Transcript Slide 1

Open-source Java-based UML tool
designed for teaching and creating the
Unified Modeling Language
Allows Users to perform the following:
 Draw UML diagrams
 Export diagrams to eps,pdf,jpg,etc.
 Share diagrams using Eclipse
 Create new custom UML elements
Main Pane:
Used for creating the UML,
Use Cases, Sequence
Diagrams, etc.
Right Pane:
A Series of components for:
State Diagrams
Sequence Diagrams
Use Cases
Text Area to configure each component
Who Created UMLet?
Dr. Martin Auer
Project Lead
PhD in computer science (Vienna University of Technology)
Lectures at Vienna University of Technology
T. Tschurtschenthaler
some grad student at Vienna University of Technology
Dr. Stefan Biffl
PhD in computer science (Vienna University of Technology)
Associate Professor at Vienna University of Technology
Why Was UMLet Created?
Common UML toolkits are complicated
and expensive
 Common UML toolkits are not easy to
use to create quick UML diagrams
 Common UML toolkits are platform
How is UMLet Different?
 Simple to Use
 Portable (java based)
 Easy to deploy
 Lightweight
Same audience
 Quick and easy to create UML diagrams
 Intended for students, teachers, etc.
Both written in Java and able to be run in
 Violet – more user friendly layout
 UMLet – more customization
 Open-source Java-based UML tool
designed for teaching and creating the
Unified Modeling Language
XML to PDF Translator
 Common framework for Java server
 SVG Library
 Validating XML parser for Java with
DOM level 3 support
 OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)
 OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Zoom in/out as well zoom into a user
defined box
Proposed by: Miguel, Sarfaraz
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Be able to drag an element from the menu
into the main workspace
Proposed by: Jonathan
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Double clicking the tab bar will add a new
workspace tab. Also, multiple tabs need
to be able to be created when requested
Proposed by: Bryant
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Create an 'Insert Element' menu in both
taskbar and right click menu. The menu
will sort all of the elements into groups
Proposed by: David
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Dock and un-dock menus from the main
Proposed by: Alex
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Add copy/paste/cut etc. to right click menu
Proposed by: David
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Generate a Print Preview
Proposed by: Graham
Requirements – GUI TEAM
Customizable workspace borders
Proposed by: Fatimah
Requirements – CODE TEAM 1
Prior to UML to Code generation, a GUI
menu will ask the user their preferences
for the generation. This includes the
desired language and the inclusion of
get/set methods, default constructors,
comments, to string method, additional
imports, and packet structure
Proposed by: Joseph, Sean
Requirements – CODE TEAM 1
Conversion of code to UML diagrams
Proposed by: Jason
Requirements – CODE TEAM 2
Generate specific parts of code from a
UML diagram
Proposed by: Jason