Lecture ?. Java Exception Handling

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Transcript Lecture ?. Java Exception Handling

Java Programming
Lecture 3.3.
Java Exception Handling
Cheng-Chia Chen
Transparency No. 1-1
Basic Java Syntax
Traditional approach to program errors/exceptions
Java’s exception handling
The try statement
Exception propagation
The catch clause
The finally clause
Transparency No. 1-2
Basic Java Syntax
Unexpected conditions which may arise during program execution
 called exceptions
 Examples:
 System file or i/o errors, disk full or unavailable, socket connection
 Program file or i/o errors, unexpected EOF, file not found.
 Programmer errors, array subscript out of bounds,
 System errors, unable to load class file, problems with JVM.
 Traditional approach to exceptions:
 mechanism: return value indicating occurrence of exceptions + special
error_code variable storing exact type or details of errors
 problems:
 1. Exceptions are not forced to be handled and error checking may be
ignored entirely.
 2. difficult to deal with when there are many types of exceptions that
need to be handled.
Transparency No. 1-3
Basic Java Syntax
Example 1:
// this call may raise exceptions
dbh = dbm_open(dbname, 0, GDBM_WRCREAT, … );
// check/handle all possible exceptions raised from previous call.
if (dbh == NULL) { // NULL indicates exceptions
logTime(); // error code stored in dbm_errno
const char *ret = dbm_strerror(dbm_errno);
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR Unable to open database: %s.\n", ret);
return -1;
Transparency No. 1-4
Basic Java Syntax
Example 2:
num = write(fd, buffer, ioSize);
if (num == -1) {
if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
// This condition is unlikely, however, if the internal system buffers
// fill it may occur. In this case, do nothing and retry later.
fprintf(stderr,"WARNING unable to write on fd: %d without blocking.\n", fd);
return 0;
else {
logError("ERROR error writing to fd");
clearErrorFd(fd, fdState);
return 0;
Transparency No. 1-5
Basic Java Syntax
Problems found from both examples
1. programmer must remember to check for errors each time a
statement which can potentially raise a exception is executed.
 ex1: if-statement after the first dbm_open() call.
 ex2: if-statement after the first write() call.
 error handling codes interleaved with normal program statements =>
reduces the readability and maintainability of the code.
2. different ways of representing error codes / error messages with
different global error variables. The programmer must be able to
remember all inconsistant error indications of each function.
 ex1: null => exception; error code put on dbm_errono
 ex2: -1 => exception; error code put on errorno.
 same value in errorno and dbm_errono represent different errors.
Transparency No. 1-6
Basic Java Syntax
Java’s Exceptions
 An exception is an object that describes an unusual or
erroneous situation
 Exceptions are thrown by a program, and may be
caught and handled by another part of the program
 A program can therefore be separated into a normal
execution flow and an exception execution flow
 An error is also represented as an object in Java, but
usually represents a unrecoverable situation and
should not be caught
Transparency No. 1-7
Basic Java Syntax
Exception Handling
 A program can deal with an exception in one of three
 ignore it
 handle it where it occurs
 handle it an another place in the program
 The manner in which an exception is processed is an
important design consideration
Transparency No. 1-8
Basic Java Syntax
Exception Handling
 If an exception is ignored by the program, the program
will terminate and produce an appropriate message
 The message includes a call stack trace that indicates
on which line the exception occurred
 The call stack trace also shows the method call trail that
lead to the execution of the offending line
 See Zero.java
Transparency No. 1-9
Basic Java Syntax
Java’s call stack on executing Zero
public class Zero {
static int divide(int x,int y)
{ return x/y;
// exception occurs here
 java
 java.lang.ArithmeticExce
/ by zero
 at
public static void main(String[]  at Zero.main(Zero.java:8)
args) {
int x = 10;
int y = 0;
( divide(x,y)); // and here
} // method main
} // class Zero
Transparency No. 1-10
Basic Java Syntax
The try Statement
 To process an exception when it occurs, the line that
throws the exception is executed within a try block
 A try block is followed by one or more catch clauses,
which contain code to process an exception
 Each catch clause has an associated exception type
 When an exception occurs, processing continues at the
first catch clause that matches the exception type
 See Product.java
Transparency No. 1-11
Basic Java Syntax
import java.io.*;
public class Product {
public static void main (String[] args) {
int x = UserReader.readInt(“Enter a number: ");
int y = UserReader.readInt("Enter another number: ");
System.out.println ("The product is: " + x*y );
} // method main
} // class Adding
class UserReader {
public static int readInt (String prompt) {
BufferedReader stdin = new BufferedReader
(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
int number = 0;
boolean valid = false;
Transparency No. 1-12
Basic Java Syntax
while (! valid) {
System.out.print (prompt); System.out.flush ();
try { // statements possibly throwing exceptions put here!!
number = Integer.parseInt (stdin.readLine());
valid = true;
} catch (NumberFormatException exception) {
System.out.println ("Invalid input. Try again.");
} catch (IOException exception) {
System.out.println ("Input problem. Terminating.");
return number;
} // method readInt
} // class UserReader
Transparency No. 1-13
Basic Java Syntax
Exception Propagation
 If it is not appropriate to handle the exception where it
occurs, it can be handled at a higher level
 Exceptions propagate up through the method calling
hierarchy until they are caught and handled or until they
reach the outermost level
 A try block that contains a call to a method in which an
exception is thrown can be used to catch that exception
 See PropagationDemo.java
Transparency No. 1-14
Basic Java Syntax
public class Propagation {
static public void main (String[] args) {
ExceptionScope demo = new ExceptionScope();
System.out.println("program beginning");
System.out.println("program ending");
} // method main
} // class Propagation
class ExceptionScope {
public void level3 (int a) {
int c = 1;
System.out.println("level3 beginning");
current = c / a; // divided by zero
System.out.println("level3 ending");
} // method level3
Transparency No. 1-15
Basic Java Syntax
public void level2() {
System.out.println("level2 beginning");
level3 (0);
System.out.println("level2 ending");
} // method level2
public void level1() {
System.out.println("level1 beginning");
try {
} catch (ArithmeticException p) {
System.out.println (p.getMessage());
System.out.println("level1 ending");
} // method level1
} // class ExceptionScope
Transparency No. 1-16
Basic Java Syntax
Exception propagation
main() :
level2() :
level1() :
try{ …
level2() …}
catch(ArithmeticException p)
{…} ….
level3() :
c = c / 0; // divided by zero
normal flow
exception flow
Transparency No. 1-17
Basic Java Syntax
Types of Exceptions
 An exception is either checked or unchecked
 A checked exception can only be thrown within a try
block or within a method that is declared (at the throwsclause of the method header) to throw that exception
 The compiler will complain if a checked exception is not
handled appropriately
 An unchecked exception does not require explicit
handling, though it could be processed that way
 In previous example, ArithmeticException is an unchecked
exception, hence it need not be declared even it is not
catched at method level3() and level2().
Transparency No. 1-18
Basic Java Syntax
The throw Statement
 A programmer can define an exception by extending the
appropriate class
 Exceptions are thrown using the throw statement:
throw exception-object;
 See ThrowDemo.java
 Usually a throw statement is nested inside an if
statement that evaluates the condition to see if the
exception should be thrown
Transparency No. 1-19
Basic Java Syntax
import java.io.IOException;
public class ThrowDemo {
public static void main (String[] args) throws MyExp {
MyExp p = new MyExp ("Alert!");
throw p;
// execution never gets to this point
} // method main
} // class ThrowDemo
class MyExp extends IOException {
MyExp (String message) {
super (message);
} // constructor Ooops
} // class Ooops
Transparency No. 1-20
Basic Java Syntax
The finally Clause
 A try statement can have an optional clause designated
by the reserved word finally
 If no exception is generated, the statements in the
finally clause are executed after the statements in the
try block complete
 Also, if an exception is generated, the statements in the
finally clause are executed after the statements in the
appropriate catch clause complete
Transparency No. 1-21
Basic Java Syntax
The finally Clause
 Exception Handling:
try {
code that may generate exception;
} catch (Exception1 e1) {
code to handle exception of type Exception1;
} catch( ….
} catch (ExceptionN eN) {
code to handle exception of type ExceptionN;
} finally {
code that are guaranteed to be executed before (normally or
abnormally) leaving this try-catch statement;
Transparency No. 1-22
Basic Java Syntax
(Part of) the Exception Hierarchy
Object Throwable 
 Eorror :
 LinkageError, ThreadDeath, VirtualMachineError, AWTError
 Exception:
 RunTimeError
 Note: Checked exception must be either catched or declared at the throwsclause of the method header.
 All Throwable but Error and RuntimeException are checked Exceptions.
Transparency No. 1-23
Basic Java Syntax
What can we get from an Exception
 Constructor Summary
 Throwable() : Constructs a new Throwable with null as its error message string.
 Throwable([ [String msg] [, Throwable cause ]]) : Constructs a new Throwable with
the specified error message and/or cause.
 Method Summary
Throwable fillInStackTrace() :
Fills in the execution stack trace.
getLocalizedMessage() : Creates a localized description of this Throwable.
getMessage() : Returns the error message string of this throwable object.
Throwable getCause();
printStackTrace(), printStackTrace(PrintStream s),
printStackTrace(PrinterWriter s) :
Prints this Throwable and its backtrace to the
standard error stream or s.
 StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() void setStackTraceElement(StackTrace[])
 String toString() : Returns a short description of this throwable object.
 Constructors: Exception(), Exception(String).
 All methods are inherited from Throwable.
Transparency No. 1-24
Basic Java Syntax
 An element in a stack trace, as returned by Throwable.getStackTrace().
 Each element represents a single stack frame.
 All stack frames except for the one at the top of the stack represent a method
 The frame at the top of the stack represents the the execution point at which the stack
trace was generated.
 Typically, this is the point at which the throwable corresponding to the stack trace
was created.
 Methods
boolean equals(Object obj)
String getClassName()
int getLineNumber()
String getMethodName()
int hashCode()
boolean isNativeMethod()
Transparency No. 1-25