Transcript Energy

NC/ND Engineering
Mechanical Principles and
The Law of Conservation of Energy
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed,
only transformed from one form to
This means that everything that
happens…….. Ever…….. Is an energy
1. Light
• Travels in waves
•Can be separated into visible light and invisible light
2. Sound
• Also Travels in waves but are much slower than light
• Is produced by vibrating air molecules which in turn vibrate our ear
3. Kinetic
“The energy of movement”
4. Potential
“The energy an object possesses because of its position within the
gravitational field ”
mass x acceleration due to gravity x
height above ground
P.E. = mgh
5. Thermal (Heat)
• If something receives heat energy then the temperature will rise
• Different materials have different levels of heat conduction
6. Electrical
• Movement of electrical charges through a substance
• Static is one form that electrical energy can take
7. Chemical
• Energy which is stored in chemical form
• Food, petrol and batteries are examples of stored chemical energy
8. Nuclear
• Energy which is stored in the nucleus of an atom
• Nuclear power plants split the nuclei of uranium atoms in a process
called fission
•The sun combines the nuclei of hydrogen atoms in a process called
fusion. Scientists are working on creating fusion energy on earth, so
that someday there might be fusion power plants.
Summary: 8 Forms of Energy
1. Light
5. Thermal (Heat)
2. Sound
6. Electrical
3. Kinetic
7. Chemical
4. Potential
8. Nuclear