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The Endocrine System
Main Function and Vocabulary
1.The main function of the endocrine system is
to release hormones into the bloodstream
which deliver messages throughout the
body. Basically it does what the Nervous
system cannot.
2. Endocrine Gland- release the hormones into
the blood stream.
3. Hormone- chemicals that travel through the
bloodstream and affect bodily activities.
Pituitary & Pineal Glands
1. Posterior lobe: stores and releases
hormones produced by the
a. Antidiuretic hormone: stimulates
kidneys to reabsorb water
2. Anterior lobe
a. Growth hormone: promotes growth
and development of the body
3. Disorder: Giantism & dwarfism
4. Pineal Gland:
a. Releases melatonin which affects
reproductive development & sleep
Thyroid Gland
Thyroid Gland
a. Consists of two lobes, one on
each side of the trachea
b. Produces thyroxine
c. Thyroxine: maintains
metabolism; regulates rate of
oxygen use by cells
1. Long, soft organ in the posterior abdominal wall,
behind the stomach
2.Pancreatic islets secrete glucagons & insulin
a. Glucagons – involved in carbohydrate
metabolism; released when glucose level in
blood is low
* causes liver to convert glycogen into glucose
and releases the glucose into the bloodstream
b. Insulin – causes most of the body’s cells to take
in glucose
* When insulin is low or absent, glucose is not
taken up by most body cells and the body
begins to use fat as an energy source
3. Disorder: Diabetes
Adrenal Glands
1. Paired; one on upper portion of
each kidney
2. Secretes adrenaline
a. Adrenaline increases heart
rate & opens up the airways
(bronchioles) in the lungs (fight
/ flight hormone)
1. Produce 2 groups of sex hormones
2. Both contribute to the development & function of female
reproductive organs and sex characteristics
a. Estrogens promote:
* breast development
* fat distribution in hips, legs, & breasts
* maturation of reproductive organs
b. Progesterone causes uterine lining to thicken in
preparation for pregnancy
1. Testosterone is produced by the testes
2. Produced during embryonic development & stops
shortly after birth; resumes production during puberty
2. Responsible for:
a. Growth & development of male reproductive
b. Increased skeletal & muscular growth
c. Enlargement of larynx (voice changes)
d. Growth & distribution of body hair
Name that Gland & Its Main Hormone (s)
Pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Growth hormone
Adrenal glands Adrenaline
Insulin &
Estrogen &