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Романова Анастасия Геннадьевна
Специальность «Дизайн», ОГБОУ Смоленский
Педагогический Колледж, 2.501
Название работы: “William Shakespeare ”
Преподаватель: Ильющенкова Елена Николаевна
playwright, poet, actor of the
Renaissance. In the history of the
world - certainly the most famous
and significant playwright, who had
a huge impact on the development
of the theatrical art. Stage works of
Shakespeare and today did not go
with the stage all over the world.
Rebirth, or Renaissance - an epoch
in the history of European culture,
which replaced the culture of the
Middle ages and pre-culture of
new time.
The chronological framework of the era - XIV-XVI century.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born
April 23, 1564 in the English town
The name "Shakespeare" can be translated to
English as "stunning spear".
Father William Shakespeare, John, was a
craftsman, merchant (selling wool), and in
1568 he became the mayor of Stratford.
Mother of William, Mary Arden, was the
daughter of a farmer from Wilmcote.
Some sources claim that William Shakespeare
studied in grammar school.
The architecture of the house is typical of
the time. The first floor has a living room
with fireplace, great room with an open
hearth and down the hall - workshop of
the master of the house. On the second
floor - three bedrooms. Small cottage and
the room, which now houses the kitchen,
were added to the house later.
The Shakespeare House
In 1582 William Shakespeare marries Anne
In the mid-1580s, Shakespeare and his family
moved to London.
He was guarding the horses at the theatre
After he was transferred to work behind the scenes
in the theatre
Only a few years William Shakespeare got his
first small role.
Before working in the theatre Shakespeare
also had to learn the profession of a school
The globe theatre, where
he worked Shakespeare
The GLOBE public theatre in
He acted 1599 in the year 1644.
The name was borrowed from Greek
mythology and points to Hercules, who
was holding a globe on his shoulders.
Under king James I, the theatre received the
status of "Royal".
The Globe Theatre.
The Works Of William Shakespeare. Periods
of art:
The first period (1590 - 1594.) - Comedy "a Midsummer night's
Dream, the taming of the shrew, Much ADO about nothing"; the
play Chronicles; the tragedy of "Romeo and Juliet";
The second period (1594 - 1607) - the tragedy of "King Lear",
"hamlet", "Othello"; sonnets;
The third period (1608 - 1612) - play-tale "Cymbeline", "the
Tempest," "Winter night".
Theory of literature
Comedy (from the Greek.) - the song of the cheerful crowd kind of drama in which the action and characters is treated in
funny shapes or infused comic (Moliere, Beaumarchais,
Griboyedov, Gogol).
A sonnet is a poem consisting of 14 lines with a particular
rhyme scheme.
Tragedy (Greek) - the song of the goat - kind of drama, which
is based on a particularly stressful, irreconcilable conflict that
ends in death
The best works.
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare condemns the
feudal customs, the mercy of
parents who became an
obstacle to the happiness of
their children and brought
them to ruin.
The main thing for Shakespeare - the man himself, not his origin and status.
"Romeo and Juliet".
"A Midsummer night's dream".
The taming of the shrew
The last years of life
1612 - Shakespeare are already rich enough to buy a noble title. He
buys a house in his hometown of Stratford-on-Aven and moved
there. In Stratford Shakespeare lives already to the death.
on April 23, 1616 - William Shakespeare dies at Stratford-on-Even
on his birthday.
He was buried in the Church of his native town.
good friend, in the name of
God, You dust under the stone
Siem don't touch it; don't bother
your Sleep my bones; cursed Be the
one who will hurt them!.."
In the hearts we have erected you
Incorruptible and blinding the eyes of the
J. Milton