burn - helpfuldoctors
Transcript burn - helpfuldoctors
Causes of burn;
1) thermal burn ; like flame and hot fluids
2)electrical burn ; high or low voltage
3) chemical burn ;acid or alkalie
4) radiation burn ; appear after an incubation
• The shorter the wavelength the longer the
incubation period e.g sunburn appear after
one to two days while X –ray burn appear
after few weeks
• Pathology
• 1) local lesion
• 2) constitutional response
• A) Local lesion;
• 1) zone of irreversible heat coagulation ;
• Its extend into skin and deep tissues depend
on duration of contact with heat
• If it is deep and wide , it will lead to
destruction of RBCs and heat hemolysis
• 2) zone of reversible enzymatic changes ;
• It is variable area surrounding the first zone in
which capillary permeability occurs by
enzymatic change
• It results in escape of water and electrolytes
and colloids into tissues
• It starts immediately after burn , reaches s its
maximum after 8 to 12 hours and decline till
the end of 24 hours
• B)Constitutional effects ;
1)Neurogenig shock
2)Oligemic shock
3)Liberation of ADH
4)Liberation of ACTH and adrenal corticoids
5) Acute tubular necrosis
Clinical assessment of burns
• 1) Assessment of depth
• 2) Assessment of extent
Assessment of depth
• Significance of depth
• It gives prognosis of local part and its
• It gives the degree of RBCs loss and heat
• It affects prognosis of survival in extensive
Classification according to depth
• 1) superficial burn ;
• There is heat coagulation of epidermis only
• Healing occur from survival deep layers within
2 weeks without scarring
• At first there is erythema followed in few
hours by the development of superficial
vesicles or bulla filled by serum
• 2)Deep burn ;
• There are heat coagulation of all layers of the
skin .the destroyed skin separate as slough
after about 3 weeks
• Healing will occur from periphery and there
will be much scarring leading to contracture
• The skin is usually cyanotic red or dead white
or greyish and is insensitive to touch
• After few days it become yellowish and
central parts become dry and shrivel forming
dark brown leathery slough .
• Deep to the slough and at its margin , a plane
of separation appear during the third week
• Later the slough separate leaving an area of
red granulation
• 3)Dermal burn ;
• There is destruction of epidermis and superficial
part of dermis
• Healing occur from the deeper layer dermis in 2
to 6 weeks with some residual scarring and
• It appear cyanotic or white skin identical to deep
burn , then after 5 days thin slough separate and
a characteristic stippled appearance
Assessment of extent
Wallace Rule of nines ;
Head & neck 9%
Each upper limb 9%
Front of trunk 18%
Back of trunk 18%
Each lower limb 18%
Perineum 1%
Complications of burn
• 1) Neurogenic shock ; occur immediately after
• 2) Oligamic shock
• 3) Infection ;the commonest organisms are
staphylococcus aureus and pseudomonas
• 4) Toxemia ;more common after deep burn
• 5)Suffocation
• 6)Contraction and disfigurement and keloid
• 7) Corneal ulceration and panophthalmitis
• 8) Gangrene ; occur in circumferential burn
• 9) Acute renal failure
• 1) First aid treatment
• 2) initial treatment during the first 48 hours
• 3) treatment after the first 2 days
First aid treatment
• Extinguish the flames
• In scalds rapidly cut off clothes
• Wash the part affected by under running cold
• Cover the burnt area with sterile gauze
• Morphia to relieve pain
• Transport to specialized center
Initial treatment during first 48 hours
A) General treatment
I/V fluid therapy
-Parkland’s formula
% of burn x weight of Pt x 4 ml of Ringer
• Half amount of fluid given in the first 8 hours
• Other half of amount of fluid given in the next
16 hours
• B) Local treatment
• It is done only after the shock is controlled
• 1) sterile toilet with normal saline or with
bland detergent like cetrimide-chlorhexidine
• In extensive burn anaesthesia may be
• Dressing ; two methods
• A) closed method ;
