Structure of Kidney - Little Miami Schools

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Transcript Structure of Kidney - Little Miami Schools

The Urinary
Myth or Fact?
1. Urinating on a jellyfish sting will help alleviate the pain.
2. It is safe to drink your own urine.
3. If someone is sleeping and you put their hand in warm water, they
will pee their pants.
4. Holding your urine can cause a bladder infection.
5. There is a fish that will follow a urine stream and enter the urethra.
Myth or Fact?
6. You can prevent dehydration and survive by drinking your own urine.
7. Urine contains bacteria.
8. When you urinate, your bladder relaxes.
9. You can strengthen the muscles that help you to urinate.
10. If you wait to long to urinate, your bladder can burst inside your body.
31. Introduction
-Cells produce waste that can
become toxic if they
●the urinary system removes salts
and nitrogenous wastes
●maintains normal concentration of
water and electrolytes
●maintains pH, controls red blood
cell production and blood
• Charged particles that produce conducting solution in
• Include Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Bicarbonate
(Na+, Ca2+, K+, HCO3-)
• They regulate our nerve and muscle function, our
body's hydration, blood pH, and blood pressure
●consists of a pair of kidneys which remove
substances from the blood
●ureters which transport urine from the kidneys
to the bladder
●urinary bladder stores urine
●urethra conveys urine to the outside of the
●lie on either side of the
vertebral column deep in
the abdominal cavity
●positioned behind the
parietal peritoneum
●lateral side is convex,
medial is a concave area
called the renal sinus
●Entrance is called
the HILUM- renal blood
vessels enter here
Structure of Kidney
-renal medulla = center of the kidney
-renal cortex = outer shell around the medulla; the
cortex appears granulated due to the presence of
-renal pyramids= triangular wedges making up
-renal papilla= at base of renal pyramids, release urine
into hilum
• -renal arteries and veins supply blood to the kidneys
- Calyx- cuplike structure where urine leaves kidney
• -renal pelvis- superior end of the kidney where calyces join
together to form basin- drains urine