Unit 3 Non-Caloric Nutrients Powerpoint
Transcript Unit 3 Non-Caloric Nutrients Powerpoint
Unit 3 Non-Caloric
Chapter 8
A vitamin is an essential nutrient needed in tiny amounts to
regulate body processes
No Calories= No Energy
The amount of vitamins of all types needed each day in
order to be healthy is equal to 1/8 teaspoon
There are 13 known vitamins
Fat Soluble vs. Water Soluble
Fat Soluble
Water Soluble
Vitamins A, D, E, and K
Body does not store
Stored in fat
Excesses are excreted in
Advantage: Don’t have to
be consumed everyday
Disadvantage: Toxicity can
result if amounts of these
vitamins that are stored
become too large
Toxicity can ONLY occur
from supplement use, not
from consuming vitamin rich
Advantage: It is rare to
have a toxic level of these
Disadvantage: Deficiencies
are more common
Must be consumed
Nonvitamins & Nonnutrients
Have vitamin-like qualities but are not vital to human life
Phytochemicals: Health enhancing compounds in plants foods
that are active in the body’s cells
Examples: Flavonoids, Carotenoids, Lycopene
May help prevent heart disease and some forms of cancer
Probiotics: “good” microorganisms that help counterbalance the
“bad” microorganisms in the intestinal tract
Examples: found in yogurt
May help boost immune system and bowel regularity
Prebiotics: Non-digestible food ingredients that stimulate growth
of good microorganisms in the colon
Examples: whole grains, onions, bananas, garlic, honey
Vitamin Supplements
In the US people spend billions of dollars on vitamin supplements
each year, but is it necessary?
Supplements are not a cure-all and especially do not make-up for
a poor diet
The only symptoms a vitamin supplement relieves are those
caused by a lack of that vitamin
Example: a thiamin supplement will relieve symptoms of beriberi
Some groups of people may need supplements to augment their
Pregnant and breast-feeding women
Infants, older adults, or people who are ill or recovering from surgery
Few people outside of these groups need vitamin supplements
Vitamin Supplements
If you decide to take a vitamin supplement, it is
good to be knowledgeable on what your options
are and how it will affect you:
Pill, liquid, or powder forms
Natural vs. Synthetic forms
Be understanding of dosage
Preserving Vitamins in Foods
Many vitamins are unstable
Careless food storage practices and certain
cooking techniques can destroy some vitamins
Refer to hand-out
Unit 3 Non-Caloric
Chapter 9
Nutrients needed in small amounts to perform various functions in
the body
No calories=No Energy
Minerals in nutrition are the same as those listed on the periodic
table of elements
Minerals serve a variety of complex functions such as:
Helping enzymes complete chemical reactions
Becoming part of body components such as teeth and bones
Aiding normal nerve functioning and muscle contraction
Promoting growth
Regulating acid-base balance
Maintain body fluid balance
Macrominerals vs. Microminerals
Also called major minerals
Also called trace minerals
Required in the diet in
amounts of 100 or more
milligrams per day
Required in amounts of less
than 100 milligrams per day
Mineral Values of Foods
The most concentrated food sources of
minerals are meat, fish, and poultry
Plant foods are rich in minerals, yet they
provide a less concentrated form
Processing decreases mineral values of foods
so consuming fresh fruits and vegetables,
whole grains, meat, poultry, and dairy products
will provide the necessary minerals your body
Mineral Absorption and Availability
You absorb about half of the minerals you
consume, the rest is excreted in body waste
Excess minerals in the body can be toxic, while
deficiencies can cause illness
Absorption problems happen when people take
supplements so avoid them unless a doctor or
registered dietician has advised you to do so
Example: excess zinc can hinder the absorption of
iron and copper
Conserving Minerals in Foods
Minerals are not as fragile as vitamins
Unaffected by heat or enzyme activity
Minerals can be lost when foods are washed or cooked in
Avoid soaking foods when cleaning them
Cook foods using a small amount of water
Retain minerals that have leached into cooking water by
using it to make sauces, soups, and gravies
Vitamins & Minerals Lab
Goal of the Lab:
Create a dish that supplies a variety of vitamins and
minerals (you will have to identify them and their source)
Choose a way of preparing your recipe that preserves
the HIGHEST amount of vitamins and minerals (you will be
required to explain this process)
Use your notes and “Effects of Cooking on Vitamins”
hand-out to make sure you are following these
Unit 3 Non-Caloric
Chapter 10
Water: What is it good for?
Humans can live without food for 8-10 weeks
Humans can live without water for only a few
Why Drink Water?
Team Competition
Each team be given 2 lap tops and will have 25 minutes to complete the following tasks
Research on WebMD EVERYTHING there is about the nutritional aspects of water. This may include but
is not limited to:
Functions in the body
How much do we need?
Health benefits of consuming water
What sources provide our bodies with water?
Water loss in the body and dehydration
Bottled water vs. Tap Water
Ways to get more water in our diets
Go to www.WebMD.com and type “7 Healthy Wonders of Water” in the search box and
click on the link. It will take you to a screen that you can navigate around to find information
If the information has to do with your body you will write it next to the correct spot on your
“Water Body.” If it is a fact about water you can place it into the “Water Facts” droplet on
the back of that same sheet
Your Goal: Find the MOST nutritional information about water
Water Wise
Team Competition
Each team will be given a set of notecards
Using the information you learned about the nutritional aspects of
water, create questions to “quiz” the other teams
Each notecard should have 1 question on one side and the answer on
the other
Please place your team # on your cards
You will have 25 minutes to come up with as many questions as you
can. Do not let the other teams over hear your questions or answers
Once the 25 minutes is up, I will collect your cards
Water Wise
Team Competition
Rules of the Game:
I will ask one question at a time from the cards each team created. They
will be at random. The team that created the question will NOT be able to
The first group to Buzz in with the correct answer will receive 50 points. If you
provide an incorrect answer, the team that wrote the question will receive
10 points.
If no teams provide a correct answer, the team that created the question
will receive 50 points.
You may use your water information sheets to find answers to these