Phases of Matter and Phase Changes

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Phases of Matter and
Phase Changes
Depends on
strength of forces
of attraction
between particles.
Definite shape and volume.
Most dense phase (exception is water!).
Difficult to compress.
Particles vibrate in fixed positions
Regular crystalline lattice structure.
Highest attraction between particles.
Note: Amorphous solids include
glass, plastic, wax, and silly putty
Definite volume
No definite shape
Hard to compress
Particles slide past each
Forces of attraction
between particles still high
No definite shape or volume
Expands to fill container
Lowest density
Density depends on pressure
Little attraction between
“Vapor” = a gaseous state of
something that is normally liquid
(Ex: water vapor)
Phases Applet
Short Summary video on phases:
Changes in Phase
(Boiling or Evaporating)
Melting (fusion)
Let’s Skip a Phase
Directly from the solid
phase to the gas phase.
Happens with substances
with weak intermolecular
forces of attraction
They separate easily!
Ex: CO2(s) dry ice, Iodine
CO2(s) → CO2 (g)
Energy = capacity to do work or produce heat.
It can be anything that causes matter to move or
change direction.
Ex: electrical, atomic, mechanical, chemical
Energy and the 4 states of matter:
Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy can’t be
created or
destroyed, just
transferred from
one form to another
PE vs. KE
Potential Energy
stored energy
Energy can be stored
in bonds between
atoms and released
during chemical rxns.
Kinetic Energy
energy of motion
All atoms are moving
and vibrating unless at
absolute zero
Heat Energy
A form of energy that increases the random
motion of particles
Measured in Joules or calories.
Heat Flow
Heat energy
travels from an
object of higher
temp. to one of
lower temp. until
both reach the
same temp.
Measure of the average kinetic energy
(motion) of all the particles in a sample.
Not a form of energy!!!
But if you add heat energy or take it away, it
causes particles to move faster or slower and
thus changes the temp.
Temperature Scales Used in
 Fixed points of scale based on the freezing
point and boiling point of water
0 °C = water freezes, 100 °C = water boils
 Scale based on lowest temperature possible
0 K = absolute zero
Scales and
K = ˚C + 273
Absolute Zero
Temperature at which particles have
slowed down so much they no longer
possess any kinetic energy.
0 Kelvin
-273° Celsius
Heat vs. Temperature
Teacup vs. Bathtub
Both at 25˚C
Which one contains
more heat energy?
Which one has the
greater average KE?
Exothermic vs. Endothermic
Exothermic Change:
A + B → C + D + energy
Energy is released or “ex”its
Endothermic Change: A + B + energy → C + D
Energy is absorbed or “en”ters
Energy During Phase Changes
Endothermic: (s→l, or l→g)
Energy overcomes attractive forces between
 PE increases
Exothermic: (g→l, or l→s)
As particles come closer together energy is
 PE decreases
Heating & Cooling Curves
Graphically represents temp. changes as heat
energy is added or taken away.
Label This Graph
Interpreting the Graph
The slanted portions =
temp is changing
Single phase is heating
up or cooling down
KE is changing
The flat portions =
temp not changing
Substance undergoing
a phase change
PE is changing
Heating Curve for Water
What is Melting Pt? Boiling Pt?
Heat Equations
Calculates the energy involved when a
substance changes in temperature or
undergoes a phase change.
Physical Constants for Water
Table B
Use these constants in Heat Equations
Hf = heat of fusion = 334J/g
Hv = heat of vaporization = 2260J/g
Specific Heat Capacity (“c”) = 4.18 J/g x K
When temperature of substance changes
use this formula:
What is Specific Heat Capacity?
Specific Heat: “c”
Joules of heat needed to raise 1 gram of a
substance 1°C.
Substances have different abilities to absorb
heat when energy is applied depending on
their composition.
Ex: Piece of Iron vs. Water.
When Undergoing Phase Change use one of
= mHf
Use when changing from
solid to liquid (melting) or
liquid to solid (freezing)
= mHv
Use when changing from
liquid to gas (vaporization) or
gas to liquid (condensing)
Instrument used to determine amount of heat lost
or gained in a reaction by measuring changes in
the temp. of water surrounding the system.
Virtual Calorimetry
Q = mcΔT
Try This!!
Online App Demonstrates Specific Heat
and Calorimetry
Multi-step Heat Problems (Honors)
Need to use more than one of the heat
equations and add up the total heat.
Note: Specific Heat of different phases of water!
= 2.10 J/gx°C
 H2O (l) = 4.18 J/gx°C
 H2O(g) = 1.84 J/gx°C
 H2O(s)
Ex: Calculate the heat energy to raise 10
grams of water at -25°C to 80°C.
Draw a heating curve. Figure out # of steps.
 1.) Heat ice from -25° to 0°
q = mcΔT
 2.) Melt ice to liquid at 0°
q = mHf
 3.) Heat liquid water from 0° to 80° q = mcΔT
Heat Lost = Heat Gained (Honors)
When two objects of different temperatures
are placed together in a closed system,
heat flows from hotter to colder object until
they reach same temperature.
mcΔT = mcΔT
Total heat lost = total heat gained