Transcript 51f2bc0d7c0767d
بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم
” و فى أنفسكم أفال تبصرون“
The Upper limb
Anatomical Positions.
Movements of the Upper Limb.
Anatomical Planes.
Coronal – Anterior & Posterior parts.
Sagittal – Right & Left parts.
Horizontal – Superior & Inferior parts.
Terms to Describe Location.
Anterior (or Ventral) & Posterior (or Dorsal) – Relative to the front and
the back of the body.
Medial & Lateral – Relative to median sagittal plane.
Superior (or Cranial) & Inferior (or Caudal) – Relative to vertical axis.
Proximal & Distal – Relative to Structure’s origin.
Superficial & Deep – Relative to the surface of the body.
Movements of the upper limb
Shoulder Joint.
1. Flexion & Extension.
2. Abduction & Adduction.
3. Medial & Lateral Rotation.
4. Circumduction.
Shoulder Girdle.
1. Elevation & Depression.
2. Protraction & Retraction.
3. Fixation.
Movements of the upper limb
Shoulder Joint.
Movements of the upper limb
Shoulder Joint.
Movements of the upper limb
Shoulder Girdle.
a. Strnoclavicular j.
b. Acromioclavixcvicular joint
Movements of the upper limb
Shoulder Girdle.
Movements of the upper limb
Movements of the upper limb
Movements of the upper limb
Elbow Joint.
1. Flexion & Extension.
Radioulnar Joints.
1. Pronation & Supination.
Wrist Joints.
1. Flexion & Extension.
2. Abduction & Adduction.
Movements of the upper limb
Movements of the upper limb
2. Movements of the Upper Limb
Fingers Joints.
1. Flexion & Extension.
2. Abduction & Adduction.
2. Movements of the Upper Limb
Thumb Joints.
1. Flexion & Extension.
2. Abduction & Adduction.
3. Opposition.
Bone Markings and Formations
Capitulum: small, round, articular head (e.g., the capitulum of the humerus).
Condyle: rounded, knuckle-like articular area, usually occurring in pairs (e.g., the lateral femoral
Crest: ridge of bone (e.g., the iliac crest).
Epicondyle: eminence superior to a condyle (e.g., the lateral epicondyle of the humerus).
Facet: smooth flat area, usually covered with cartilage, where a bone articulates with another
bone (e.g., the superior costal facet on the body of a vertebra for articulation with a rib).
Foramen: passage through a bone (e.g., the obturator foramen).
Fossa: hollow or depressed area (e.g., the infraspinous fossa of the scapula).
Groove: elongated depression or furrow (e.g., the radial groove of the humerus).
Head (L. caput): large, round articular end (e.g., the head of the humerus).
10. Line: linear elevation (e.g., the soleal line of the tibia).
Bone Markings and Formations
1. Malleolus: rounded process (e.g., the lateral malleolus of the fibula).
2. Notch: indentation at the edge of a bone (e.g., the greater sciatic notch).
3. Protuberance: projection of bone (e.g., the external occipital protuberance).
4. Spine: thorn-like process (e.g., the spine of the scapula).
5. Spinous process: projecting spine-like part (e.g., the spinous process of a vertebra).
6. Trochanter: large blunt elevation (e.g., the greater trochanter of the femur).
7. Trochlea: spool-like articular process or process that acts as a pulley (e.g., trochlea of the
8. Tubercle: small raised eminence (e.g., the greater tubercle of the humerus).
9. Tuberosity: large rounded elevation (e.g., the ischial tuberosity).
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle