Transcript PowerPoint

Garbage Collection and Classloading
Java Garbage Collectors
Eden Space
Surviver Space
Tenured Gen
Perm Gen
Garbage Collection Notes
Classloader Family Tree
The Rules of Classloading
Custom Classloading
Breaking the Rules
Java Garbage Collectors 1/2
There are two basic types of Garbage Collector
Stop the world garbage-collectors
Non-blocking garbage-collectors
All threads are suspended
Garbage collection is performed
All threads are re-started
Execution is sometimes suspended for a short time before
garbage collection is actually performed
Java has 4 memory spaces or “heaps”
Objects are allocated, and promoted from one space to
the other, the longer they live
Java Garbage Collectors 2/2
There are 3 different “Generations” in Java
Young Generation, divided into 3 spaces
Tenured Generation
Eden Space
Surviver From Space
Surviver To Space
For objects that are in current use
Perm Generation
For VM objects and byte-code
The VM's “Main” thread
The System Classloader
Eden Space 1/4
All Objects and primitives are allocated here
Uses a “copy” garbage-collector
Copy is a stop-the-world collector
Two equal sized heaps
Allocate all data into the “active” heap
When the active heap is full, copy the live objects into
the inactive heap
The inactive heap becomes the inactive heap
Eden space is the smallest heap
This means that Eden space is frequently garbage
Eden Space 2/4
Advantages of a copy garbage collector
Very simple form of collection
Simple means it's fast
It has a “stack and compact” effect
Data is always allocated on top of the heap
When garbage collection occurs: all the live objects are
compacted to the bottom of the heap
It's stop-the-world, nothing can execute while
collection is happening
Uses 2 heaps, and so double the memory
Eden Space 3/4 (Copy Collection)
Allocate Object
Copy active
Stop the world
Allocate Object
Active Heap is Full
Swap Active Heap
Restart the world
Eden Space 4/4 (Summary)
Because Eden space is small, it is garbage
collected often
Eden space uses a stop the world garbage
collector, but is very fast and so no effect is really
visible on application performance
Eden space may grow to accommodate larger or
more objects
Both heaps will always be kept to the same size
After garbage-collection, all remaining objects are
moved to “Surviver Space”
Surviver Space 1/2
Contains objects that “survived” the Eden space
Objects that are not garbage-collected by the Eden
space collector
Surviver Space is treated the same as Eden space
and is also a Copy based garbage-collector
Surviver Space is larger than Eden space, and is
tuned to flush out the short-lived objects that
“escaped” collection in Eden space
Surviver Space 2/2
Surviver Space is divided into 2 parts
From Space – Treated much the same as Eden space
To Space – Where objects that survive Eden, and From
Space are allocated to
When the To space is filled with objects
The To space is garbage collected
The remaining objects are promoted to the “Tenured
Tenured Gen
When Surviver To Space is filled up, the live
objects are promoted to Tenured Gen
Tenured Gen is collected with a “mark-sweepcompact” Garbage Collector
Most “long lived” objects exist in Tenured space
Garbage Collection of Tenured space causes a very
short pause of execution to determine the “root”
Tenured space is Garbage Collected by default
when it is 68% full
Tenured Gen 2/3
The “mark-sweep-compact” Garbage Collector
only pauses execution to find the “root” objects
The Garbage Collector traverses the object graph
from the root objects while execution continues
Root objects are those that are directly accessible by
one or more currently executing thread
Objects that are traversed over are marked as active
Objects that are not marked will be garbage collected
The Garbage Collector doesn't move objects
during execution, so “holes” are left in the heap
Tenured Gen 3/3
When no more objects can be allocated into the
Tenured Gen it does a “stop the world” collection
All threads are suspended
The Garbage Collector runs
Remaining objects are reshuffled to be at the bottom of
the heap
Threads are re-started
Tenured Gen is the largest space
It takes the longest to Garbage Collect
It is to large for a “copy” Garbage Collector
The “mark-sweep-compact” collector operates early
Perm Gen
Perm Gen is the “permanent” space in the VM
Used to store class byte-codes
The Virtual Machine's “Main” thread
Reflection objects
You can generally assume that Perm Gen is never
Garbage Collected
This causes problems with ClassLoaders, since each
ClassLoader may load it's own copy of a single class
The most visible symptom is an
OutOfMemoryException from application servers
Garbage Collection Notes
Primitives in Java are not references
Local variable “slots” are re-used by the compiler
to reduce the number of variables
Java 1.6 further optimizes Garbage Collection by
having the compiler hint at when to Garbage
Collect certain variables (scoping)
The Garbage Collectors are very well tuned to
most situations, but can be tuned using options
The JConsole gives a good overview of memory
usage and can also monitor a remote VM
Garbage Collection End
Questions and Coffee Break
Classloader Family Tree
The Rules of Classloading
Custom Classloading
Breaking the Rules
Classloader Family Tree 1/2
Bootstrap Classloader is used to load the
System ClassLoader
SystemClassLoader is used to load all other classes
All Classes have a parent ClassLoader
 Any Class accessed by the Class is requested from it's
parent ClassLoader
 The parent ClassLoader always loaded the class
Each ClassLoader also has a parent
ClassLoader, this is normally the parent
ClassLoader of the Class that instantiated the
ClassLoader Family Tree 2/2
ClassLoaders can access the Classes of their
parent ClassLoader, but not of their child
 Think about the relationship between a normal Class
and it's parent ClassLoader
System ClassLoader
Custom ClassLoader
Custom Child ClassLoader
The Rules of ClassLoading 1/2
Override the findClass method rather than
If overriding loadClass: call super.loadClass
before attempting to resolve the Class yourself
This ensures that “java.*” packages cannot be
Also helps conserves memory by making sure that a
minimal set of Classes are loaded at any given time
ClassLoaders should also implement the
findResource method for getClass().getResource
The Rules of ClassLoading 2/2
Classes are always loaded using the loadClass
The default implementation resolves the class by:
1.Invoke ClassLoader.findLoadedClass(String) to check
if the class has already been loaded.
2.Invoke the loadClass method on the parent class
loader. If the parent is null the class loader built-in to
the virtual machine is used, instead.
3.Invoke the findClass(String) method to find the class.
Custom ClassLoading 1/2
public class CustomClassLoader extends ClassLoader {
private File directory;
protected Class<?>
findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
classFileName = name.replace('.', '/') + “.class”;
File classFile =
new File(directory, classFileName);
|| !classFile.isFile()) {
throw new
} else {
try {
byte[] bytecode = new
FileInputStream fin = new
length =;
Custom ClassLoading 2/2
As you can see, custom ClassLoading is very
Caching of already loaded class is done in loadClass
Finding alternative Class's is done in loadClass
Verification of bytecodes is done in defineClass
All you do is load the bytecode into an array and pass
it to defineClass
To access a class loaded with a custom
ClassLoader, use loadClass(fullClassName) and
normal reflection to construct the object
Breaking the Rules
Breaking the ClassLoading rules allows you to
override standard and already-loaded Class's
To break the rules, you will generally override the
loadClass(String, boolean) method of ClassLoader
Allows you to override standard API's
Don't call super.loadClass
Allows you to overwrite already loaded classes
Don't make a call to findLoadedClass
The old bytecode will exist so long as there is still a
reference to an object of the old type
If there are any?