• Put layer of flamazine (silver sulphadiazine )
then put tulle-gras then put hydrophilic cotton
wall then put crepe bandage
• B) open method ;
• The burn area is exposed and covered by thin
layer of antibiotic treatment
• Open method is suitable for face , head ,neck,
• Buttock in children , single surface of trunk
Treatment after 48 hours
High protein diet
High calories diet
If HB is low , we can give blood transfusion
Continue antibiotic
Dressing are not touched unless there are
fever or soaked
• Superficial burn will heal completely with 2 to
3 weeks
• In deep burn . After 2 to 3 weeks ,we excise
the slough and the raw area is prepared to be
covered with split or full thickness skin graft
Skin cover
A) permanent skin cover;
1) Free grafts
• 2) Pedicle Flaps
• 3)Free flaps
• B) Temporary skin cover ;
• 1) cadaver allograft
• 2)Biobrane
• 3)TransCyte
Free Grafts
1) Thin skin graft (Thiersch)
2) Intermediate spit skin graft
3) thick skin graft ( Wolf)
4)Postage stamp
Thin skin graft
• It consists of superficial part of epidermis , this
graft always takes because exudate is
sufficient to maintain its nutrition until
circulation invade it
• Disadvantages
• 1) pigmentation
• 2) contraction
• 3)it does not bear pressure well
Intermediate split thickness skin graft
• It consists of epidermis and part of dermis
• The success of taking the graft is less than
Thiersch graft
• Less pigmentation ,less contracture ,less
• It is the most commonly used method in
• It is taken by Humby skin graft knife or
electrical dermatome
Thick graft (Wolf)
It consists of whole skin devoid of fat
It need optimum condition to be taken
Asepsis must be perfect
It is only used to cover small area which are
surgically clean
• It does not become pigmented ,it does not
followed by contracture
Postage stamp graft
• A thin or split thickness skin graft is taken from
donor site , then it divided into small squares
and used to cover large granulation surface
Pedicle flap
• The flap consists of skin and subcutaneous
• It is mainly used for correction of contracture
or in closure of defect or the formation of
new cheek or nose
• It has an advantage over skin graft of
maintain circulation through the pedicle,
ensuring adequate nutrition until new
circulation is developed
• Types ;
• 1)one pedicle flap ;
sliding flap
swinging flap
distant flap
• 2) Double pedicle flap ; used in repair wound of
hand by using this flap from abdomen
• 3) Tubed pedicle flap ; used for distant
transplantation ex ; acromiopectoral flap for
formation of cheek
Free flap
• A piece of skin and subcutaneous tissue with
its related artery and vein are transplanted
from one area to another area , using
microvascular technique
Treatment of special types of burn
• 1) Burn of hand and foot ;
• They can be placed in in plastic bags containing
antiseptic solution , this will exclude bacteria and
allow free movement and maintain function
• 2) pulmonary burn ; there are liability of oedema
of glottis and bronchial spasm
• Pt need humidified oxygen ,bronchodilator drugs
• If not enough nasotracheal intubation or
• 3)circumferential burn ;
• In the limbs lead to ischemia and gangrene
• In the neck and thorax may embarrass
• Pt need escharotomy
• If Pt develop compartment syndrome in
limbs Pt need fasciotomy
• 4) Electrical burn ;
• It is localized and deep
• It had entry and exit points It can lead to
arrythmia of heart
• Types of wounds ;
• 1) incised wound ;result from knife or sharp
• 2) lacerated wound; result from blunt objects
the edges and surface will contain devitalised
• 3) crushed wound ; include all war wounds
and RTA and industrial accident
• 4) wound with skin loss
• Complications of wounds ;
• 1)associated injuries ; artery ,nerve ,tendon ,
bone , viscera
• 2)infections ; pyogenic ,tetanus, gas gangrene
1) incised wounds ;
Primary suture if seen in the first 6 hours
Nerve and tendons repaired are also suture
Blood vessel are repaired if big or ligated if
• 2)lacerated wounds ;
• a) early case (seen with in 6 hours )
