Mrs. Schmidt`s Minion News Reading Pattern Words and Sight Words

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Transcript Mrs. Schmidt`s Minion News Reading Pattern Words and Sight Words

Mrs. C. Schmidt
(602) 467-5946
Mrs. Schmidt’s Minion News
[email protected]
February 9, 2015
Story Genre: Expository Text (true)
Phonics: ‘or’ and ‘ore’
Syllable Patterns : Recognize
that ‘es’ is a separate syllable
Comprehension: I can
summarize a story.
Fluency (speed)
Verbs that add
Amazing Words/Vocabulary words:
features, nibble, swoop,
natural, wriggle, crumple,
tumbple, mature, nudges
Verbs: Use
of lively verbs
We continue our
study of Module
4: Place Value.
Last week we
reviewed 2 digit
numbers and how
many tens/ones
they equal. This
week, we will add
10 more, 10 less, 1
more, and 1 less in
two-digit numbers,
along with
comparing two
numbers for which
is greater than or
less than the other.
This week,
we will
Arizona and
our state
symbols to
our birthday
this week.
We will also
and Lincoln.
Read for 20 minutes
***Sign Reading Log *Read ‘little book’/sign
Study for spelling/Do Word Sort (Words Their Way) *Sign
Complete activities on the Tic-Tac-Toe Board
Read for 20 minutes
**Sign Reading Log
**Read ‘little book’/sign
Study for speling/Do Word Sort (Words Their Way) *Sign
Complete activities on the Tic-Tac-Toe Board
Read for 20 minutes
**Sign Reading Log **Read ‘little book’/sign
Study for spelling/Do Word Sort (Words Their Way) **Sign
Complete activities on the Tic-Tac-Toe Board
*****Tic-Tac-Toe Board DUE **** Words Their Way DUE
Read for 20 minutes
**Sign Reading Log
*****Do Sight Word Lists NIGHTLY and turn in signed
Upcoming Dates
Feb. 13th Valentine’s Celebration
Feb. 16th President’s Day…
Read for 20 minutes
**Sign Reading Log *Read ‘little book’/sign
Study for spelling/Do Word Sort (Words Their Way) *Sign
Complete activities on the Tic-Tac-Toe Board
 Please remember: The little review books sent home in the big,
brown envelopes are to be read 3 times (sign just once for those 3
times on the enclosed sheet) and returned AFTER 2 days at most.
 We will be having a Valentine’s Celebration at school on Thursday,
February 13th, during our last 45 minutes of school.
A list of our class student names was sent home, so that your child can send
in Valentines cards for each classmate. PLEASE make sure that your child fills
a card out for EVERY CLASSMATE, so no one will be left out. This is very
IMPORTANT to our kiddos. It reinforces writing, organization, and peer
socialization for them, i.e., sharing. 
Reading Pattern Words and Sight Words
For this week:
Please have your child practice identifying these words in books and
the environment. You can also create flashcards together to help
your child at home! Any help you give will be a great way to help your
child become a better reader!
away car friends house our school very
Reading Word Pattern Words:
‘or’ and ‘ore’ words:
For, sore, form, born, shore,
snore, tore, worn, cord, north,
thorn, storm,
This Week’s Learning:
I can decode ‘or’ and ‘ore’ words.
I can tell the difference between fact and
I can add ‘es’ to plural verbs and decode them
(taxes, messes, dresses, fishes, etc.)
I can identify plural verbs that do not add ‘s’
(see, talk) when paired with a plural subject
(They talk….not They talks.)
I can write a paragraph about a personal topic.
*I can tell which is number is greater in a tens
and ones 2 digit number and add these numbers.
I can describe the Arizona state symbols (bird,
seal, flower, etc).
*I can tell facts about George Washington and
Abraham Lincoln.