Developmental Disorders

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Transcript Developmental Disorders

Developmental Disorders
Lecture of 2-22-07
Attention-deficit hyperactivity
• Unable to focus, easily distracted
• Impulsive
• Does not complete tasks, changes tasks
From: Famous
People and
Attention Deficit
Top Row (left to right): President Eisenhower, Beethoven, Stevie Wonder, Mariette
Hartley, President Lincoln, "Magic" Johnson
Second Row: Benjamin Franklin, William Butler Yeats, President Kennedy, George
Burns, Milton Hershey, Galileo
Third Row: Prince Charles, General Patton, Mozart, Greg Louganis, Henry Winkler,
Bottom Row: Eleanor Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, Harry Andersen,
Jim Carey, Sir Winston Churchill, Jason Kidd
ADHD Quotes:
• “I was trying to daydream, but my mind
kept wandering.” Steven Wright
• “Punctuality is a virtue of the bored” Evelyn
Pablo Picasso
Vincent Van Gogh
Ansel Adams
Bruce Jenner
Pete Rose
Magic Johnson
Jackie Stewart
Babe Ruth
Micael Jordan
Nolan Ryan
Jason Kidd
Greg Louganis
Leonardo Da Vinci
Orville & Wilber Wright
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Edison
William Wrigley
Alexander Graham Bell
Sir Issac Newton
Albert Einstein
Bill Cosby
Jim Carey
Harry Belafonte
Kirk Douglas
Ann Bancroft
Dustin Hoffman
Robin Williams
Suzanne Somers
George Burns
Steve McQueen
Tracey Gold
George C. Scott
Sylvester Stallone
Whoopi Goldberg
Henry Winkler
Will Smith
Lindsay Wagner
James Stewart
Tom Smothers
Danny Glover
• Diagnosis is based on 3 symptoms:
– Lack of responsiveness to other people
– Impairment in verbal and nonverbal
– Limited activities and limited interests
• Engage in repetitive behaviors
FYI (not notes) from
Most researchers are convinced that the cause is biological rather than psychological. Bernard
Rimland in his book Infantile Autism (1965) cited the following evidence for a biological
genesis and against the idea that parents cause their children to be autistic:
Some clearly autistic children are born to parents who do not fit the autistic parent
personality pattern.
Parents who do fit the description of the supposedly pathogenic parent almost invariably
have normal, non-autistic children.
With very few exceptions, the siblings of autistic children are normal.
Autistic children are behaviorally unusual "from the moment of birth."
There is a consistent ratio of three or four boys to one girl.
Virtually all cases of twins reported in the literature have been identical, with both twins
Autism can occur or be closely simulated in children with known organic brain damage.
The symptomatology is highly unique and specific.
There is an absence of gradations of infantile autism which would create "blends" from
normal to severely afflicted.
Points 4 and 9 are not generally accepted now, perhaps because of the broadening of the
condition's definition over time, and perhaps because of additional observation & data
FYI (not for notes)
• If parents have one child with autism, the chance of
another child is 3-8%
• Identical twins: if one has it, 30% chance that the other one
has it.
Eating disorders
• Anorexia Nervosa
– 85% of normal weight
– Unrealistic body image
– Restrictive food consumption
• Bulimia nervosa
– Binging of 1000’s of calories
– Purging by vomiting or laxatives
Nicole Richie
Paula Abdul
Singer and dancer, famous for her daring
necklines and skin-tight dresses, has a secret
weapon for keeping her figure sexy and trim. She
employs a highly priced "food cop" to patrol her
Top Hollywood nutritionist Yolanda Berman keeps
a strict eye on what 36-year-old Abdul keeps in
her pantry, cupboards and fridge. Abdul once
thought nothing of sitting down to wolf down a
whole cake, a bag of biscuits and a tub of ice
cream. Then she would retreat to the bathroom
and purge herself of the food. She had to
overcome the eating disorder bulimia, whose
sufferers binge and purge, by checking into a
clinic in 1994. Abdul was once also an exercise
junkie, trying to burn off the extra kilojoules she
had taken in by over-indulging in food. "I used to
be a fanatic," she says. "I used to exercise four
or five times a day. "Now it's different. I don't
exercise too much for the wrong reasons. Three
times a week I'll do some cardiovascular or
aerobic activity.