Transcript ppsx

1. Assign students to groups of 3 or 4. Have each group draw the name of their planet/moon from
a hat. To cover 8 planets, our moon, the sun, and some of the larger moons of other planets,
they will share the presentations with each class through the videotaped commercials and
2. Their exploratory trip will actually involve 2 days of library research. During this time they may
NOT use encyclopedias. They should discover basic information and interesting facts about
their planet/moon that would be important to the tourists. Some of these include but are not
limited to: Size; distance from Earth; day/night length; length of year; average temperature
(day/night); atmospheric composition and characteristics; surface composition, characteristics,
and geology; number of moons and if they make good side trips (briefly describe); and any
information that makes the body unique or special.
3. The next 2 days are spent planning their commercial and creating their brochure. The teacher
can provide material to help create these. NASA will provide information if it is requested. Web
sites contain many pictures and much information.
4. For the brochure, fold a large piece of construction paper into thirds to make a booklet.
Samples of travel brochures from the local tourism bureau are helpful to have on hand.
5. Criteria for the commercial are as follows: All students must participate; it must be creative-have them think about what commercials hold their interests; must last between one and two
minutes; must have visual aids; must communicate relevant information.
6. On day 5, return to library to videotape the commercials. While one group is taping, the others
are “checking out” the brochures as a study method and taking notes. The commercial is 1-2
minutes in length and all group members must participate in some way.
7. Show to all classes as a lesson on the solar system. They should take notes. Show each
commercial twice and have the group answer questions if they are in that class; if not, the
teacher may answer their questions.
8. The students rate each commercial on a scale of 1-5 for entertainment value. This will be used
as part of the grade for this project.
Solar System
Travel Company
By Karen Williams
Elkins Middle School
Teaching Suggestions
Safety Note