Transcript Maneuvers
Kocher maneuver
A Kocher maneuver is the dissection of the lateral
peritoneal attachments of the duodenum to allow
inspection of the duodenum, pancreas, and other
retroperitoneal structures over to the great vessels.
Cattel maneuver
The Cattel maneuver is mobilization of the
ascending colon to the midline.
Mattox maneuver
The Mattox maneuver is mobilization of the
descending colon to the midline to expose the
abdominal aorta
Credé's maneuver
The Credé's maneuver is a technique used to void
urine from the bladder of an individual who, due to
disease, cannot do so without aid. The Credé's
maneuver is executed by holding manual pressure just
over the anterior surface of the skin, where the bladder
is located. The Credé's Maneuver is known to be
similar to a technique medical professionals use to aid
in the body expelling the placenta after childbirth.
Gowers' sign
Gowers' sign is a medical sign that indicates weakness
of the proximal muscles, namely those of the lower
limb. The sign describes a patient that has to use his
hands and arms to "walk" up his own body from a
squatting position due to lack of hip and thigh muscle
Abdominal thrusts
Abdominal thrusts, also known as the Heimlich
Maneuver (after Henry Heimlich, who first described
the procedure in a June 1974 informal article entitled
"Pop Goes the Cafe Coronary", published in the
journal Emergency Medicine). Edward A. Patrick, MD,
PhD, an associate of Heimlich, has claimed to be the
unaccredited co-developer of the procedure. Heimlich
has objected to the name "abdominal thrusts" on the
grounds that the vagueness of the term "abdomen"
could cause the rescuer to exert force at the wrong site
Performing abdominal thrusts involves a rescuer
standing behind a patient and using their hands to
exert pressure on the bottom of the diaphragm. This
compresses the lungs and exerts pressure on any object
lodged in the trachea, hopefully expelling it. This
amounts to an artificial cough.
Leopold's Maneuvers
In obstetrics, Leopold's Maneuvers are a common and
systematic way to determine the position of a fetus inside
the woman's uterus; they are named after the gynecologist
Christian Gerhard Leopold. They are also used to estimate
term fetal weight.[1]
The maneuvers consist of four distinct actions, each
helping to determine the position of the fetus. The
maneuvers are important because they help determine the
position and presentation of the fetus, which in
conjunction with correct assessment of the shape of the
maternal pelvis can indicate whether the delivery is going
to be complicated, or whether a Cesarean section is
McRoberts maneuver
The McRoberts maneuver is employed in case of
shoulder dystocia during childbirth and involves hyper
flexing the mother's legs tightly to her abdomen. This
widens the pelvis, and flattens the spine in the lower
back (lumbar spine). If this maneuver does not
succeed, an assistant applies pressure on the lower
abdomen (suprapubic pressure), and the delivered
head is also gently pulled. The technique is effective in
about 42% of cases.
Müller's Manoeuvre
After a forced expiration, an attempt at inspiration is
made with closed mouth and nose, whereby the
negative pressure in the chest and lungs is made very
sub atmospheric; the reverse of Valsalva manoeuvre
Phalen's maneuver
Phalen's maneuver is a diagnostic test for carpal
tunnel syndrome discovered by an American
orthopedist named George S. Phalen
Pringle manoeuvre
The Pringle manoeuvre is a surgical manoeuvre used
in some abdominal operations. A large hemostat is
used to clamp the hepatoduodenal ligament
interrupting the flow of blood through the hepatic
artery and the portal vein and thus helping to control
bleeding from the liver.
Sellicks procedure
Sellicks procedure Tracheal intubation, usually
simply referred to as intubation, is the placement of a
flexible plastic tube into the trachea (windpipe) to
maintain an open airway or to serve as a conduit
through which to administer certain drugs. It is
frequently performed in critically injured, ill or
anesthetized patients to facilitate ventilation of the
lungs, including mechanical ventilation, and to
prevent the possibility of asphyxiation or airway
The most widely used route is oral tracheal, in which
an endotracheal tube is passed through the mouth and
vocal apparatus into the trachea. In a nasotracheal
procedure, an endotracheal tube is passed through the
nose and vocal apparatus into the trachea. Other
methods of intubation involve surgery and include the
cricothyrotomy (used almost exclusively in emergency
circumstances) and the tracheotomy, used primarily in
situations where a prolonged need for airway support
is anticipated.
Valsalva maneuver
The Valsalva maneuver or Valsalva manoeuvre is
performed by moderately forceful attempted
exhalation against a closed airway, usually done by
closing one's mouth and pinching one's nose shut.
Variations of the maneuver can be used either in
medical examination as a test of cardiac function and
autonomic nervous control of the heart, or to "clear"
the ears and sinuses (that is, to equalize pressure
between them) when ambient pressure changes, as in
diving, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or aviation.