Transcript PPSurface

Surface and Regional Anatomy
p. 288-289
Introduction to Surface Anatomy
 Palpation - examination with the hands,
touching feeling, or perceiving by the sense
of touch
 Auscultation - listening to sounds emitted
from organs
 Observation - the art of looking
The Head, p. 291-296
 Cranium - braincase, covered with the
scalp, extends from the supraorbital arch to
the superior nuchal line and laterally to the
 Face - divided into four regions
The Neck, p. 297 - 300
The anterior region - the cervix
Right and left lateral regions
Posterior region - the nucha
Jugular notch
Triangles of the neck
 Anterior cervical triangle
carotid - SCM, posterior digastric, omohyoid m.
submandibular - disgastirc m. inferior border of
submental - unpaired, digastric and hyoid bone
omotracheal - SCM, omohyoid, midline of neck
 Posterior cervical triangle
supraclavicular - SCM, trapezius and omohyoid
omoclavicular - SCM and omohyoid
Trunk, p. 300-310
 Back
median furrow
triangle of auscultation
 Thorax
costal arch
midclavicular line
 Abdomen
linea semilunaris - lateral aspect of rectus
abdominis m.
McBurney’s point - draw a line from the ASIS
and umbilicus, 1/3 distance from umbilicus.
Overlies the appendix
Pelvis and Perineum, p. 310 - 311
 Perineum - the area between the thighs
extending from the coccyx to pubis and
lying below the pelvic diaphragm.Contains
the sexual organs and the anal opening.
Shoulder and Upper Extremity,
p. 311-316
 Shoulder - clavipectoral triangle - bounded
by the deltoid and the pectoralis major m.
and lateral aspect of clavicle.
 Axilla - armpit.
Anterior axillary fold - pectoralis major m.
Posterior axillary fold - latissimus dorsi m.
 Brachium - arm
cubital fossa
 Antebrachium - forearm
 Hand - manus
thenar eminence
Buttock and Lower Extremity,
p. 317-321
 Buttock
natal cleft - starts at L2, separates the buttocks
into two prominences
fold of the buttock
 Thigh
femoral triangle
 Leg
 Foot
dorsal pedal artery
 Read pages 321 - 322
 Clinical considerations - good path