Transcript 01/07/13

CSCI 2141:
Intro to Databases
Winter 2013
Dr. Kirstie Hawkey
Who am I?
Assistant Professor
Undergrad Committee (advisor)
Dalhousie, UBC, Dalhousie
Research: Human-Computer Interaction, Usable Privacy &
Security, Visual Analytics, Mobile Graphics
Room 225 Goldberg (also office in Mona Campbell)
Office hours: typically Mon & Fri, 10:30-12:30
[email protected]
Course Website
 Syllabus
 Resources
 Slides
 Assignments/Project
Current is self-study
New course starting Jan 15th
Taught by Stanford’s Dr. Jennifer Widom (of the text book
Sign up
I will assign videos from time to time
Exercises, assignments, exams offer practice
Nice mapping of how info is covered in the various text books
… and that certificate if you want another piece of paper!
What we will cover
Database (DB) components
DB design using entity-relationship (relational, object
Transactional properties and techniques to support them
Take a look at some of the emerging database trends
Distributed databases, cloud computing, big data, semistructured data models, NoSQL
Project: MySQL + web interface
My philosophy
Talking heads only go so far
Need to think and try and explain and practice to truly
Assignments are primarily to help you learn, evaluation is
Can do in groups (up to 3 people)
Marked for completeness (50%) and correctness (50%) for a subset
of questions
Quick turnaround of answers
Project will give you some real world experience implementing
DB concepts
Tests will ask you to explain and apply the concepts learned
Pop quizzes let me see how you are doing, encourage you to keep up
We will go over the answers in the class after the quiz
Why databases? Why this course?
Required course? (BCS, Binf, BSc)
Prerequisite for: 3151 Web Intelligence, 3172 Web Centric
Computing, 3190 Community Outreach, 4140 Advanced DB
Systems, Co-op
Career path?
Career beacon
Hidden career path…
We are all end users
For the next class
Sign up for the db class on coursera
Watch the intro video
Familiarize yourself with the resources
Choose a secondary information source
Textbook, website (share with me!), coursera ….
Come prepared with tales of poor DB design
Home depot