Vocabulary Power
Transcript Vocabulary Power
Making a Difference
with Vocabulary
Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist
Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist
Dr. Millard Lightburn, District Supervisor
Department of Mathematics and Science
Office of Academics and Transformation
Elementary teachers’ use of language to label and interpret
science concepts.
Study: Three teachers examined how vocabulary is used in science
Purpose: They explored vocabulary as an interpretive system and as a
labeling system in the classroom.
Results: The data suggests that labeling is used more extensively than
Application: Engaging students in inquiry lessons, interpretative
language can help students understand the importance of scientific
language and understand the process of science.
(5 E’s Instructional Model)
Nicole J. Glen and Sharon Dotger. 2009. Journal of
Elementary Science Education 21 (4): 71–83.
Research Conclusion
• Vocabulary knowledge plays a key role in text
comprehension. Reference: Nagy and Scott, 2000
• Increases when students (not teachers) make
connections between vocabulary terms. (5 E’s)
• Increases when students select their own vocabulary
• Increases when students create their own images and
actions to represent word meanings. (5 E’s)
• Increases when students use new vocabulary terms in
multiple ways (writing, talking, organizing, graphics,
etc.) (5 E’s)
Reference: Blachowicz and Fisher, 2000
Vocabulary Strategies
• Traditional science lessons have often begun with teachers
presenting students with science vocabulary words and asking
them to write the words, find the definitions in a dictionary or
the glossary of the textbook, match the words to definitions,
or use the words in a sentence.
• In this traditional model of instruction, words are often
presented in isolation and students are tested on the words
alone, without application to concepts.
Effective Strategies for
Teaching Science Vocabulary
• In order for students to develop scientific literacy, they
need to gain a knowledge of science content and
practice scientific habits of mind. This is impossible
without knowledge of science vocabulary.
• The upcoming content shares research-based
strategies for science vocabulary instruction that are
effective for all students, including English language
• Adapted from Sarah J. Carrier
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Education
Time to Talk
(Accountable Talk)
It is important to promote students’ dialogue as they
have instructional conversations. (5 E’s - Explain)
Provide students with opportunities to brainstorm
ideas about science and encourage them to wonder
and talk about the natural world. (5 E’s – Elaborate)
For example, teachers can help students learn about the
process of science classification. Provide students with
sets of objects with varying features like buttons or dried
beans and ask students to work in small groups and
discuss properties for grouping the objects. When groups
share their categories with each other, students have an
opportunity to experience “science talk.”
Vocabulary Instruction
for all Learners
Kinesthetic – Visual - Auditory
• Drawings, diagrams, pictures, songs, and video to support the spoken word
Mr. Davies Water Cycle Video
• Written instructions on word cards or Whiteboard along with verbal instructions
• Set-up examples to supplement written lab instructions
• Audiotaped instructions alongside written directions
Mix sand
and water
• Pictures with words in stages of lab procedures that students can sequence
Engage with a Song:
Heart and Blood
Sung to “The Ants Go Marching One by One”
The heart is pumping blood for us,
Hurrah, hurrah!
The heart’s a muscle, fabulous,
Hurrah, hurrah!
The heart is pumping blood for us,
It pumps all day without a fuss,
And the blood goes round
Because of our pumping heart!
The blood supplies us oxygen,
Hurrah, hurrah!
It’s what our body needs to run,
Hurrah, hurrah!
The blood supplies us oxygen,
And that’s a need for everyone,
And the blood goes round
Because of our pumping heart!
Play Introducing the Human Heart:
http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=CFAF0941-4C89-40F7-AAB1-B14255BF056F -
Reading Science Text Cards
• Text cards help students interact with words and their meanings.
• Teachers can create science text cards by writing statements
about science concepts on index cards
and/or using online sites: http://quizlet.com/
• Text Cards are available online:
• Examples:
– True/false cards
– Agree/disagree cards
– Matching pairs
– Sequencing
– Classification
Word Lists / Word Banks
• Interactive Science Word Wall
• Use the science words as much as possible (repetition).
• Students can look at the written words as teachers use them
during class discussions, and teachers should encourage
students to use the language of science in their verbal and
written communication.
• Work with students to group words into categories.
• Procedure words: observe, compare, describe, measure,
investigate, test, recognize, repeat, support
• Tools: balance, ruler, tape measure, meter stick, graduated
cylinder, measuring cup
• Movement words: slide, travel, roll, slow down, speed up,
accelerate, sink, float
Word Games
Trivial Pursuit
Twenty questions, Who am I? or What am I?
Online Games - For example:
• Breaking words down into smaller words. For example:
– invertebrate — in, brat, tea, tear, rate, vertebrae…
– photosynthesis –
sit, sin, thesis, photos…
Word Parts
Teachers can reinforce the structure of words as
students identify and interpret prefix, suffix, base
word and their meanings:
• photosynthesis —
photo (light), synth (make), isis (process)
• metamorphosis —
meta (large)
morph (change)
osis (process)
Multiple Meaning Words
Many words appear in both scientific vocabulary and in everyday speech,
• matter
• volume
• observe
• variable
• conductor
• conservation
• living
• balance
• receiver
• communicate
Use vocabulary strategies to help students to identify the different
meanings and applications of words with multiple meanings.
Graphic Organizers
Graphic organizers can help to present words
with a range of contextual information.
Most Effective
Vocabulary Strategies
Time to talk (Accountable Talk)
Instructions for all learners (Kinesthetic – Visual – Auditory)
Graphic Organizers
Word Games
Reading science text cards
Word Lists / Word Banks
Word Parts
Foldables (http://fcat.fldoe.org/fcat2/itemspecs.asp )
5 E’s (Engage, Explore, Explain, Evaluate, & Extend)
Interactive Notebooks (IAN)
– Utilizes the above strategies.
More Strategies
Vocabulary Maps
Concept of Definition Maps
Venn Diagram
Contextual Analysis
Frayer Model
Word Elaboration
Sentence and Word Expansion
On-line Glossaries https://mdcpsportal.dadeschools.net/employee/default.aspx
Vocabulary in Action
Samples from Science and Children Magazine
Vocabulary Samples
Gr. 5 Campbell Drive K – 8 Center
Grade 5 – Kinloch Park ES
Bag-and-Tag Word Walls
Science and Children Magazine
Gr. 5 Campbell Drive K – 8 Center
Vocabulary Samples
Grade 5 – Kinloch Park ES
Vocabulary Samples
Grade 5 – Kinloch Park ES
Authentic Science
Vocabulary Samples
By Julie K. Jackson and Nancy Newell
Science and Children Magazine Nov. 2012
Students bring vocabulary to life by creating
science-themed hats for a fifth-grade parade.
“Hats Off to Science”
Planning Template
• My science vocabulary word is:
• This word means:
• My decorating plan includes:
• Materials that I will need:
Hat Parade Samples
Hat Parade on Display
Questions ?
Department of Mathematics and Science
Next steps for me include …