Resp.2 Oxygen dissociation curve

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Oxygen dissociation curve
• Arterial blood with 15 gm/dl Hb contains
19.8 ml O2/dl, venous blood ( 75 %
saturated ) contains 15.2 O2 ml/dl.
• 4,6 ml O2 is delivered to tissues from each
100 ml blood, 250 ml delivered to the
tissues / min.
• Amount of Oxygen delivered depend on
Hb level.
• Oxygen dissociation curve is the relation
of the % saturation of Hb to the level of
PO2 in mm Hg.
• At PO2 100 sat. is 97.5%, at PO2 40 sat.
is 75%.
Factors affecting Hb affinity to O2
• Decreased affinity: shift of O2 dissociation
curve to the right:
• 1. Increased temp.
• 2. Fall in pH ( increased PCO2 – Bohr
effect ).
• 3. Increased 2,3,diphosphoglycerate in red
Increased affinity: Shift to the left:
1. Low temp.
2. High pH.
3. Decreased 2,3,diphosphoglycerate.
PO2 above 100 will not increase
• At PO2 60 Hb is 89% saturated.
• A steep drop of saturation below PO2 60.
2,3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG )
• A large amount in RBCs, formed from 3phosphoglyceraldehyde a product of
• It is an anion which binds with Hb and
releases O2. Half life 6 h.
Factors affecting 2,3 DPG:
• 1. Low pH ( acidosis ) decreases 2,3 DPG.
• 2. Thyroid hormone, growth hormone,
androgen leads to increased 2,3 DPG
• 3. Exercise increases 2,3 DPG after 60
• 4. High altitude increases 2,3 DPG
releasing O2.
• 5. Hb F ( alpha2 gama2) poor binding to
2,3 DPG leading to increased affinity to O2
and more O2 moves from mother to fetus.
• 6. In blood banks 2,3 DPG decreases,
shifting the curve to the left, increasing O2
affinity and less oxygen released ?
• 7. Anemia can increase 2,3 DPG.
• Asphyxia: Decreased PaO2, increased
• Hypercapnia: increased PCO2.
• Hypocapnia: decreased PCO2.
• It is an iron containing pigment in skeletal
• Binds one molecule of O2.
• Its curve to the left of Hb so it takes O2
from Hb.
• It is the partial press. Of O2 at which Hb is 50 %
saturated. It is increased by:
• 1. Thyroid hormones, growth H. & androgens.
• 2. Exercise.
• 3. High altitude.
• 4. Increased temp.
• 5. Decreased pH.
• The higher the P50, the lower is the Hb affinity
for O2.
Gas exchange at the tissues:
By simple diffusion: PaO2 in capillaries is
higher than tissues, so O2 diffuses to the
tissues. PCO2 is higher in tissues, so CO2
diffuses into capillaries.
Decreased O2 supply to the tissues produces
hypoxia. Types:
1. Hypoxic hypoxia: decreased PaO2 as in
pulmonary and cardiac diseases, high altitude.
Hypoxia cont.
• 2. Anemic hypoxia: anemia, CO decrease
Hb available to carry O2.
• 3. Stagnant hypoxia: decreased blood flow
as in shock.
• 4. Histotoxic hypoxia: prevention of
oxygen utilisation at tissues level eg
• Oxygen therapy can help in hypoxic
hypoxia & slightly in anemic h.