HOPE TO COPE - Hillview Baptist Church

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Transcript HOPE TO COPE - Hillview Baptist Church

Dealing With Depression
Definition 1: Severe despondency and
dejection, accompanied by feelings of
hopelessness and inadequacy.
Definition 2: A condition of mental
disturbance, typically with lack of energy
and difficulty in maintaining concentration
or interest in life
Definition 3: A psychological disorder that
affects a person's mood changes, physical
functions and social interactions.
Definition 4: Depression is a common
mental disorder that presents with
depressed mood, loss of interest or
pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth,
disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and
poor concentration.
Symptoms of Depression
Feelings of helplessness and
hopelessness: A bleak outlook; nothing
will ever get better and there’s nothing
you can do to improve your situation.
Loss of interest in daily activities: No
interest in former hobbies, pastimes,
social activities, or sex. You’ve lost your
ability to feel joy and pleasure.
Symptoms of Depression
Appetite or weight changes: Significant
weight loss or weight gain; a change of
more than 5% of body weight in a month.
Sleep changes: Either insomnia,
especially waking in the early hours of
the morning, or oversleeping (also known
as hypersomnia).
Symptoms of Depression
Irritability or restlessness: Feeling
agitated, restless, or on edge. Your tolerance
level is low; everything and everyone gets on
your nerves.
Loss of energy: Feeling fatigued, sluggish,
and physically drained. Your whole body may
feel heavy, and even small tasks are
exhausting or take longer to complete.
Symptoms of Depression
Self-pity/hate: Strong feelings of
worthlessness or guilt. You harshly criticize
yourself for perceived faults and mistakes.
Concentration problems: Trouble focusing,
making decisions, or remembering things.
Unexplained aches and pains: An increase
in physical complaints such as headaches,
back pain, aching muscles, and stomach
Physical causes:
– Some diseases like Parkinson’s
disease, multiple sclerosis, lupus,
electrolyte abnormalities from anorexia
– Side effects of prescription drugs such
as blood-pressure, heart medication &
psychiatric drugs
Spiritual Causes:
- Faulty response to unfavorable
- Guilt from wrong done
- Self-pity from wrong (or perceived wrong)
done to you
Overcoming Depression
“Make healthy lifestyle changes”
Cultivate supportive relationships
Get regular exercise and sleep
Eat healthy to naturally boost mood
Manage your stress
Practice relaxation techniques
Challenge negative thought
Overcoming Depression
“Make spiritual decisions”
Pray regularly / ask for help to pray
Execute your responsibilities no
matter how you feel
Refocus on God (worship, praise)
Make yourself accountable to
Seek help & support
Meditate & practice Scriptures….
Psalm 118
Psalm 91
Isaiah 40:25-31; 41:10-13
Hebrews 4:14-16; 12:12-15
Habakkuk 3:17-19