconut.
Beef was the Egyptians' favorite meat, but they also ate lamb, gazelle, wild goat,
ox, pork, fish, duck, and goose. Food was cooked in clay ovens.
Bread was a everyday food of both the commoner and the wealthy. The finest
loaves were ground with sand. This is why the teeth of royalty showed serious
abrasion. The wheat was ground by rolling a round stone on a saddle querm. The
loaves were then baked in conical molds. Wealthy Egyptians sweetened their
bread with honey and stuffed it with fruit.
A common meal for a peasant might be boiled or roasted beef, assorted
vegetables, fruit (usually figs and grapes), a slice of bread, and beer. The wealthy
ate on bronze, silver, or gold plates while the commoners ate on clay dishes.
People ate with the tips of their fingers. Everyone was given a small bowl of water
to clean their hands after the meal.
The rich soil of the Nile River made growing crops easy. Donkeys were used to
help carry the bags of seeds during planting time. The fields had to be irrigated
during the hot summer months. Besides crops the farmers raised hens, geese,
ducks, and pelicans.
Egyptian homes were made from bricks. Bricks were
made of sun dried mud.. The floor was dirt.
Homes along the Nile were built on small hills to protect
them from the annual floods.
The houses had small slits for windows, This meant the
house was dark but cool
Cooking was usually done over an open wood/ charcoal
fire in the courtyard in front of the house
The homes were furnished with stools, chairs, low
tables, beds, and boxes for holding personal items. Oil
lamps were used to light the homes.
• The Egyptians loved music, and played instruments such as the lute, harp,
and lyre. Festivals held in Ancient Egypt were usually holidays in honor of the
• The Egyptians loved their children and encouraged them to play and have
fun. Some games they played were leap frog and tug o' war. Egyptians liked
board games. One called Senet was similar to checkers. Another board game
was called Snake.
• Outdoors, Egyptians enjoyed athletics, hunting, fishing and riding in horse
drawn chariots
A senet games board
The Egyptian writing called hieroglyphics used pictures to represent different
objects, actions, sound or ideas. There were more than 700 hieroglyphs. Some
pictures stood for whole words
Interesting Fact: The Egyptians did not write vowels and did not use any
This writing was uncovered by the Rosetta Stone. Hieroglyphics uses small
pictures which represent the sound of the object or an idea associated with the
Hieroglyphs were written on papyrus reed, which is a water or marsh plant,
with tall straight hollow stems.The reeds were flattened, dried, and stuck
together to make pages.