Transcript Sleep

Sleeping Late
Alice Pomidor, MD, MPH
FSU College of Medicine
Supported by a grant from the D.W. Reynolds
If you had the time, would you….
• Go to bed early, or do something with
your family/friends?
• Sleep in, or catch up on stuff around
the house?
• Study, watch TV/movie, or take a nap?
• Eat, or sleep?
• List 3 differences in sleep patterns
between older and younger adults
• Recognize the effects of disturbed sleep
on functional abilities of older adults
• Describe 3 methods for assessing sleep
• Describe 3 aspects of the social
environment which affect sleep
• List 3 therapeutic interventions for sleep
Sleep Terminology
• Sleep continuity—balance of sleep and
wakefulness through the night
• Sleep latency—how long it takes to fall asleep
• Sleep architecture—amount of sleep relatively
spent in REM, NREM; uses stages of sleep 0-4
as well as “light” or “deep” sleep as terms
• Sleep study—usually polysomnography
w/EEG, O2 monitoring, eye and breathing
movement monitoring. Sometime may be
include or substitute simpler tests of
wakefulness, latency, or actigraphy
“Normal” Sleep
Stage 1-NREM-5%-falling asleep
Stage 2-NREM-50%-light sleep
Stages 3 & 4-NREM-deep sleep-10-20%
REM-20-25%-”dream” sleep
REM/NREM cycle every 80-100 minutes
all night; more NREM early, more REM
towards morning
Circadian Rhythms
• Controlled by the suprachiasmatic nucleus in
the anterior hypothalamus (SCN) via
hormonal proteins, autofeedback loops
(melatonin, glucose metabolism)
• Synchronized to environment (light)
• Varies from person to person—morning vs.
night people
• Most common schedule biphasic; decreased
alertness most common between 2-4pm and
worst 4-6am
Barion Sleep Med 2007
Normal Changes with Age
• Decreased total sleep time (childhood 10-12
hours; adults 5-9 hours)
• Decreased sleep efficiency—lie in bed awake
• Less deep sleep—don’t feel rested
• Increased light sleep—easier arousals
• Decreased REM sleep—link to memory?
• Phase shift to earlier times with increased
difficulty accommodating shift work, jet lagearly morning awakening, early bedtimes
• Normal changes stabilize about age 60
Perceived Sleep Problems
• 2003 “Sleep in America” survey found
36% health elderly over age 65, 52%
with 1-3 comorbidities, and 69% with 4
or more comorbidities reported
disturbed sleep
• Most frequent survey causes: nocturia,
worry, noise, dreaming, thirst, pain
(presenting complaints)
DSM IV TR Diagnoses
• Insomnia—difficulty falling or maintaining sleep for
over a month
• Primary hypersomnia—prolonged or daytime sleep
episodes occurring almost daily for over a month
• Breathing-related sleep disorder—obstructive or
central sleep apnea, or hypoventilation
• Circadian Rhythm sleep disorder—Delayed sleep
phase, jet lag, shift work types
• Dyssomnias—Restless legs, periodic limb movements,
sleep deprivation, environmental factors
• Parasomnias—Nightmares, sleep terrors,
• Causes functional impairment, not due to another
Medical comorbidities
• Substance misuse (EtOH, nicotine, caffeine,
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Pain
• Reflux
• Breathing problems from heart or lung
• Neuro disorders (dementia, stroke)
• True primary sleep disorders under diagnosed
but still relatively rare
Adverse Functional Effects
Cognitive impairment
Independent risk factor for more falls
? diabetes and obesity
Hypoxic effect on cardiac function
Driving impairment
Chicken or the egg?—depression,
anxiety, pain, nocturia
Sleep Expectations
Eight hours long
Fall asleep within 15 minutes
Wake up refreshed and ready to go
Will feel better than when went to bed
Sleep Assessment
Screening-NIH recommendation
Composite Scale of Morningness
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
BEARS mnemonic
Functional impact evaluation
Comorbidities assessment
Medication inventory
NIH Consensus Screening Q’s
• Is the person satisfied with his or her
• Does sleep or fatigue interfere with
daytime activities?
• Does the bed partner or others
complain of unusual behavior during
sleep, such as snoring, interrupted
breathing, or leg movements?
Composite Scale of Morningness
• Morning vs. Evening person relatively
recent terminology for cohort
• Helps determine fit between schedule
and circadian rhythm
• Particularly frequent problem for
persons in structured settings
• Scoring: 22 or less = evening person,
44 and above morning person
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
• Intended to screen for true sleep
• Rating scale of 0-3 in severity for each
of 8 items
• Scoring: 6-7 normal, 8-11 mild, 12-15
moderate (c/w apnea), 16-18 severe
(potential narcolepsy)
Excessive sleepiness
Awakenings, night and early morning
Regularity and duration of sleep
Sleep Studies
• Obstructive apnea—near/complete obstruction of
airflow for 10 seconds or more with continued
respiratory effort
• Central apnea—cessation of respiratory effort
• Hypopnea—2001 Medicare definition of 30%
reduction from baseline in thoracoabdominal effort or
airflow lasting 10 seconds or more accompanied by a
4% or great oxygen desaturation (usually below
• Respiratory-effort related arousals—10 seconds of
attempted inspiration followed by arousal
• Respiratory Disturbance Index—number of apnea and
hyponea and respiratory effort-related arousals per
hour of sleep, 10-15 considered significant
Special Problems
Nursing homes
Postmenopausal symptoms
Treatment Expectations/Goals
• Discuss who wants what: patient,
caregiver(s), health care professional
• Set targets
• Develop intervention plan to reach
• Keep a sleep diary to monitor progress
• Follow-up at regular intervals depending
on the intervention plan
Environmental Interventions
Substance use
Facility interruptions
Medication schedule
Behavioral Interventions
Sleep hygiene education
Relaxation techniques
Stimulus control-TV, reading, exercise
Sleep restriction
Sleep compression
Cognitive therapy
Alternative Interventions
Light therapy
Electrical stimulation
Herbals (lavender)
Traditional remedies (chamomile tea,
warm milk)
• Nutrition
Medication Interventions
Melatonin and derivatives
Dopamine agonists
Hormone therapy
Self-medication issues
Risks of Intervention
Medication dependency
Psychomotor impairment
Anticholinergic side effects
Other medication side effects
Tolerance of equipment
Caregiver impact
• List 3 differences in sleep patterns
between older and younger adults
• Recognize the effects of disturbed sleep
on functional abilities of older adults
• Describe 3 methods for assessing sleep
• Describe 3 aspects of the social
environment which affect sleep
• List 3 therapeutic interventions for sleep