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By: McCade Curby, Ryan Alexander,
Tommy Pollack, Vijay Wulfekhule
The name of the body system is the endocrine system
Pituary gland, the endocrine glands of the head and
neck, the endocrine glands of the upper torso gland.
The definition of the endocrine system is a organ in the
human or animal body that secretes particular
chemical substances.
A gland is a group of cells that makes chemicals for the
A hormone is a substance that is made in one cell or
tissue and that causes a change in another cell or tissue
in a different part of the body.
Kidney transplant: Joseph Murray and a team of doctors
performed the first kidney transplant between two twins in 1954.
A kidney failure, which is when the kidney can no longer filter
waste products from the blood. This may be one reason someone
would need a kidney transplant.
If a kidney failure occurs and is not treated it could affect the
circulatory system, which is the system that works with blood.
Waste would build up in the body and could cause swelling,
confusion, shortness of breath, abnormal heart rhythm and lead to
Thyroid Surgery: Surgeon Desault in 1791 was the first person to
perform a partial thyroidectomy which is removing of the thyroid.
This surgery would be performed because of an enlarged
thyroid/goiter or more importantly cancer.
Goiters and cancer can be hereditary diseases but not at all times.
The thyroid is part of the endocrine system, when removed it
affects your hormone and energy levels.
If not treated, the enlarged thyroid/goiter can cut off air
circulation. If the disease is cancer, it can spread to other parts of
the body.
Our body's homeostasis helps our cells need
for oxygen.
Life function such as reproduction, and need
for nourishment are used to remove waste.
Functions in the organ system interact by the
urinary system, nervous system, skeletal
system. It gives something to pull against so
the skeleton system can move.
Cells tissues and organs are all similar
because every part above it is more complex.
One of the diseases in the endocrine system is
neoplasia, also known as Werner's Syndrome.
This Was discovered in 1904 by a German scientist
named Otto Werner.
Beside the endocrine it can affect pituitary gland,
pancreas, para thyroid gland
Some symptoms are abdominal pain, anxiety, head
aches, and muscle pain
This disease is also life threatening because there
is no cure
Another disease in the endocrine system is
hypothyroidism also called underactive
It was found in 1850 by William Gull
Effects of hypothyroidism are dry skin, weight
gain, and muscle weakness
At first you will not notice but when your
metabolism slows down you will start to notice
This disease is fatal if untreeted