• wound excision and primary suture
• b) neglected case ;
• if seen after 6 hours , the wound is excised and if after
4 to 6 days the wound is clean , then delayed primary
closure is done
• 3) Crushed wounds ;
• Treated by wound excision only
• After 4 to 6 days if wound is clean then delayed
primary suture
• If the wound become infected ,then we treat the
wound from infection till it become clean then
secondary suture
• 4)wounds with primary skin loss;
• a ) if incised ; primary skin grafting
• b) if lacerated ; wound excision and primary
skin grafting
• c) if crushed ; wound excision and delayed
primary or secondary grafting
Skin and subcutaneous lesions
• Sebaceous cyst ;
• It is a retention cyst due to obstruction of the
opening of a sebaceous gland by debris or fibrosis or
• Occur anywhere in the body but commonest to occur
in face , scalp , scrotum
• Never occur in palm or sole
• Usually solitary but may multiple in scrotum and scalp
• It grows very slowly
• It has punctum
• Complications of sebaceous cyst ;
• 1)secondary infection
• 2)pressure necrosis of overlying skin of scalp
causes fungation ( Cock ΄s peculiar tumor )
• 3)baldness
• 4)sebaceous horn
• 5)sebaceous carcinoma
• Treatment is surgical excision
It is benign tumor arising from adult fat cell
May be single or multiple (Dircum΄s disease)
It is encapsulated
It has 2 capsules , a false capsule from the body and
true capsule which is part of tumor
• It is tumor of adult life , rarely seen in children
• Sites ; subcutaneous is the commonest site of tumor
,subaponeurotic ,submucous ,subperiosteal, subserous
,intermuscular ,extradural , retroperitoneal which is a
common to be liposarcoma
• Complications ;infection ,ulceration ,
calcification , compression of surrounding
• Treatment is enucleation between true and
false capsules
Dermoid cyst
• It is formed due to persistence & and growth
of epithelial cells under the skin
• Types ;
• 1)Sequestration dermoid
• 2)Implantation demoid
• 3)Tubulodermoid
• 4)Teratomatous dermoid
• Treatment is excision
Squamous cell carcinoma
• Occurs in the skin or any area covered by
squamous epithelium like mouth , tongue
,oesophagues , etc
• In the skin it is commonest at junction of
mucocutaneous junction
• In the face the commonest site is the junction
of the outer and middle thirds of lower lip
• More common in male than female
• More common in fair skin& blond people
Naked eye appearance ;
Ulcer with everted margina
Cauliflower mass
Diffuse infiltrating type
• Sq. cell .ca spread mainly by lymphatic or by
direct spread
• Treatment by
• 1) irradiation
• 2) surgical excision
Basal cell carcinoma ( rodent ulcer)
• It arise from basal cells of skin or hair follicle cells
• Growth is very slow
• Naked eye appearance ;
• nodular
• ulcer
• cystic
• pigmented
• fire -field
• More common in male
• The edge of the ulcer is rolled in edge
• Regional lymph node are never affected by
secondaries but when they are enlarged , this
is either infection ( firm ,tender nodes) or
epitheliomatous changes occurred ( hard
• Treatment ;
• 1) irradiation
• 2 ) surgical excision
It is pigmented tumor arise from melanocytes
It may benign or malignant
1)Benign (Mole or Nevus )
it is painless localized pigmented area that
may be flat or raised , may be present since
birth or appear later , may be hairy or hairless
, occurs in skin & nail bed & uveal tract &
• 2)Malignant melanoma
• May occur spontaneously or on top of benign
mole , in the later case malignancy is
suspected by rapid growth & pain & increase
vascularity & increase pigmentation or
• Spontaneous malignant melanoma is common
in palm ,sole , nail bed , uveal tract of eye ,
axilla , genital area
• Highly malignant tumor that spread by lymphatic
or by blood to liver or brain
• C/P
• rapidly growing black swelling which is painful
,ulcerated , itchy , bleeding is common
• Treatment ;
• excision with wide safety margin of skin and
uderlying fascia
• amputation if arise from nail bed