Burns Rules of 9 Notes

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Claimer this may be
Rules of 9
Rules of 9
Way to determine the extent of burns
 Body is divided into 11 areas for
quick estimation
– Each area represents about 9%
Rules of 9
Severity of Burns
First-degree burns
– Only epidermis is damaged
– Skin is red and swollen
 Second degree burns
– Epiddermis and upper dermis are
– Skin is red with blisters
 Third-degree burns
– Destroys entire skin layer
– Burn is gray-white or black
Critical Burns
Burns are considered critical if:
– Over 25% of body has second degree
– Over 10% of the body has third degree
– There are third degree burns of the face,
hands, or feet
First degree
First degree
First degree
First degree treatment
Home Care Treatment
 If you choose to treat your wound at
home, place a cool compress over it to
relieve the pain and swelling. You may do
this for five to 15 minutes and then
remove the compress. Avoid using ice or
extremely cold compresses because they
can aggravate the burn.
First degree treatment
Avoid applying any type of oil, including
butter, to a burn. These oils prevent
healing in the site. On the other hand,
products containing aloe vera may help
relieve the pain.
First degree Heal
Your skin may peel in the area as it heals.
Additionally, it may take three to 20 days
for a first-degree burn to heal properly.
Healing time may depend on the area
affected. Always consult your doctor if the
burn shows signs of infection or becomes
second degree
Second degree burns
– Epiddermis and upper dermis are
– Skin is red with blisters
second degree
second degree
second degree
second degree
Second degree treatment
For many second-degree burns, home
treatment is all that is needed for healing
and to prevent other problems.
Second degree treatment
Rinse the burn
Rinse burned skin with cool water
until the pain stops. Rinsing will usually
stop the pain in 15 to 30 minutes. The
cool water lowers the skin temperature
and stops the burn from becoming more
serious. You may:
Second degree treatment
Place arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, or
toes in a basin of cool water.
Apply cool compresses to burns
on the face or body.
Do not use ice or ice water, which
can cause tissue damage.
Take off any jewelry, rings, or
clothing that could be in the way or that
would become too tight if the skin swells.
Second degree treatment
Clean the burn
Wash your hands before cleaning
a burn. Do not touch the burn with your
hands or anything dirty, because open
blisters can easily be infected.
Second degree treatment
Do not break the blisters.
Clean the burn area with mild
soap and water. Some of the burned skin
might come off with washing. Pat the area
dry with a clean cloth or gauze.
Put on an antibiotic ointment.
Ointments such as.
Second degree treatment
Bacitracin or Polysporin can be used each
time you clean the burn. Do not put
sprays or butter on burns, because this
traps the heat inside the burn
Second degree treatment
Bandaging the burn
If the burned skin or blisters have
not broken open, a bandage may not be
needed. If the burned skin or unbroken
blisters are likely to become dirty or be
irritated by clothing, apply a bandage.
Second degree treatment
If the burned skin or blisters have broken
open, a bandage is needed. To further
help prevent infection, apply a clean
bandage whenever your bandage gets wet
or soiled. If a bandage is stuck to a burn,
soak it in warm water to make the
bandage easier to remove. If available,
use a nonstick dressing. There are many
bandage products available. Be sure to
read the product label for correct use.
Second degree treatment
Wrap the burn loosely to avoid putting
pressure on the burned skin.
Do not tape a bandage so that it
circles a hand, arm, or leg. This can cause
 There are many nonprescription burn
dressings available. Be sure to follow the
instructions included in the package.
Second degree treatment
If the burn is on a leg or an arm, keep the
limb raised as much as possible for the
first 24 to 48 hours to decrease swelling.
Move a burned leg or arm normally to
keep the burned skin from healing too
tightly, which can limit movement.
Third degree
Third-degree burns
– Destroys entire skin layer
– Burn is gray-white or black
Third degree
Third degree
Third degree
Third degree
Third degree
Third degree
Third degree
Third degree
Third degree treatment
A third-degree burn is also referred to as a
full thickness burn. This type of burn
destroys the outer layer of skin
(epidermis) and the entire layer beneath
(the dermis).
Third degree treatment
Third degree burns should always be
evaluated immediately in the emergency
Third degree treatment
Treatment for full thickness, third-degree
burns will depend on the severity of the
burn. Burn severity is determined by the
amount of body surface area that has
been affected. The burn severity will be
determined by your child's doctor.
Treatment for third-degree burns may
include the following:
Third degree treatment
Early cleaning and debriding (removing
dead skin and tissue from the burned
area). This procedure can be done in a
special bathtub in the hospital or as a
surgical procedure.
Intravenous (IV) fluids containing
Intravenous (IV) or oral antibiotics
if your child develops an infection
Third degree treatment
Antibiotic ointments or creams
A warm, humid environment for the
Nutritional supplements and a highprotein diet
Pain medicine
Skin grafting (may be needed to
close the wound)
Reconstructive surgery
Tetanus shot